Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Every time I come to you, my heart explodes with joy and Light. For it is yet another opportunity to be very close or, as I would like, inside the heart of each one of you.
Today I want to bring you an interesting experience. I will bring you a lake. You will sit by this lake. This lake is located in a very high place. In the distance, you see only mountains. You are sitting quietly, serenely, on the edge of this lake. You observe the waves lapping at your feet, and they are minimal, almost non-existent. They only respond to the gentle breeze that blows through this place. And there you are, sitting by the lake.
What’s on your mind? Worries, problems, anxieties, fears. What is polluting your mind right now? Close your eyes and ask yourself: Why are you in such a wonderful place and thinking so many bad things? You are in a place of peace, of Love, of balance in nature. You are sitting in Gaia’s body. Why so many bad thoughts?
Perhaps the answer won’t come. Maybe you don’t want to hear the answer. Or maybe you’re not thinking at all. Maybe you’re watching the scenery. Many may be thinking good thoughts, being grateful for being there, marveling at the beauty of the place. Some may even play at throwing stones into the lake. Others may touch the water with their fingertips and watch it move. As you can see, there are many possibilities.
Each one of you is different. So each of you would react to that place differently. None would be identical to the other. None would think the same as the other. So why have I brought this image to you? To tell each of you that you are unique; that each of you has your strength, your faith, your balance and, above all, your journey. And not least, you are a different soul.
So, in these difficult times to come, don’t try to live in the other person’s moment. Don’t try to be the other person. Don’t try to suffer what the other is suffering. Each of you has accumulated redemptions that will have to be made even before ascension. Situations, learnings, experiences that will have to be cleaned up. But these points are yours.
Your ego would like someone to take responsibility for your mistakes, wouldn’t it? You like that; you like to blame the other person for something you did. But there’s no way. Not right now. Right now, everyone is responsible for everything they’ve done. And the energies are coming back, to be cleansed, to be transmuted. There’s no way you can transfer anything to anyone. It’s up to you to deal with and live each one of them.
So I ask you? You already have this immense load of things to correct and live with. Would you accept the burden of someone else taking care of it too? Be honest. The point here is not to be nice. You’re already full of problems to take care of. Do you want someone to come along and dump more problems on you that aren’t yours? Wisely speaking, you’ll say no, that yours are enough. So how do you want to dump what’s yours on someone else? You can dump it on the other person, but the other person can’t dump it on you? That’s an interesting way of looking at it.
So, my sons and daughters, what I bring here today is an awareness of how lonely you will be from now on. Lonely in the sense that each of you must live what is meant to be lived; live what is yours. Clean up your own mess. Forget about others. The path of others belongs to them, not to you. No matter how much love you have. Understand, you need to take care of yourself. You may not even be able to take care of what’s yours. How can you still want to burden yourself with someone else’s?
My sons and daughters, you need to sit in that lake and just leave there everything that no longer serves you, everything that no longer matters. Because everything will be changed. Nothing will remain as it is. So why cling to what will be destroyed, what will be changed?
Do this exercise. Stand at the edge of a lake with clear, limpid and very serene waters. And ask Mother Nature, Mother Gaia, to help you see everything that you need to leave there, leave behind, get rid of. And she will certainly help you.
An important point in this process is not to worry about dependents; those who depend on you. Everyone has their own story. Everyone came to live what needed to be lived. So you won’t be taking on anything for them. Everyone will be looked after, everyone will be cared for. No one will be abandoned. But let go of everything and everyone, so that you suffer as little as possible.
Your children have already come ready. They don’t need your help; on the contrary, they will help you, except for the babies. But don’t worry about them; just look after them and love them. And everything will be fine.
Just be you. It’s time to sit in that lake. Alone. Letting it all come out, so that it can be dealt with. And not thinking about anything else. And, above all, to think only of yourself. Because the great lesson will be this: Each with their own burden, each with their own path, each with their own choices.
Translated by: Leticia Balbino