Sananda – Make your Choice and We Will Help You

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I’m SANANDA!

It is with great gratitude that Once again I come to you to bring a little hope, a little Light, to the minds of the inhabitants of this planet. The history of this planet is very old, many have passed through here. I couldn’t say that every race in the universe here has set foot here, but I can say that almost all of them. Many came to know this beautiful planet that was created, many came to harvest flowers, fruits to try to produce on their own planets. The diversity on this planet is immense and I can say yes, that in the universe there is no such diverse planet.

You call perfection “Paradise.” So I could say that God the Father/Mother created a “Paradise” on this planet. He created all kinds of flowers, fruits, grasses, minerals, crystals; every combination of them possible, exists on this planet, exactly for a great project, a project that could test, a new way of life, a new way of being and thinking.

The Divine Laws exist throughout the universe and by unconditional love and balance, the universe continues to expand, precisely because of these laws, so that chaos is not created, but harmony. God the Father/Mother did not stop his creations. In your minds it is complex to understand this, how far does the creation of God the Father/Mother go? How many universes are there in the universe you know? I’d say it’s actually complex for you to understand. Because you have been accustomed to everything to have form and aspect, but everything that God the Father/Mother created is not based on form and aspect, everything is energy; and every energy created is maintained, precisely by these Divine Laws, for Harmony and expansion to happen.

Some did not accept the Divine Laws; they found themselves well to contest them and break the harmony of the Universe, bringing imbalance and pain. Why did God the Father/Mother allow this? Because there’s nothing to prove. God the Father/Mother does not need to prove at every moment what is best. So those who rebel and who challenge their laws are not prevented from doing so, precisely for the immense love that God the Father/Mother has. It’s like a father who drops his son a few times, so that he learns to walk, only then will he learn to be careful and not fall again.

So this process of rebellion was not prevented by God the Father/Mother and also spread throughout the universe, and these souls are so impregnated with lovelessness that they do not care what happens to other beings. In an attempt to prove that their way of thinking is better, it is more correct; and in this way they bring: pleasure, wealth, sovereignty, power, and many allow themselves to be seduced. In this way, this beautiful planet that was the real “Paradise”, was the scene of a great test. How far would such a wonderful place, so heavenly, be able to keep its members bound to the Divine Laws, no matter what?

And for this project to happen, free will was created, that is, souls could decide what to do, even if it was against the Divine Laws. There would only always be a return, because nothing that is done against the Divine Laws is left unreturning. So many of you may wonder, “So how do these who have been opposed to the Divine Laws continue to expand in the universe?” And I say to them, “And who says they keep expanding?” As the universe expands within the Divine Laws, more and more souls perceive the great deception that has been made and take new directions. And with that, they lose their followers. And this is happening all over the universe. I can say that one day, the whole universe will be pure balance, there will be no more this kind of action.

So you’ve gained free will, the inhabitants of this planet. And they’ve lived very well for a long time. But precisely the divergence of opinions, the power, even without that evil power that would one day come into existence, caused the fall of the consciousness of this planet. And those who have always been opposed, have come here; and they saw on that stage the ideal place to implant their Ideas, and they did so; have dominated this planet. They dominated, because the human consciences here had already fallen into consciousness, were no longer linked to the Source, to God the Father/Mother.

And so began your trajectory. A path of forgetting each incarnation, so that you would remain in a line of evolution, but only by learning every time you were here in a physical body, new experiences. If you remembered it wouldn’t be funny, you could both correct yourself and could get worse. So the idea was to create the Wheel of Samsara, so that you would not remember what you were in past incarnations, and could each time choose, new paths and thus evolve your souls.

This process is long, only the whole project, (and you know it), has a deadline, and this project is coming to an end. There will no longer be free will on this planet, you will be guided by the Divine Laws. But for this to happen, you need to rise, you need to be in the Fifth Dimension. Those who have arrived here and created this whole monitoring and manipulation program are no longer on their planet; are already reathing the result of what they did. Some there at first escaped, but since Ashtar Sheran’s fleet arrived here, no more being escaped; many still arrived and no longer left. All have been taken, so that you may understand, to the Divine Courts. “Ah, but is there the trial?”

Where there is law, there is trial. But it’s not the judgment you make on the planet, you judge without knowing each other’s side and that’s not what we do, because we know exactly what the other is doing. So this process is coming to an end, the big question right now is: Who is ready to ascend? Who is effectively giving up all these great pillars, which they presented? Who’s rebelling against them? Who is fully focused on the Divine Laws?

So that’s the big question right now. And I would say, that’s the question that each of you needs to ask: “What am I following right now? The Divine Laws; where I must not judge, I must not criticize, I must not hurt, I must not inferiorize, I must not discriminate, I must not do anything that makes a minor brother or suffering at any time. I need to think about equality, I need to think about unconditional love and I need to think about the planet” So this is the big question. Are you following this path or at least trying to follow this path?

We are aware that change is not easy for you; some are extremely difficult, but everything is choices. If you open your hearts and desire, and want to live within the Divine Laws, the universe itself conspires to do so. The universe itself leads you to the right path, helps you get rid of vices, those superfluous, ephemeral things you loved so much. All you have to do is make a choice. And with every step you can overcome, you empower yourself to be on the road of ascension and walk on it; and in a while ahead, when that limit, when the end date of that project arrives, you can be ready to pick up your soul luggage and go to the Fifth Dimension.

So it’s a choice that all mankind will have to make. It’s no use wanting to follow a caravan, it’s no use wanting to follow in groups, in families, each soul is a soul and each soul, can even live together, have sentimental affinities and have totally different thoughts. Then it will be the choice of every soul. Don’t try to follow in a group, don’t try to follow with anyone except those who depend on your decisions. So realize that you, in addition to having your own decision, you still have the responsibility of the other soul you care for. But rest assured, that no soul will be harmed by another.

If it is in the moment of that little soul (small in body ascend, it will ascend. Family ties won’t stop her from going any further. Make sure of that. Because every soul is a soul, it is not attached to any other. No one is attached to anyone, no matter how kinship. Every soul exists by itself, does not exist because of another. Then is the time for a great choice, but of a sincere choice, of that choice that there will be no hesitation, there will be no doubt: Do you want to ascend or not?

So at this point, the limit has reached this choice. Whoever chooses to walk towards ascension, we can say that all of us, the Beings of Light, the Ascended Beings, The Sunbeings, Angels, Archangels, no matter who they are; we will all be committed to helping each of you on this path, even helping to overcome obstacles. We can say here and now that time is running out, and that this decision needs to be made, that the more up front it is made, the greater the risk that you won’t make it.

Those souls who need to wake up will wake up because they need to make their way. The time has come for definition. The time has come for the effective separation of the tares from the wheat, and be assured, that this separation will be made. When we say that “The world will fall out there and you will fall on your feet”, we are telling you “We are with you in any situation, no matter what happens next to you”. For this we need you to just trust us, that you believe that we are around you, as a great shield, a great fortress.

So I close this message by telling everyone who is listening to me, “Make your choice. Do it from the heart,” and in doing so, you will surely gain a legion of Beings of Light around you, helping you on this journey. All you have to do is believe..

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