Sananda – How to Look at Challenges

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

My heart always fills with joy when I can be here again with each of you.

The energies are strong and active. The consciousnesses are constantly transforming and expanding, and the truths are surfacing. Yet, your world seems like a total disequilibrium. At some points, Gaia’s nature seems angry, bringing suffering and pain to your concept. The message I want to leave today is regarding that.

The great majority of Souls living on this planet have been here for a long time. They’re not young souls on the earth. They’re old Souls who have passed through many epochs, through many Ages. And I can tell you that you genuinely don’t know what violence and pain are. A long time ago, that was the norm on your planet. The barbarities, wars, invasions, deaths, and actions against the human being were taken.

Thus, today you have much more consciousness. Society has created rules and evolved little by little, no longer allowing so many barbarities and wars. But if you look at your world, you can perceive that some things persist. Wars continue, violence continues, and barbarities continue. And why, if your society has evolved, if today some laws and rules theoretically should not allow anything of that anymore?

This is the last incarnation of the Third Dimension for these old souls on this planet. And all those Souls of impure hearts have had several incarnations so that they could acknowledge their flaws and learn the lessons. But there is the dark side, where some Souls have made pacts of never following the path of Light. Therefore, they incarnate, reincarnate, and continue being what they always have been, only adapting to the new rules but always cheating all of them, not allowing regulations to stop them.

And I can assure you that many have been learning for a long time; they chose not to incarnate anymore so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone anymore. But even with this process, many have stayed the same. Still, they have come in this incarnation on a last chance given by Father/Mother God to see what they have brought about throughout time and what could change. Many have managed, many have changed, and many are in the path of Light today, but some haven’t. Instead, they continue reverberating pain, evil, and suffering.

Each point on this planet has an egregore. Each city, each town, and each small group of people creates an egregore, which grows over time. You can’t see it, but today, if you would look at your planet as on a map, you wouldn’t see anything. You would only see dark balls over the whole surface of the earth. With that, I’m not saying that evil has won or is winning because these are thought forms; these are not the energy of the planet. The planet is two-thirds water; there are no humans there. Therefore, the planet’s energy is Light.

Now, each point of the planet has its egregore and its people, and this egregore changes according to the consciousness of the people. Yet, we are in a period of extreme change; we are in a period of evolution. There’s no more time to wait decades or millennia to clean these egregores and for these egregores to become Light.

Thus, many Souls are on the planet now and continue sowing evil. Therefore, many are going away, and many have lost their chance. And this will happen over the whole world. Gaia is not angry. There are numerous ways for us to collaborate and for several Souls to be removed at once. Then, many might ask: “But no one there has Light?”; of course not. Many there have Light, but many choose not to be here anymore. They have chosen not to pass through the process in the physical body.

Therefore, they are in the right place at the right time to assert their Souls’ choice. There’s no excessive suffering brought about by Father/Mother God. There are Soul’s choices. There is planet cleansing. No, the planet won’t be totally cleansed, so only Light Beings stay here. But I can assure you that wherever the concentration of evil is more significant, it will be cleaned so that the energy of Light can stand out on that point.

Therefore, you will see many ugly and sad things taking place. Souls need to go away and won’t go with a simple invitation. The moment has come for each one to be removed from the planet. And no, we’re not invading anyone’s free will. Each of the Souls that are going has made their choice. They’ve had the opportunity to choose and continue to choose evil. Therefore, the opportunity is over.

Nothing is being made without control. Father/Mother God is not like that. It is not vengeful, and it doesn’t punish anyone. Therefore, stop looking at what has happened on your planet and pleading with God. Why? Each one had a choice. Many have survived, and why? Because they have chosen to stay here. All wills are being respected. Stop looking at Father/Mother God as a being that has no Love for its children and that makes its children suffer. Father/Mother God is not doing anything. It is those souls’ choice. So be it.

Learn to look at everything with the eyes of Love, the eyes of consciousness, the eyes of understanding, and without judgment or criticism. Each Soul leaving at this moment now has made a choice, and this choice is being respected. Time is passing for you, and many don’t know about tomorrow, do you? I would say no. Therefore, do not contest, do not judge, and do not suffer the suffering of those who are there. Because each human being that goes through a severe problem has a lesson to be learned. It is a learning opportunity.

Do not regard anything as a punishment, and do not implore the heavens, asking God not to make anyone suffer because Father/Mother God doesn’t do that. Any suffering is a product of your choices. Father/Mother God doesn’t impose suffering on anyone. It is your Soul and mind’s choices that attract suffering. Therefore, vibrate Light. Do you want to help your brothers in need? Vibrate Light. Vibrate Light to that place on the planet so that that egregore may start to change, so that egregore may change the frequency.

Now, worry about the egregore of the place where you live. That’s what’s important. Emanate Light to the place you live, the building, the neighborhood, the city, the state, and the country. This is to be a Light traveler, the one who emanates Light. Instead of worrying about what’s happening far away, look to the place where you live. Emanate Light to it. In this way, you can change the world; as you usually say, stare at your navel and stop judging. Stop questioning Father/Mother God.

And to conclude, I want to say a few words regarding our Encounter, which will take place in May. Each happening is an opportunity. An opportunity? Yes, an opportunity for elevation, an opportunity for a union. It is also an opportunity for attitudes, demonstrating what you have learned over the journey; I can tell you: You still have a lot to learn.

Many think they are ready for the Fifth Dimension, and with certain attitudes that you still maintain, you would not even be able to find the way to reach it. It’s as if you were in the middle of a circle with several paths, and you must choose one, the one leading to the Fifth Dimension. And this path is relatively easy to find. Your heart must connect with it. And then I tell you that many of you are following the wrong way believing you are on the right path.

Many are asking themselves: “But what am I doing wrong?” This is the most straightforward question to be answered. You need only to look into your heart. But look with Love, with the humility to recognize that you are going through the wrong path. Then, indeed, I assure you that you will find the right way. But unfortunately, many of you need to be corrected. You think you are on the path, but I assure you, you still have a lot to learn to be able to connect with it.

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