Sananda – Our Choices Today Will Shape Our Future

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

To say that my heart is bursting with joy is unnecessary because each of you knows exactly how I feel when you choose the right path, the Light and the path of evolution.

Everything is moving forward in leaps and bounds. Look around you; a lot is happening and changing. Of course, not all good things, but it has already been said here, and I will repeat: You will get back everything you planted on this planet. The human race’s evolution passes through the consciousness of the habitat in which you live; there has to be consciousness of the balance that needs to be maintained on the planet.

Don’t blame Gaia for anything. The reactions have been instigated for a long time. Garia is doing nothing; you are just reaping the results. Gaia is concerned with balancing herself and recovering from the wounds that appear every moment on her skin. She is also recovering from the damages caused by the reactions to your actions, injuries caused by man, and wounds caused by her own transformations.

Wake up, sons and daughters of this planet. The time of the harvest has arrived. Everything will be proportional to what each one has caused. No one will receive less or more because reactions always originate from an action. So everyone, everyone, will experience minor problems or big problems. Nobody is immune, with very few rare exceptions.

The time is to observe, reflect, take new paths, take new attitudes, and seek new ways of living. The time is to put yourself in total balance with the planet. The planet gives you what to eat, so be grateful for that. The planet gives you the air you breathe, so be grateful for that. The planet gives you the water you drink, so be thankful for that. Be grateful for every food that satisfies the hunger; unfortunately, only for a few.

A good majority today have nothing to eat. And why? Not for the planet, not for the planet’s decisions. So, know how to think. Don’t be frivolous and weak in bargaining what you have. Look away. You don’t have to go very far to see a brother, a sister, or a little brother starving; you don’t have to go very far. So be wise in your decisions. Be wise in your actions. Don’t judge these brothers.

Think that they go through lessons. Of course, they do, but they are lessons that knock at your door. They are lessons that dance in front of you. So they are lessons that you are also involved in. So don’t pretend you don’t see it, don’t pretend it doesn’t bother you, don’t pretend that it doesn’t concern you. It concerns everyone. It is not the weakest; here I am, not talking about spiritual or intellectual weakness. I am talking about bodily liability, which makes the big decisions. It is those who have the most power, and they care less and less about the weak.

Whose side are you on? Which side do you choose to stay on: the side where your plate is complete on the table, you have a comfortable life, and to hell with those who live on the street and are hungry, or are you on the other side sharing some, something, giving something away? You can keep your plate and satisfy yourself, satisfy your family, but give a little with heart. The little with the heart is worth more than the much with ulterior motives.

So don’t understand that these lessons don’t belong to you. If they knock on your door, it is because you need to look at them. And what will you do about it? Don’t act for me, don’t make your actions, “I am doing it because Christ wants to.” No, no, you have to do it because your heart is asking you to, not me. My ideas have already been propagated, don’t use them to eliminate your guilt because it doesn’t work. “I do it because he asked for it.” No, no. Do it because your heart is telling you to. Your heart is asking you to.

You are moving towards a world of equality, where there will be no more hunger and no more people living on the streets. And for this to happen, what is needed? That those who are poor today become rich? And how would this happen? Would gold coins fall from the sky? Would all the governments on the planet give gold to these people to make them rich? And how would others receive this? “Why them and not me?” Many would say.

You are moving toward a world of equality, and how will you react to that? How will you respond to those hungry today having a dignified life in every way? And you will gain nothing. What will you think? Is it fair? “Why them and not me?” Will you think? How will you react?

I’m just saying, my sons and daughters, a new journey will soon begin, where we can see precisely every heart. To talk about idealism, to talk about something that exists only in the mouth is easy; now, let’s start living all this idealism. Are we going to make it happen what you speak so vehemently in your mouths? Will it be easy for you? Will it?

This is the way. There is no other; an equal, balanced world where there will be no rich and poor. There will be balance; everyone will be rich in plenty, harmony, love, and joy. There will be no material riches. Are you ready for this? Are you prepared to live in this world where everyone will be equal? Everyone, regardless of color, shape, or sexual choices; everyone will be identical. Are you ready for this world?

In the mouth 100% is; I want to see it live. Make it happen. This is a challenge I give you. Don’t wait for tomorrow to come with the changes; make the changes yesterday, and you are already late. Make the changes happen. Kill the hunger of those who need it, without judgment, without any kind of contestation of why. There is no why; there is someone hungry. It’s his walk, you won’t judge him; now kill the hunger you can.

No matter what he is, how he is, or what he looks like. Make it happen today. Don’t wait for the planet to change; likewise, do it for the planet today; it’s not tomorrow, it’s today. Every positive action you take today will reverberate in eliminating the negative ones already underway as a result of your actions.

So there is always time to change something. There is always time to correct something. Start. Do something. But most importantly, do it from the heart; don’t do it to please “A” or “B”; do it to satisfy your hearts. This is what is seen from above. We don’t bargain anything. “I’m going to do this because I’ll be okay with the universe.” You won’t be okay because this feeling will also reverberate against you. “I don’t want to do anything!”. This is also a choice that will also affect you.

So realize that everything will be the fruit of your choices today. What you go through tomorrow will be the fruit of today’s choice. There is still time to change a lot. There is still time to improve a lot. So do it. For yourself, for your brothers, and for the planet. Never forget: Look at the size of yourself and the earth. Who is stronger? Yes, you have managed to unbalance the planet for ages, but it is still millions of times more potent than you. And will it survive, now you? It will depend on the actions you choose to take today, which will shape your future right here on this planet.

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