Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
I will never tire of saying that it is with great joy that I come to be with you today. For me, every moment, every time I come here is an opportunity to leave all my energy attached to the words spoken here. They are not just words; each one of them carries my energy along with it. And every time you hear or read the words, you will receive this energy. This is fantastic for you. We have the power to keep our energy being emanated infinitely; we do not need to carry it every moment. It’s not like a crystal that needs to be charged to emit energy. This energy that we put into the words is an energy that comes from God the Father/Mother, so it is in everything and everyone, it never ends, it never ceases, it never diminishes in intensity.
So, be assured that even a message spoken long ago by any of us will still contain the energy that was placed there at the moment of its generation. That’s why you need to be very careful about what you hear, because nothing ends. Just as we put positive energy, energy of love, into everything we say, there are those who put contrary energies and pretend to be us. It’s up to each of you to analyze the energy received.
Many still don’t feel capable of this and choose to remain always in the same place. I would say to you that staying inside a cave, hidden from the world is interesting because supposedly you are protected there. But what about the day the cave collapses for some reason of nature, or suddenly, when you go out, some animal decides to make its home there too, what will you do? Will you be ready to walk the world, will you have the courage to look for another cave? Or will you stay there waiting for the animal to leave to resume your home? And if the animal doesn’t leave, if it’s violent and attacks you?
So, understand this parable in the following way: It is not by hiding in one place that you are protected. The great wisdom is to learn to distinguish where the right is, where the wrong is; where positive energy is being emanated, where negative energy is being emanated. And there’s a very interesting point: sometimes our messages are attacked, they are manipulated. Then you might ask, “But how, if your positive energy is there, how can the message be tarnished?” I’ll explain to you: Our energy has not changed, they still don’t have this capacity and never will. But understand the following: the message to reach you goes through a medium, and this medium can indeed be manipulated. It’s as if they take our message and wrap it in a large bubble of negative energy.
So, when you hear the message, you won’t be hearing our words distorted because they will still be positive, only the bubble placed around them prevents you from receiving them. And furthermore, while you are listening, you will be receiving the negative energy placed in that bubble. So where is the security? There is no 100% safe place. The moment is one of learning, the moment is to know how to distinguish what is negative from what is positive. Knowing how to distinguish that there, effectively, is our energy or there are just our words, surrounded by negative energy; and it is this one that reaches you. How to distinguish that?
I believe I will leave many frightened because they believe there is no danger in choosing just one place. So I will explain something else to you: All the energy emanated by us, through a channel, whatever it may be, creates a great egregore around this channel. So people who are attracted to that frequency of that channel, if they come with a pure, open, clean heart, add to this egregore. So this egregore becomes increasingly larger and brighter. Now, you will agree with me, not everyone who arrives has this energy. There is a great majority who enters the channels precisely to try to tarnish this great egregore created.
So, how to make the distinction? By observation. Many people (I have already said this here and this has already been said by many), the decision to be a channel, to channel messages from Beings of Light, is not yours. It’s not waking up one day and deciding, “I’m going to be a channel!”.
This is a soul journey; let’s say it’s a task of that soul, and when that task is defined by the master of that soul, that person will become a channel. Not because they wanted to, but because their master defined it. And this person has a journey, they can over time become more and more expanded.
So, notice that there is the growth of that channel, or rather, of that channeler. And if there is growth, it’s because that egregore formed around it is being fed by many who vibrate in the same range. So the journey of that channeler becomes increasingly expanded, increasingly enlarged, and they begin to receive messages from all over the universe, even from beings you don’t know. I ask you to analyze: How many of you actually, who hear these messages, try to follow them, try to understand them? I would say few, but these few help to maintain this great egregore.
So, realize that the larger this egregore, the less likely contamination is. Because no matter how hard they try to tarnish the messages put forth by that channel, they cannot because there is an egregore of Light, of love, of evolution of the people connected to that channel has been created. It may seem confusing what I am saying, but I want you to learn to observe what is said by the channelers. What is their journey? Have they grown or have they remained attached to a single Being of Light, supposedly keeping them? What is their journey like? Start by observing that; and the higher the journey of a channeler, the larger that egregore around them becomes. Because it attracts more and more people who want to vibrate in that range.
Why do you choose a certain channel on your Internet? Because of the vibration that channel brings. And where does this vibration come from? It comes from the egregore created by that channel and by the people who are there. The great wisdom at this current moment is to observe; observe the journey of each one. What is the size of the egregore? What energy, what vibration is that egregore transmitting? And I guarantee you, where the egregore is quite illuminated, there is no contamination, because the egregore is greater than the force that the medium would have on each message.
So, this is how you need to be very careful. Currently, and you will see this happening, there is a proliferation of new channels and new channelers, why? Just to confuse more than to add. I’m not stating here that they’re all not good, I just ask you to observe. Before you listen to the messages, clothe yourselves with your protections and then yes, you listen; and learn to observe what that message brought. What did you feel? Did you feel good? “Hmm, I’ll keep an eye on it… Oh no, something here didn’t click.” Then don’t listen anymore.
Never forget that the medium is managed by them. Your Internet was created by the Light, because we needed this medium to expand our messages, but those in control are not of the Light. So they do whatever is possible to confuse your minds, encouraging new people to start new paths. And I will make another point, some messages are copied, as you say, and placed elsewhere, through other people. So I will state the following: At this moment, here and now, I, Sananda, am speaking, my energy is being placed in every word spoken here and you will hear these words and receive my energy.
These written words are taken, and repeated with another voice, I will not be there, you will only be hearing my teachings, not receiving my energy. So know how to differentiate one from the other. Receiving a message from a Being of Light is one thing; copying that message and delivering it with another voice is another. So know what you are listening to. Of course, my teachings will be there, undoubtedly, if the words are not changed, my teachings will be there. But it will not contain my energy, let that be very clear. And many are being deceived in this way, thinking they can hear messages that were received and will be reproducing my energy.
Don’t be fooled. Our energy will be in the message produced by the channeler, and that is that. Otherwise, it will only be the teaching, not our energy. So at this moment, I would like you to be very careful where you are listening. It is as I said: Those who manipulate the medium are not of the Light. So the medium can be contaminated wherever they want. Now the greater the egregore formed, the greater the Light around a great channel, the greater the protection; this is also true.
So, choose well where you will listen to messages. We will never say here that you should not listen to messages from other channels, that would not be of the Light. Because if there are several channelers, there are different messages. They may even have the same subject, but they are different because each channeler is unique and in each message, there is also the energy of the channeler. He is not dead. The message contains our energy and his. Of course, ours in much greater volume, but there is his as well. So you can listen to whoever you want, and it will be quite interesting for you to hear other ways of saying the same things.
Now I repeat: Observe the journey of the channeler and observe what you feel. And never listen to anything without your protections being active, from any channel. It is good, it is interesting that you always have your protections active so that you make the correct distinction of the message you are listening to. And never judge a channeler. If you are listening to a message and felt that there was negativity there, do not judge the channeler, do not label them as being of non-light; be careful with judgment. As I explained, the message may have been encapsulated by negative energy, the channeler has nothing to do with it.
So, be careful what you say about channelers, any judgment cannot be made. So learn to observe and distinguish. No one is stuck in one place only, it is valid to listen to various places. Now know where you will listen and how you will listen, always protected, in any situation. Because in this way, whatever it is, it will never affect you. And at the slightest feeling that something is not right, that the message is odd, you don’t have to go to the end to have confirmation, stop immediately, and proclaim: I Am Light! I Am Light! I Am Light! There, any vibration of that message will be eliminated from your body and your aura.
So, be very careful. The moment now is for expansion, to confuse, not to help. Many people claiming to be new channels. Be careful because many people also have pure hearts, believing that they are really channeling a Being of Light. But I can tell you, it is a great mistake because imitating us is not difficult, and they think they are doing the best thing in the world, but they are giving voice to non-light. Because every word spoken there, through that channeler, emanates negative energy. But the channeler thinks they are doing something for the good of the Whole.
So, I ask each channeler who suddenly decided to receive messages: Who gave you this task? Was it your Higher Self, was it your master? Or did you suddenly wake up wanting to channel and started? So I leave you with this question: How was the beginning of your journey? Answer and you will know what you will be channeling.
Translated by: Paula Prado