Sananda – How to Emanate Light

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Once again, my presence here is a source of great joy, because at this moment I can lead you into a greater space of Light.

My sons and daughters, continue your journey. Make all the agreements you made when you incarnated on this planet count. All your souls knew the role you would play at this time. It’s not a simple role, but it’s not a role that could cause you problems, nor could it bring danger to your physical integrity. And what role would that be? Emanating Light. That’s it.

You just need to be focused on something at the moment of emanation. Think about something. Focus on it. We’ve always said here that whatever you focus on, you increase, you feed that energy; whether it’s good energy or bad energy. So focus on something.

Do you want to emanate Light? Very well. Then have in front of you a photo or something that can represent the size of the universe that you want to emanate this Light. Look at this paper or photo or image for at least 5 minutes. Your brain will retain every detail. You may not save it, but your Higher Self will certainly be accumulating that image. And the moment you finish the 5 minutes, you can close your eyes and prepare for the emanation of Light, and your Higher Self will see to it that all the light emanating from you will go to that focus you have observed.

Is it difficult, my sons and daughters? No, it’s not. “Emanating Light without having a focus is bad, doesn’t it work?” Of course it’s not bad, and of course it works. Because you simply emanate Light; and where does that light go? To your surroundings, to your home, and everything will depend on the power you’re emanating and the size of the halo you create around you. So it works too.

“Oh, but can I mentalize a place instead of looking at it?” That works too. I’m only putting this here for those who don’t usually focus on something for very long, whose minds chatter too much and who, at the moment of emanation, start thinking about various things and end up distancing themselves from the goal. By looking at a target for five minutes, keeping your focus on that target, your Higher Self believes that this is your intention. And even if your thoughts come and go during the emanation, you will still be emanating to that place, because your Higher Self will be putting all its energy there.

You will already have created a connection with that focus, and any energy you emanate will go to it. Of course, there is a caveat here. If at the moment of emanation you start to think: “Is it working? Am I doing it right? Will this help? Oh, I don’t think this will help”. In other words, if you have a lot of doubts, you’d better not even start, because you’ll interrupt your emanation of Light energy and you’ll be emanating more doubts, more shadows.

We’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again: Doubt is a product of the shadow. Those who doubt do not emanate Light. Doubt brings the shadow. Understand that. So stay focused, have faith and be sure that you’re doing it for the greater good. Oh, and another important point. “There is a difference between focusing on my building or focusing on the planet? Will the energy I love be greater or lesser?” No, it won’t; it will be identical.

It’s what I said: you’ve focused, you’ve intended, it’s your Higher Self who will emanate, who will conduct the energy, and through it all of us will be there together, emanating the necessary energy to the point you focus on. You won’t be the one emanating immense energy to the planet.It won’t be you who emanates a small amount of energy because it’s your building.There is no difference. Emanating Light is emanating Light, and it’s your intention that counts, your focus that counts. And we’ll make sure that all the energy gets to where it needs to go at the right power. You understand.

So don’t worry if emanating light to the planet will exhaust you. No, you will emanate the Light that your bodies have, no more and no less. When you focus: “I’m going to emanate Light”; your body has a gradient of Light, it has a quotient of Light, and it will be this conscious that will be emanated, no more, no less. And if you focus and give it to your Higher Self, it will attract us, so that we potentiate the energy you want. Do you understand?

So, there’s nothing more to say. Just be Light. Emanate Light. The little that each of you does from the heart will be a lot, and that’s not why everyone should only focus on the planet from now on. No. If you focus on your building, for example, how many people will you be enveloping in Light? Think about it. Start small. Emanate Light to your building, then to your neighborhood, then to your state, to your country, and then reach Gaia.

Each one doing a little bit, for the process, will never be a little bit. It will always be ideal to help the whole emanation of Light on the planet. Act, my sons and daughters. Fear nothing. Emanating Light is a wonderful thing for your souls.

Translated by: Letícia Balbino

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