Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, I am here among you. Once again, I can bring a little of my wisdom and teaching. The atmosphere is heavy, and many don’t realize it. The vast majority believe that everything is the same. But we see the amount of negative energy generated on this planet and is being generated every minute. The energy of hatred and lovelessness is compelling because it can contaminate even the most sincere of hearts.
What to do in a case like this? First, ask the Higher Self to help you cleanse this energy from your heart and, above all, to create a shield so that this energy does not act upon you. At this point, I advise each of you to do this: to shield yourself, to protect yourself, with whatever technique you know. It doesn’t matter. Protecting your heart and mind so that you don’t commit injustices and that you emanate only positive feelings. Don’t be one more among those in the middle, emanating bad energies.
This is my warning for today, and be assured that this mass’s tendency is not to get better. Because hatred is being spread every second, and it has the power to multiply rapidly. Those who don’t vibrate these energies must protect themselves and escape their midst. Get out. Think only of pretty things; think only of victory, the victory of the Light. It already happened, and you are inside the great garbage formed by the whole process that has been going on for a long time.
The attack now is on the surface, on your minds. Not that they will gain anything from this. No, they won’t. They only annoy those who want to remain whole, vibrating in the Light. So have this consciousness and get out of this mass. Respect those who desire to vibrate hatred, doubt, or disconnection. Each one will have their own moment and way of awakening; each one will have their own way of leaving this great mass. How much longer it will take for this to happen depends on each person’s journey.
But today, I want to address a subject that is very interesting and, I would say, dangerous, very dangerous in the present times. I’ve stated here, not just for myself but for all of us, that those who trust do it thoroughly; there is no such thing as half trust. “Oh, I trust a little bit. Oh, I almost trust you 100%.” There is no such thing; either you trust totally or don’t trust at all; this is the right thing. Now, what is essential at this point is for each one to keep the doubt, their own doubts, within themselves. Why foster distrust in others? Why pass on something that is yours, exclusively yours, to the world?
Is your ego asking for allies? Is your ego demanding more people to think like you? Then you need to spread your doubt to others to see if someone says to you, “Oh, I agree with you.” And then your ego fills in, “You see, we were right.” You and your ego. So I would say to you who have doubts about something, keep them to yourself. Ask your Higher Self to show you the truth. Now you have to be careful because you often believe so deeply in something that you ask, “My Higher Self, answer me whether or not I am right?” But the doubt, the mistrust is so significant, so pervasive in your mind, that if you don’t listen to your Higher Self, you will keep listening to your mind. And you will be proud because your Higher Self has supposedly answered you what you wanted to hear. So be careful, be very careful.
So I say to each of you: Don’t pass your doubts or misgivings on to another; they are yours. Each one needs to be able to recognize what is right and what is wrong. Will you be the one to show them? And who guarantees that you are right? What do you want to foster? Discord, doubt, mistrust, imbalance: is this what you want? So I tell those who listen to me now and like to spread your doubts to others, to attract the echo, soothe your ego, rethink your attitudes, but rethink deeply. Where do you want to go? What are you feeding, and how well are you providing the whole?
Ah, but then you will answer, “No, I am doing good because I am alerting the whole.” And I again ask you the question: You are a representative of which Being of Light? Who can assure you that what you think is wrong is really wrong? I will tell you, you have a huge ego. You think you are powerful, and as you believe you are powerful, you have the right to spread your doubt so that everyone else feels like you do. Who can guarantee that your suspicion is correct? So let’s say that your doubt is valid. You are a judge. Do you have the power now to judge the focus of your doubt? What’s more, spreading to others something that you think? If you are putting yourself in this position of being a judge, I tell you, your ego is enormous. Try to alleviate it.
My sons and daughters, each of you who follows the path to the Fifth Dimension needs to be very careful with the ego. Because you can take that road, that: “I know everything, I perceive everything, I feel everything, and I always know the truth!” But beware, ego also manifests itself in you, and sometimes you grow it because you think you are better than the rest. “Ah, I am a being with consciousness. I am on the path of the Fifth Dimension. So I am better than everyone. I know everything. I understand everything! So I give myself the right to spread my ideas because they are the right ones! ” Isn’t that ego? So I ask you again: has any Being of Light given you the role of being a spokesperson for their ideas? Have you signed a contract with any of them? Or does it all come from your mind, from your highly inflated ego?
For my sons and daughters, the care has to be constant. If you have doubts or distrust, it is your problem, not the others. Take care to alleviate your doubts and mistrust. Open your heart to listen to your Higher Self. Because it is usually your mind that is talking. Nobody here has evolved enough to open their mouth and say they have no ego. All of you still have, and I can even say, some powerful egos, which are often mixed with the way of being, with the character, and a massive blurring of ideas.
So as a guideline, I ask: You have a doubt, don’t believe, distrust; keep it to yourself. Please don’t pass it on. And don’t mess with the heads of those trying to find the way. Look at the damage you are doing in the minds of others. They are still learning to trust you.
Then you throw a lot of mistrust into their heads. What have you done? A massive setback in their journey. Because now, they will have to relearn to trust again because as they start out and you are there in front, they will believe you. Look at what you provoked. Was it right? No, it was not.
So I ask again; when each one of you doesn’t trust, whatever it is, don’t tell anyone; stay with yourself. This is something that you will have to meditate on, like animals, to come to a conclusion with yourself. Not with the other, and do not pass on your mistrust and skepticism to the other. Please stop it. Don’t think you own the truth because none of you do. And I’ll tell you something else: all the things that involve this large group here are observed and followed by all of us, mainly Michael and me. Nothing goes unnoticed by us, so be sure that in everything that happens here, we know we have complete control of every process; think about it.
And to finish, I will show the other side. What will you do now that you’ve been flooded with doubts and mistrust? Do you believe it, follow it strictly, or do the only right thing, listen to your Higher Self? Whether you believe what has been said or not is your choice. But don’t act like the one who filled your head with suspicions. That is what I ask of all of you.
And to finish, whoever doubts and mistrusts has not yet found his Higher Self. Because if you had really seen it, you would have asked it, and you would have received the answer, but the correct answer, the answer from the heart, not the answer your mind wants you to hear.