Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, I’m here to leave more of my teachings and my energy. Many of you are happy today because soon, many will gather with their families and friends and celebrate my birth in my name. Many are sad that those who were supposed to be present are gone and will no longer be part of the meeting. It doesn’t matter what goes on in your heart regarding the date that will come. What is important is the meaning for the Whole, for the egregore of humanity that was already created more than two millennia ago. I already said here this story will one day be well explained. But this is not the place to deny that the date that celebrates my birth is already important in the universe; this planet’s egregore already contains it for a long time.
It would be crucial for this egregore to be fed, mainly: with gratitude, with Love, gratitude to everything. It doesn’t matter how many or what problems you are going through. It’s gratitude for knowing that each one of them is the possibility for you to evolve and take a leap forward. Don’t look at problems as barriers or something terrible; look at them with Love. Having this look opens a world of possibilities and solutions in front of you. Do not deny them, do not curse them, accept them with Love, and this vibration will make them fully manifest. Most of all, this will make you see the solution.
So the most powerful feeling on this date is gratitude. You should be grateful for being alive, going through all the transformations of the planet and all the changes your body and mind are going through right now. Gratitude for being able to breathe and feed your body. The moment is of extreme difficulty for many. Still, each one is reaping something they sowed, even if many cannot perceive or understand it. This date created in your world brings many expectations. It may be receiving a gift they’ve always dreamed of or having a hearty supper. But can everyone have this? You know they can’t. Many don’t even have a fruit to put on their plate.
I don’t want you to understand that today everyone should leave the house with a full plate and donate to someone. Hunger exists every day, not just on this date. Of course, because it’s a symbolic date, everyone has the same thought: having supper, having something to put on the table. But the lack happens and is repeated every day, not just on this day. In my heart, I would like everyone to have something to eat every day, not just on this date. Of course, many are doing their part. They help some to have a festive date, with something on the table to eat. But will everyone have it? No, they won’t.
So I leave here a request on my behalf. And if each of you does what I say with Love in your heart, I guarantee you that each brother will have something to eat tomorrow, and I can also say that every other day. You don’t need to think specifically about anyone. Just look at your whole table and supper. Close your eyes, and you don’t need to say it out loud because your guests, your family, wouldn’t understand. Look carefully at each dish on your table, close your eyes, and mentally say: I multiply these foods for the Whole! It’s simple. Very simple. And I will make this food multiply for everyone.
It’s a small gesture, yet another gesture that will ensure that everyone has something to eat. Mentalize in your minds, the food multiplying, becoming many, as far as the eye can no longer reach. And I will make it happen, I will make sure that food goes to every human being on this planet. Many may think: “But we are few.” Every time you think that you are few and that you have no power, nothing happens, you don’t change your world. Your world can be changed, it is enough for you to believe, and this is a gesture you can do daily. Now it needs to be done with a lot of Love. You must think that I will multiply everything, that you were the starting point of what I will do.
I need to multiply something that exists, and you must give me this first point. Then, I will do it. This is what I ask of each one of you. Tomorrow, ensure that everyone has something to eat. I will do that the food reaches those people. However, you must give me the first element. It is not food; it is your Love. Love for your brothers and those who have nothing; without judgment or criticism, it doesn’t matter. Do that; give me the first stitch, and I’ll do the rest. If each of you makes this gesture, with a lot of Love, you will feed many for a long time because there will be abundant food on the planet. Just do it, it’s a simple gesture, but it will have an immense result.
Believe in what I’m asking, but it needs to come from you, not from me. You need to look after your brothers; it is a simple, quick gesture. Now, in addition to this gesture, I ask that you emanate Love, much Love for everyone tomorrow. No matter the sorrows, the resentments, the revenge, nothing. At this moment, all of this begins to have no more relevance because the path now is one of evolution, not of going backward. So emanate Love, lots of Love, fill your hearts with Light, and explode it in Love. Visualize your heart like a big ball of Light. Explode this ball and when it explodes, see little stars coming out of your heart and mentalize that each one of them reaches a heart and takes Love, peace, harmony, hope, and faith.
You can, you are capable of it. So do it, no matter what you get in return, because if you do all this thinking about the return, I won’t create anything; nothing will happen. This needs to be a donation from the heart, of Light, without expecting anything in return just a donation. You know that everything that is done with Love reverberates and returns. But this cannot be the main feeling, because if it is, don’t do it, it won’t help. Those who invite me to the table, I will be having dinner with you. But for me to be there, there must be harmony, peace, and lots of Light in your home. And I will be there for sure, invite me.
I leave with each one a point of hope, faith, and courage so they can face whatever comes without losing these attributes. It doesn’t matter what comes. It doesn’t matter how it comes. If you trust and have faith, everything will come according to what you are emanating. If you emanate Love and Light, you will receive Love and Light. If you emanate fear or worry, you will get the same thing back and more stuff with it. So now, beware of thoughts; everything is highly accelerated. Thinking of anything negative attracts negative things. So what do you need to do? Emanate Love and Light, that’s all.
For every moment, look at everything with Love, emanate your Lights, be pillars of Lights, and see how the world will fall outside, but you will remain standing.