Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Today, I just want to bring more Light to the egregor that was formed yesterday during the Portal.
This bubble of Pink Light, full of Love and Light surrounds each of you. Try to maintain this energy around you. Stay calm and peaceful. Do not give in to negative feelings. Take advantage of this moment. Three days pass quickly, and soon, you can return to your little quarrels, habits, and vices. So make an effort to stay as balanced as possible.
The Light that has arrived and continues to arrive through this portal is powerful. It is a Light that expands consciousness and heart. As it expands consciousness and heart, everything that imprisons you hinders you, and prevents you from moving forward is being destroyed. And naturally, with this, new situations arise. New paths open up. New choices, new opportunities.
However, we must remember that it is as if you have opened the closets and drawers of your mind and heart. Everything that was stored, that you didn’t want to think about, didn’t want to resolve, didn’t want to face head-on, will be exposed. Because the closets no longer exist. The “drawers” have been destroyed by this Light.
So, many of you may even notice that after this great Portal, many problems will appear—problems you thought were resolved, but that come back to haunt you again. I hope that from this moment on your journey, you understand that you did nothing wrong. Everything is just being exposed to be looked at and treated.
Everything that was stored cannot go to the Fifth Dimension. It needs to be transmuted into Love, into forgiveness, into well-made decisions. So that, little by little, you can evolve and draw ever closer to the Light and the Fifth Dimension.
So, face everything that comes, not with anger, not with contempt; do not set it aside. Because with no more drawers or closets, you risk tripping over these issues and falling—and falling hard, perhaps even hurting yourself. No, no, no, I’m not saying it will be a physical fall; it will be a fall in the heart, in the mind. Because that problem will no longer go away. You won’t be able to store it away for later. It will be right there, dancing in front of you, provoking you to look at it and give it attention.
This will be the case for many of you. The Light that will arrive over these three days will be capable of dissolving millennia-old bonds, deep bonds of your souls. Feelings may arise that you don’t understand. A sudden anger, and you won’t understand why, or towards whom. An overwhelming hatred; again, without knowing why or towards whom. And what to do at that moment?
Call on us. Ask for our help so that we can assist you in transmuting these feelings you don’t understand. There isn’t a person to ask for forgiveness from. So, what to do? Only we can help you. So ask for our help, and we will be ready immediately to assist you in overcoming each of these moments.
I would tell you, my sons and daughters, that many of you will go through very strange moments. And you will have a clear sense of what that moment is. Do not panic. Do not judge yourselves. Do not hate yourselves. The moment is not for that. The moment is for forgiveness. It is to look at that scene and ask for forgiveness. Because today you realize and understand that you wouldn’t do the same thing again. But at that time, in that era, in that situation, it was what you thought was best. Are you there to judge yourself? No, you are here in another time, in another era, in another society, in another moment.
So there is no judgment. There can be no judgment. There is only forgiveness. So, as these three days conclude, no matter what appears, no matter if you see it or not, if you dream about it or not, if you feel it or not—it doesn’t matter. Any reaction you have and cannot identify, ask for our help. Immediately, we will cleanse everything, and that energy will go away. And it will be one more burden you leave behind on the path.
This is the purpose of the Light. It is not to bring problems. The purpose of the Light is to show the points that still need to be addressed, that are hindering your journey. The more Light, the more exposed they become. And it may be that they all come at once because you stored many things away. Stored them so as not to forget that if one day those situations repeated, you wouldn’t make the same mistakes. But that energy remained stored, and today, it no longer makes sense.
So, it will come to the surface so that you can release it. And I guarantee you, each one of you: after the storm, you will have sunny and beautiful days. Because much weight will be left behind. Many problems will be resolved. Ah, and I must remind you that new problems will appear. Because unfortunately, by solving some, you acquire others.
But according to your journey, according to your heart, they will be easy to resolve because you have the awareness today and know exactly the stance to take. Without confrontation, without arguments, without fights. The solution to problems always involves passing through Love; through a gentle way of speaking; through a calm way of presenting yourself; and through a sweet way of exposing the problem. Not with attacks. Not with pointed fingers. Remember, when you point a finger, four more turn back toward you.
So know how to act. And the new problems will disappear. Because you already know how to handle them, you have learned. And to those who respond that they haven’t learned yet, I only have one response. If you are a beginner on the path, hurry up; hurry to learn. Because time is passing, and very quickly. If you are already experienced and still haven’t learned, I would say to you: stop judging yourself. Your ego is still immense. That’s why you can’t move forward—because you judge yourself too much. And why? Because you still judge others. You do everything you shouldn’t do. So, it becomes increasingly difficult for you on this journey. But I will tell you the same thing I said before Hurry up, because time is passing quickly.
So, my sons and daughters, stay in this energy for these three days. Stay away, as much as possible, from those who take you out of balance. Place yourself within a cocoon. Remember, you are such powerful beings. Create a cocoon around you so that no one sees you, so that no one remembers you so that no one has any feelings towards you. But know how to live these moments.
Do not feel sad or abandoned because you have us by your side. We are many, and you can talk to us all the time. You will not be alone or without company.
Seek the path, seek the way. But stay within the Light for the next three days.
Translated by : Ivana Bueno