Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, it is with great joy that I come here. We are not ending anything. There is no such interruption in time for us, but we know it is a moment of celebration and great joy for this planet. What can we say about this New Time that is about to begin? We cannot say that you will be 100% happy. Happiness will depend on how each of you will face your path of evolution.
Along the path of your souls, you have been accumulating a lot of things: feelings, actions, a lot of things; in each incarnation, some were eliminated, learned, and others reinforced. We must remember to point out that new ones also popped up. In each lifetime, you carried some suitcases, but you never knew what was inside them. You only knew that there were teachings and actions to be corrected. Your masters were in charge of making situations happen so that some of these suitcases would be opened and thrown away, eliminated from your path. Those that remained or the new ones that appeared went to the next incarnation.
And so it has been happening over time. You are on the threshold of a New Time and changes. All those suitcases brought in over time are there now; there will be no more looking ahead. They have to be opened and disposed of now. How can we say that the time to come will be a time of happiness? There is no way to tell. It will depend on each one’s journey; it will depend on how many suitcases you have already opened, solved, learned, and eliminated. If you have been doing this work, you will have to open just a few. Now, if you refuse to do this work, if you think it is useless if you think it will lead nowhere, the suitcases are there.
Now, something is exciting about these suitcases: they belong to you. Each belongs to its owner, and the next ship, aircraft, or train, no matter what vehicle you take to the Fifth Dimension, has no place for suitcases. It’s an individual vehicle that fits only you. But how will it be if all the bags are there? It is as if each one is strapped to your wrist; wherever you go, you carry them. Each one is only released after you open it, look at it with love, and then learn from it because there is a situation to be grasped there.
So don’t fool yourselves into believing that you will enter the Fifth Dimension full of suitcases. They all need to be eliminated; not one, not even a little one, can’t be left. What do I mean by this? It will depend on your actions and choices the time that will come, it doesn’t matter if it’s next year, the year after that, or the year after that, when those suitcases are gone. So that’s all I can say.
Everyone’s journey in the future will depend on the decisions and choices made. Choices well made, suitcases eliminated, path light, because there are no suitcases to pull. So there is no way I can say here that the coming year will be fantastic, unique, and evolutionary. There is no way I can say all humanity will wake up and accept what we say; I wouldn’t know any of this.
First, those awakened need to eliminate your suitcases, and those on their way to awakening will be aware of the bags you have. Then each one will have a path to follow. There is no way to generalize, and there is no way to say that everything will be the same for everybody. And everything that will happen will depend on the energy of the Whole, not just one. You may have those who will eliminate all their suitcases within months and be ready for ascension. And you will have those who will still take many years to get rid of their bags.
So what happens next year, as you say, will depend on each one’s path; it will be an individual path. Humanity will make a difference. Of course, it will, but each one will follow the chosen way. Each one will take advantage of the opportunities and events with love or revolt. So I insist once again: what will happen in the coming years will depend on the path of each individual. It will no longer be the decision of the Whole. Each one, from now on, will make choices, eliminating their suitcases and going towards ascension, or keeping them and creating new ones.
Many things will happen that will affect humanity as a whole. Now how each one will view the events is inherent to each one. Some will accept it with an open heart; others will carry it with some reservations; others will take nothing. They will revolt; others will go crazy; others will kill themselves; others will go their way and leave the planet.
So what will happen to you? There is no way of knowing. Your choices, feelings, and vibrations will carry you forward or not; they will release you from your bags. So we are coming to a time when the Whole no longer commands anything. The one who will control the paths will be you, choosing your ways, not the Whole, that no longer influences anything. So now the moment has come when each must look at himself and choose a path of evolution.
Of course, many things will affect the planet as a whole, but I repeat, each one will react differently. So we are no longer dependent on the All to do anything. Everything will follow what was planned, regardless of humanity’s reactions. We are moving very fast towards the total ascension of the planet. So we need to start preparing them to go along. We can no longer stay in this situation: “No, we don’t do anything because you don’t vibrate!”. It doesn’t exist anymore. It doesn’t matter anymore about the vibration of humanity.
Everything is now going according to plan, regardless of your actions. We now begin the ascension program. Those who want to come with us will arrive; those who don’t, don’t come, they will leave. So this awaits you in the coming years: the paths that will effectively lead you to ascension. Now it will be up to each one to choose: to follow this path at any cost, at any price, believing, changing, and vibrating only Light, or not. It will be up to each one’s choice, no longer humanity’s.
So if I can give you a suggestion for what you’re going to ask for next year, vibrate Light. When you vibrate Light, you attract abundance, health, prosperity, joy, and all the feelings associated with Light. So you don’t have to keep talking one by one, ask, “May I vibrate and live in the Light!” It is simple, a single phrase, but with great power. However, it should be said from the heart because when it happens, it becomes powerful; you turn into a ball of Light. So vibrate from the heart that you are Light and want to live in the Light. Vibrate only Light. That’s all it takes; the rest will come without you noticing. Only joy.
Will it be only joys? Make no mistake, because the bags are still there. To experience only cheer, you must have eliminated your suitcases. Of course, to do so, there is always a dose of suffering and a problem to be overcome. Believe you are Light. Being Light, you can open the suitcases and eliminate them, one by one, and the day will come when you will effectively be free. And then you will vibrate only joy, love, and prosperity.
I bless you. Please don’t be shy to ask our help to remove each of your suitcases.