Sananda – Opinions x Criticisms

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! AM SANANDA!

Once again, I can be here bringing my energy and love to each one of you.

For us, time does not exist, we live in the present moment, and when this moment passes, we continue to live in the present moment. We are not concerned with what has passed, nor with what will happen; we live in the present moment. So I would like to ask each of you who were present at the meeting: Live the energy, live the feeling, remember the words, but keep everything to yourself; it is over.

Who wasn’t there, and I won’t comment here if you participated, if you didn’t, if you heard it, if you didn’t hear it, live your moment too. Close your reviews and comments. you like to dwell on the past, remember what is not good. Learn to live in the present moment!

Each soul has chosen a path, each soul has chosen to live in each moment. So this is not the place to try to understand why you can be present or not. Each one passes on what was planted or chosen by their soul. Don’t blame others. Learn to accept the walk itself. You always tend to compare, and ask yourself, “Why not me? Why him or her and not me?”

How many of you have asked yourself this question when something displeases you. This generates a very bad feeling: envy. “Why him or her and not me?” This is envy; do you realize that? The majority do not, and the majority will be saying at this moment: “This to me is not envy”. Very well, understand as your soul is prepared to understand.

I say to each one of you, the journey is there. The path towards the Light is open and anyone can find it. Nobody is privileged, nobody is harmed, nobody is punished; each one follows the path that their soul has defined or the path that their mind has planted. It’s interesting how you guys like to point the finger at a lot of things; feel good about giving their opinions; they feel good about criticizing the other, but they don’t see it that way, they think they have the right to express their opinion.

Expressing an opinion is not talking about the other. When you express your opinion you are talking about something you believe, you are talking about something you think or may even know, but if you involve another in your opinion it is no longer an opinion, it has become a criticism. Do you understand this? So the line between expressing your opinion and criticizing is very thin, but many don’t realize that, and they think they are entitled, and they think they are capable of expressing their opinions only; they will never feel that they are criticizing the other.

We have said here many times: Nothing we do is meaningless, nothing we do is in vain, everything has a purpose, and furthermore, everything always has some hidden tests; and it is precisely in these points that we catch you, it is precisely in these points that we seek to show you how much you still need to evolve. The big problem is you accepting that.

You like to criticize a lot, but when someone challenges your criticism, you get defensive and grow; you don’t like it, you don’t admit being contradicted, you don’t accept your opinion being criticized.

It’s interesting how your behavior changes according to the tides. Sometimes you’re elated, sometimes you’re near the Fifth Dimension, and other times you sink into the mud to the point where you can hardly breathe. And why, for what reason, what affects you so much that you become so imbalanced and so quickly? I’ll tell you the reason: it’s ego. The ego still remains strong and vibrant, and you always feel entitled to criticize everything and everyone. That’s what the ego does. It always positions you as right, never wrong, always correct; that’s ego.

And when someone contradicts you and tells you that you’re wrong, you descend into the mud because you’ll employ all means to avoid admitting your mistake, and that’s when anger, opposition, and arguments arise—everything negative that pulls you down. And what do you gain from this? Nothing, you only lose. You lose because your vibration drops significantly, you lose because you’ll have to tread the path again to elevate your vibration with great faith and willpower.

So I ask each one of you: What’s the point of arguing, of replicating, of contesting what was said? What’s the point? Only for you to maintain your superiority, your ego? Then you need to reconsider your beliefs because, in this manner, you’ll hardly reach the Fifth Dimension.

It’s necessary for each one of you to look at what your soul is and what you have become, with love. It’s futile to blame yourself now, it’s pointless to fight the world because the world doesn’t understand you. You’re not the center of the world; it’s the world that doesn’t understand you, or is it you who hasn’t opened your heart to be understood?

My sons and daughters, we have been saying this constantly: Start looking at everything with your heart. You’re not taking this seriously. You think it’s just another nonsense that we’re saying, but let me remind you of one thing: Following, believing in what we say is a matter of choice, and choices must be made now. If you don’t make the right choices, who loses? Is it us? No, I will never lose anything, nor will the other Beings of Light. But you… yes, you will lose a great opportunity to evolve simply because you want to keep the ego in control. Just because you think you’re never wrong, just because you believe your opinions are just opinions and don’t affect anyone.

The choice is yours, my son and my daughter, the choice is yours, not mine. Difficulties, obstacles, and hurdles will always be present, and how you face each obstacle determines whether you gain or lose energy. So, as long as you place yourself on a pedestal, thinking you’re better than everyone else, believing that your opinion is superior to all others and that everything you say is correct, you’re only subtracting from your energy because you’re letting the mind be in control.

One who is guided by the heart doesn’t criticize; one who is guided by the heart accepts everything as it comes. “Oh, but that’s absurd. I’m not going to be a parasite, a stagnant entity that doesn’t complain about anything!” Very well, maintain that stance. The ego is entirely dominating you; it’s your choice. One who acts with the heart is not a parasite, not a fool, not an idiot. They’re simply a person who looks at everything with love, even though it may be difficult at times, but they strive to look with love. And every time they attempt to view things with love, they accumulate the lessons of their journey.

So I’ll repeat it again: It’s a matter of choice, my sons and daughters. Do you want to continue living in the feelings of the Third Dimension, where you question everything, criticize everything, give your opinions on everything, and think everything is wrong? It’s all right, it’s your choice. Now, those who want to evolve accept everything as it comes and try to understand with their hearts why it arrived in that way. “Why did I go through this? What did I attract? What did I emit to attract this?” These are the questions, because everything has a reason, everything has a purpose, and those who see and look with their hearts understand and accept. But those who look with their minds complain, criticize, judge, because their hearts are still closed, they haven’t opened up to the Light.

A heart open to the Light accepts anything without complaining, without criticizing. This is the great lesson. Observe your feelings, observe your actions. The journey is there for each one to follow, and only those who learn to look at everything with their hearts will find the way. Many paths lead to the Light, but to find them, you need to be Light, because otherwise, in a way, you will be going in the opposite direction.

Learn to be only Love. No matter what happens, look at everything with Love. And be certain that, in this way, you will learn to understand why that arrived, why it came in that way, and be certain that everything is a lesson. Nothing happens by chance. Everything has a reason.

Let’s talk about time; so I would say that Father/Mother God doesn’t waste his time on nonsense. Everything that happens is in their hands, and most of the time, I could even say 100% of the time, they are lessons you need to learn. To see them, just receive them with Love…There is no other way!

Translated by: Paula Prado

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