Sananda – Participate with your Heart Full of Light

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

We are getting closer to our big meeting. Many of you are anxious about what to expect, what it will be like? I only tell you to trust. We will not tell you how it will be; you will know when the time comes.I only say to those who will not be present, that it will depend on your hearts how you live this moment. If your heart is clear, gentle, peaceful, you will have a great time and be part of a great event; otherwise, whatever other low vibration feelings you feel, you will not be allowed in.

“Entrance? But I won’t be there!” I explain: Those who will be present physically, those who will be present in heart, will form a great egregore, but this egregore will have our observation, and only those whose hearts are shining, are within the Light will be allowed entry. Do you understand?

So if you vibrate anything different from the Light you will not be part of anything. Don’t even waste your time. We are not here playing with hugs and kisses. Everything has a great purpose; and we have a great purpose for this meeting. What is it? You don’t need to know. What’s the point? What matters is what you will experience and how you will participate.

Don’t worry about anything, everything is being handled by us. Just open your hearts. Live this moment, live it as intensity, that’s all it will take. Everyone with an enlightened heart will participate, physically or otherwise; no problem. Now it’s necessary that your heart be enlightened, totally enlightened.

Within the programming that will be done, there will be a moment when you who are far away will not participate, and there is no point, from that moment on, in being angry, sad, with any kind of feeling that does not vibrate the Light. You will enter the process when the time is right. Just stand by. That is all.

Everything has been underway for some time now. The house is already in order. So I just ask that each one of you, present physically or not, know how to play your part, know how to live this moment for yourselves and for all the brothers and sisters on the planet. That’s all I ask from each one of you: enlightened hearts, minds that are beyond enlightened, so that you can effectively participate in everything. And I can tell you right now that the outcome will be magnificent, but you have to believe. That’s all.

Translated by: Letícia Balbino

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