Sananda – Look to the Path

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

I will always repeat that it is an immense joy to be here with each and every one of you. Today I’m not here to make statements or teach. Right now, I’m just bringing you my love and my energy, so that each one of you can absorb them and really feel like a Pillar of Light.

My sons and daughters! We have always repeated that difficult times will come. And I’m not going to deny it, because this is the pure truth. But I would like you not to focus on these words, to focus on the fact that everything that is about to happen is part of humanity’s journey, particularly the journey of each of you.

When we say that difficult times will come, if you connect with what this phrase means, you end up connecting with energies that aren’t yours, because you’re thinking about it; you’re looking at a difficult path. Then you’ll attract things that will make your path difficult, but which weren’t necessarily yours. You just connected with them.

I’ve already said it here once and I’ll repeat it: Look at the path that’s always lit up, with a big bright sun on the horizon, fragrant, with no stones. Many people think that they can’t think like that, that it’s not fair, that there have to be stones, thorns, and potholes along the way so that you can be strong enough to overcome each one.

So I’m telling you that this thought isn’t yours, it’s your ego’s, trying to show you that you don’t deserve an easy path, you always need to fight, fight for something good.

So I, Sananda, am telling you: Create a clean, illuminated, flowery, fragrant path, with a bright sun on the horizon.

Whenever you feel afraid, doubtful, or don’t know which way to go, look at this image in your mind. There will come a point where you will see it all the time, and that will be wonderful because you will be connecting with this path, the energy created by this path; and not with difficulted and complicated energies.

This path is not straight. It has ups and downs. And when you’re on the way up, you’ll never know what lies beyond. But don’t worry about it because if you create the enlightened path, if you intensify the Light of this path, remember, you’re changing what’s up ahead. Because the path that has been created ahead was created a long time ago by many things, I can say wrong things, that you did.

So, by looking at the path and always illuminating it, you end up taking the strength out of everything bad that lies ahead, because you believe in this illuminated path. No, this path will not forgive your faults. This path will not erase everything you have to go through. That’s why I say to you: The road is uphill and downhill. So when you’re on a climb, it’s because there’s something ahead that you can’t see yet, but when the time is right, you will see it, and you’ll get through it because you believe in the Light, you believe in Love. And there are no greater or more powerful weapons than these.

Fill your eyes only with Love, with Light, and no other feelings. Don’t look at anything other than Love and Light. Even if life, your day-to-day life, shows you ugly things, and problems; it’s okay Think of it this way: “This is ugly, but my path is illuminated.” Then look at that illuminated path. And you’ll be undoing all that energy you’ve just seen.

Believe me, my sons and daughters, everyone will go through whatever is necessary for their evolution, their path to ascension. Worrying about what comes after the climb is not good medicine, it’s not a good attitude, because your ego always tends to think bad things, to bring up complex things, so that you know you have to go through them. And I’m telling you: you don’t have to.

A lot of what you go through, my sons and daughters, comes from the ego. It puts you on the path so that it always feels powerful, the one who puts up the obstacles and makes you overcome them. This is not life, this is staying in the same place. So forget the words of the ego. Always look to the bright path. It doesn’t matter what lies ahead. Not everything that comes to your brother will come to you. Everyone has their path. So why worry about what comes next?

Everyone will go through what they have to go through. This cannot be changed. But when you look at that illuminated, flowery, and fragrant path, you’re saying: “I’ll accept anything, because my path is illuminated!”  And this will certainly help you get through everything easily, without fear or any kind of dread.

Stop worrying about what lies ahead. There will be difficult times, yes, and we can’t deny that. Because if we just say: “No, look at your paths, forget your surroundings”, and when everything starts to happen you’ll say: “Gee! But nobody told us anything. We thought everything was wonderful. So we’re telling you: “Difficult times are happening and will increase”.

The planet is going through its ascension process, it needs these transformations. And each of you is where you need to be. There is no change. If a change has to be made, it will happen. But you don’t have to worry about that, everything will come at the right time. Create this path in your mind. And whenever there is a doubt, look at it.

No matter what is said, no matter what has already been said. A lot was brought to you in dark times. Today, the same things no longer apply, because these are times of Light. So stop worrying about the future. Always look at the bright, flowery, and fragrant path. And whenever you want company, we’re there, sitting by the side of the road.

Sitting down? Yes, sitting down. We won’t be accompanying you, we’ll be sitting down. But the moment your thoughts connect with ours, we’ll immediately be by your side; at whatever point in the journey. One of us, all of us, whoever you want. We’re always ready. And yes, if you want, we can keep you company, walk together, talk, and exchange ideas. It will be good for everyone and especially for the whole.

Translated by Viviana Accorsi

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