Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, being here is always a reason for great joy. It is the opportunity to be closer to the mind of each one of you. Today I want to bring you a somewhat complex subject, a polemic subject too. To believe. What is believing? Many call it having faith and trusting. It is a way of understanding what believing is. Now, it is essential to refrain from translating believing by putting all your efforts and your desire into a being or something. As if it were something magical that you believe in, and it will happen. Then many may say, “Oh, but that happens to many out there.”
Are you inside them to know what they have done beyond belief? Do you follow their journey? Do you follow their feelings? No, you are only looking externally. To believe is to put the focus, correct; to believe is to see it happen, correct; to believe is not to bother about the how that’ is correct. All of these are correct; they are steps of believing. And where does your part come in? Where does your share come in all this? Let me give you an example: You have a seed, you plant this seed, the soil, the water, and the sun makes this seed sprout, and it may in some time grow into a beautiful vegetable, into a beautiful tree, it will depend on the seed planted.
Then you will tell me: “You see, the tree grew by itself. I didn’t do anything. And I answer you: your only interference was to put the seed in the earth. By the very nature of the seed, it has an evolutionary cycle. A life cycle where it knows that being in the right environment, it needs to develop, and it has all the help of nature to reach the end of its process. So don’t compare your desires, your beliefs, with a seed. The seed is alive. It contains life within itself. No matter how dead they may appear, the seed cells are in complete evolution. If placed in the right environment, they germinate and sprout. So don’t compare your desires to a seed.
So come on, you really want to have something, and you just put an idea somewhere, but you forget about it. One day you planted this idea, but what did you do with it? Nothing, you didn’t put focus on it, you didn’t see it happening, you didn’t believe it could germinate and sprout because it has no life, it is just a wish. A wish is in your mind, not in the earth, the air, and the water. The desire is in your mind. You emanate what you want to the Universe and start believing it will work out. But you had the idea and thought of it only once; you didn’t nurture that idea. What happens to it?
New ideas come along, and it gets buried by more recent new ideas, and then one day, you remember that idea, “Look, I never thought of that again. And then it becomes a priority again. But you forget it again, and it gets buried by the others. So let’s take another action:
You have the idea, and each day you feed it, feed it with what? Not with water, not with the sun, not with earth. You feed it with good feelings; you provide it with the joy of seeing the idea manifest itself and the pleasure of seeing it come true. But you do it whenever possible; you remember and put a little bit more fertilizer on that idea. And every time you do that, you emanate a feeling, and that idea grows in the Universe. But if you forget it, it withers, loses vitality, and for the Universe, it almost dies. It stops paying attention to your idea because you are no longer paying attention to it.
Now, if you often look at the idea, remember it, and put one more seed, one more fertilizer; not seed, not physical fertilizer, but that feeling of accomplishment, that feeling of joy, of seeing the idea forming will form in the Universe. And it begins to sprout and germinate in the Universe. When you put enough joy and focus on it, the idea is realized because you made it grow, nurtured it, and gave it the strength to grow. It wasn’t an idea you planted in your mind-“Oh, I’ll leave it up to the universe.” Yes, the Universe will, but the Universe always attends, first, those that are nurtured, watered often, and yours gets left behind.
So what is believing? Believing is to put the focus, keep it in the right direction, and grow the idea. To fertilize the idea with more complementary ideas so that it grows, it takes shape. So I’ll make a parallel. When you believe in us: “Oh, I believe in such and such being, such and such being.” Very well, then we say some things, and you dispute us, don’t follow our advice, don’t accept what we say. But, of course, we don’t want puppets here because you have free will. But on some points that we talk about, if you don’t agree or don’t believe, you end up attracting many doubts to yourselves.
And doubt is a compelling feeling because it causes that belief to break down and not be strong enough. And then everything we say, you start to dispute, you begin to doubt, and more and more this also grows because you are feeding doubts, you no longer trust what we say. And your belief is being eroded, is being destroyed. So I say again that we don’t want puppets or puppets that shake their heads and agree with everything we say. It would help if you thought, of course, you do. Thinking about what we say is one thing, and doubting or not believing is another.
To think about it is to give your mind the time to absorb what we speak, understand, and assimilate. That’s all right. Now, to dispute and doubt what we say, your belief has already been contaminated for a long time. So closing this very complex subject that I put here, in such a simple way, but which is not so simple, I would say the following: To believe is to put the focus, to think about it.
And when doubt appears, don’t let it grow; seek understanding, seek the truth, so that the belief becomes more and more solid. Because if you allow the doubt to grow, this belief will wane, and the point will come when you dispute everything we say. You will no longer believe in anything. And it will be challenging to see the truth because you have been carried away by what is out there, enveloping you and bringing you doubt. So when you don’t understand something we say, ask us to show you in a simple way that you can understand the truth, and we will be happy to show you. And we always do, don’t be in doubt; those who doubt don’t believe, and those who believe don’t doubt.
Where are you in your journey about us, to all of us? You believe in everything we say; with your eyes closed, without even understanding what it is, this is not good because you are a puppet. It is to believe by understanding what we are saying, and if you don’t understand, ask us to explain. This is to believe, trust, focus, and have faith. But not that faith that will put a glass on a shelf and have faith that something will sprout from there. You have to be already significantly evolved for this; your minds still need to be capable of this. So have faith in tangible things, in something that you can participate in creating. Then the belief will be perfect, and the Universe will do its part in helping that to happen on its way.