Sananda-How We See the Awakening

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth, AM SANANDA!

My heart is filled with joy whenever I come here to convey a message. The whole process is moving forward: humanity and planet evolution. Many imagine this process to be a great show, such as something happening for all humankind to see; Lights in the sky indicating a new path, or explosions of Light happening across the globe. But many aren’t seeing any of it, and deep inside still believe that everything is at a standstill, that all promises were a big hoax, and that nothing is happening.

The great awakening–the great wave is at work on the planet. Ah! But didn’t you see it? Didn’t you see a big wave of Light coming? They haven’t seen it because their hearts aren’t yet ready. Those who are pure in heart, 100% pure, would definitely see it. But the vast majority haven’t seen it and won’t see it; a long journey is still necessary for you to reach this point.

Look at your world, the planet; look at the little happenings. Coincidence? For some, yes. Lights with no explanation in the heavens, for many, continue to be human devices placed; the vast majority prefer not to believe there is something they don’t know.

So what do you expect to see? Desperate humanity running through the streets, astonished, maddened by a great wave that is coming and that will sweep the entire planet? It wouldn’t be a process of Light — bringing more fear to humanity. It would never be a process of Father/Mother God. So many are wondering, but where are people going crazy, out of balance?

And I answer: how many people do you know on the planet? Millions gossip about other people’s lives daily, but do you know who they are? Okay, you have millions, but how many are on the planet? But you have control over everyone, don’t you? So, don’t ask silly questions because everyone lives with madness and challenges, and many don’t know how to deal with them. Because they are deep and, above all, they are ugly; they are thoughts that, for some, are unaffordable in their sanctity. Yes! Yes, many of you think you are holy and perfect; everything you do is for the benefit of others, no matter what it is.

Then the thoughts that come contrary to everything that you have done until today. No, this is not from the Light because I have always done everything with Love. Will it be? Either you did it out of interest, out of pride, or to be the one everyone should fawn over, and then your thoughts start to contest it all, and you don’t understand. You think you have some funny spirit putting things in your head.

This is the way of humanity, my sons and daughters; many people don’t know how to handle their own emotions because they’re ugly, they’re not what they thought they were, and people revolt and become more aggressive and violent because they can’t look inward. Then, I would say nothing is happening, right?

Because you want to see big wars; you want to see battles; you want to see people fighting in the middle of the street, to demonstrate that they are unbalanced, that the big wave has started.

The big wave is an awakening, an awakening to unconditional Love, an awakening to Christic Love, not for the mess, not for the violence; the violence will be the result of those who really want to keep it going on the planet. So I will tell you this: What are you looking for? What event are you waiting for, a miracle? Oh, I see; it would be a big wave that would sweep away from your minds and bodies everything you did wrong, and everyone would suddenly be ready to take a single step and be in the Fifth Dimension. That would be very easy, wouldn’t it? And the hearts and minds, what would happen to them? Would they be changed too?

So I’ll give you an example: You live in a world full of dust, so one day, you wake up and clean your houses, and they shine. But the next day, the dust is there again because that’s how your world is, polluted, full of dust, and you’ll have to clean it again, and that’s how you’ve done it over the years. So now, make it a parallel with your minds and bodies.

This great moment would come; it would free you from everything and clean everything, but the next day, your mind would repeat the same acts, and the habits would return because they were not transformed. This is what you expect, a great ease to reach the Fifth Dimension, a collective forgiveness of all the evils you caused yourselves. Would that be impossible? Of course not, for God the Father/Mother nothing is impossible. But it would be necessary for humanity to change their minds and habits, and father/ Mother God could, yes, forgive you all at once, and you would be free of everything you committed. But it would take the heart vibrating very high, vibrating pure unconditional Love in all humanity.

So that’s what you expect, facilities. Nobody wants to go to the trouble of changing anything, giving up anything, changing their habits, thoughts, and ways of acting and speaking. So you’re fighting with yourself, trying to find reasons to believe nothing is happening. Because you remain the same, as if you were waiting for something miraculous to happen and you wake up, all with a halo of angels on your head.

Unfortunately, my sons and daughters, this won’t happen. The wave of awakening is there, working in your mind and heart. Now it’s up to you to make room for it to act, and how does it act? First, it acts with your change; it acts according to your mind, actions, and habits. Then it acts by helping you to change, helping you to get rid of all that. But it is necessary that you take the first step, that you accept change, that you acknowledge that you make mistakes and that you have already made a lot of errors, and that you do not want to make any more mistakes; you want to try to stay on the right path.

This is the action of the awakening wave, do not expect anything else, and do not expect miracles or apocalyptic visions to believe that something is happening. However, look around you, and you will see the change in people; you will see that most are in total imbalance because they cannot deal with their own emotions, and they cannot accept that they need to lose habits contrary to the Light.

The day humanity understands that everyone is equal before God the Father/Mother, everyone is entitled to everything, and that respect for each one is essential. Then, things will begin to change, and all humanity will move toward Fifth Dimension together. But as long as this doesn’t happen, as long as you keep playing, you are changing. Because that’s what you do: “Oh, I changed; I have new habits!” But at “h” time, they act exactly as they always have. As long as you continue to act this way, that wave and awakening will slowly walk. His speed depends on each of you, not on us, what each one expects from their journey.

Now just don’t forget that there is a time. Gaia is very fast in her evolution, and then yes, at the right moment, she will ascend, and whoever is ready will take it. Now those who… “Ah, tomorrow I start, tomorrow I change, tomorrow I see this… Maybe there won’t be time for you to accompany Gaia, and then you’ll cry and regret not having looked at everything with the necessary urgency and care.

Understand my sons and daughters; the time could be now. And then I ask you: Would you be ready? What would your answer be?

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