Sananda – Reflect on the Tasks

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA! 

Once again, my heart is filled with joy at being even closer to each one of you. This is a time of elevation. This is a time of growth. This is a time to free yourselves from many things that no longer serve you.

My sons and daughters, strive to make your lives moments of joy, moments of peace. Seek to free yourselves from so many tasks, commitments that will not lead you anywhere at this moment. Look, look into your heart. Ask yourselves: Ïs this for my evolution or not?” 

 I once said that you have the bad habit of holding onto various objects because you believe that the more objects you hold, the more prepared you will be for evolution. I will remind you of what is more important: the change of the heart, the change of your habits, the change of your minds.

Do not cling to everything like that last place on that last ship that will depart, and you would do anything to be in that place. This is a moment of serenity. This is a moment of calm. This is a moment to take stock of all that you have already learned so that you can apply it, not to others, but to yourselves. 

It’s like you would say, ‘Take a vacation!’ Of course, I know that not everyone can choose to take a vacation at this moment. But the vacation I am referring to is a vacation from searching for new paths, new concepts. Put the objects that are in your hands on that shelf. They are already there; they are yours. Do not seek more objects.

The moment is to look within. What you have already learned is learned. You do not need to seek any other source. You have drunk from the springs for a long time and learned a lot. Now it is time to calm the mind, to remember what you have learned, to sit quietly in a corner only reminiscing.

Stop seeking new paths. It will not be in this way that you will find evolution. Learn to distinguish when a path arrives. It may be that something comes to you, and you feel compelled to do, to seek, to learn. But before making a decision, listen to your heart. ‘Do I need to do this?’ And if it answers yes, then it will be a path of your soul, something that will genuinely help you. But if your heart says no, it is because it will not bring you any benefit anymore, not at this moment. 

 I would say that you need more practice. You have learned many exercises, but some you do not practice. You need to practice more. And no, do not wait for others. Do not wait for someone to hold your hand and say, ‘Let’s do this. Let’s do that.’ The decision and the choice are yours, not someone else’s. What others like may be what you do not like.

My sons and daughters, the energy that is arriving is intense. You need to calm your bodies, do healthy things, do not clog them with more concerns, new arrangements, new ideas. This is a time for calm. This is a time to find that space to do nothing, without guilt, without thinking that being still is not good, that you would be harming someone. 

Start looking at yourselves, my sons and daughters. Stop mirroring yourselves in others. Others do not know your journey. So do not care about what they think. Do not care about what they believe. The experience is yours, and no one knows what your experience is. 

Calmness is needed; rest is needed. Stop seeking things that you think will still bring new knowledge. I tell you: they will not. You have had access to many teachings. There is no need for further learning. Just seek to practice. Think, but think only of yourselves.

Look within and ask yourselves, ‘What do I need to find serenity?’ The first step is to put all the objects in your hands on the shelf, to leave them empty. Trying to do many things at once does not work; you do nothing well in any of them. Choose one each day and practice. Alternate. Let go of the rules you created for yourselves.

Strive to do things with more lightness, more gentleness. And you will see that after some time, you will feel the difference. And then I tell you, at that moment, indeed, you will be on the path of evolution.

Translated by: Paula Prado

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