Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
I am here with much joy, and I will always repeat that, even if it bothers some. In this month of your time, a lot of energy is arriving, transformational energies, energies of Light, and consciousness. We have already said that Light clears the minds of many on the planet. It causes many to broaden their horizons and ways of thinking. Of course, many are coming out of their usual comfort zone, letting go of the decisions they need to make. Today, these points are pretty uncomfortable for each of you. The problem can no longer be left under the rug, inside the drawer, tucked away in a safe.
All these compartments have opened up and exposed the problem which materialized before you. No matter how hard you try to go right, left, up, down, where you are going, the problem is there, demanding an attitude, demanding an action. Complaining about the situation, cursing the problem, and hating it are like food for the problem. It only gets bigger and stronger. Now, if you look at it with Love, with the certainty that there is a lesson to be learned, the problem will diminish, will disappear. And when you thoroughly know what it came to teach you, it simply disappears.
This is the moment you are living now. The Light is bringing awareness and truth. ” Oh, but which truth?” Yours, each one’s reality. What is the use of us showing you the world’s facts if you can’t see your own? Your truth has to be seen, understood, and internalized. After this time, then humanity will be ready to absorb the more significant facts. And I can assure you that the process is well accelerated; there is little time for all this. It’s not taking the problem, trying to put it aside, and thinking, “I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” It will come back to you and never get out of your way again until you solve it.
Then many of you may tell me: “But problems imply many changes; they imply changes in life, work, and attitude. Yes, but surely, these changes will be for your learning and evolution. You need to trust that and have the courage to make the right decisions. Get out of your self-indulgence and your comfort zone. Because many of you don’t want to give anything up even though you suffer terribly. You don’t want to choose something else because you are comfortable. You want to avoid getting up, look for another way, and make new choices. You want to stay in the suffering.
But it’s a stage you already know every inch of, so why change? So then I answer you should change because the suffering you enjoy so much today will gradually increase over time.
Until you can’t stand it anymore. Often this suffering is in the flesh, in the body, because the mind’s suffering reflects in the body. And then what posture will you take? Will you continue to suffer, understanding that all the pain you feel is deserved because of something wrong you have done? It is your choice to continue thinking this way or stand up and decide to follow a new path. And be assured, whatever path you choose, we will be there waiting for you at the door to hold your hand and help you walk it. You will not be alone; in fact, you are never alone. You forget that we are there, with our hands outstretched to each of you.
And you always insist on making the decisions alone, and they are often wrong because you keep the same process. It is as if you take off a blue shirt and put on a white one; you are still dressed and change the shirt’s color. That’s what you do all the time, you change the face of the problem, you put new clothes on it, but the problem is still there. It has yet to be undone or solved. Solving problems is a complex thing. It takes courage, wisdom, and courage to take a step where you know nothing.
And then the ego starts screaming: “No, why would you choose something you don’t know? Stay here in what you already know how it is; even if you suffer, stay here!” And you are left with the fear of taking a step into what you don’t know. So again, I say: It’s a choice! Every problem comes for you to make a choice, continue living with the pain that will increase more and more, or decide and change, evolve, and get out of it. This is the step that has to be taken now because, more and more, the consciousness will expand. Light will be in your mind and thoughts, and you will see many things differently.
And it won’t be because you heard it or we said it. It will be a work of one’s own Higher Self, showing the truth to every human being. This is the role of evolution. You need to evolve at this time to learn to make the right decisions and see things the right way. Make no mistake, the world out there is full of traps to keep you suffering, to keep you in limiting beliefs and attitudes contrary to the Light. It is up to you to look to the Light, even if what you see is ugly, painful, and challenging.
But wherever there is the Light, the solution always comes because the Light shows you the way, and the Light shows you the right decisions. Above all, the Light shows you the path that will lead you to evolution, growth, and wisdom.
So it’s up to you to let yourself expand and be enlightened, confident that this is the path for those who want to reach the Fifth Dimension.
It doesn’t matter how long; what matters is that you are taking the first step or continuing to take these steps because many are already on this path. So don’t be discouraged. Now, there will come the incredible obstacles, the significant changes, the great alterations of the ways of being of each of you. Yet, these forms will lead you to harmony, balance, and Light in many aspects of your lives, personal, professional, and mental.
Now, it doesn’t hurt to remember: It’s up to you to choose what you want to live. Do you want to have courage and go on challenging each problem and overcoming it? Or choose to stay in the comfort zone, even with suffering or boredom? But it’s all right for you; you already know what to expect. So be sure that this path will hardly lead you to evolution. On the contrary, it will lead you closer and closer to non-evolution, this I can guarantee.