Sananda – The Humble Heart

Dear children of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Once again, my heart is full of joy. I feel like I used to, on top of a mountain, talking to all of you. 

The challenges will be many. The obstacles will vary in size. But what can you be sure of? That each one of them, once overcome, is something that stays with you; it’s a burden that you no longer carry; it’s a learning experience that you will take with you. Look at everything with joy, for having managed to overcome the obstacle, for having been victorious over it. 

Many of you are answering me here: “No, I haven’t achieved anything”. So here we go. Why didn’t you achieve anything? What is the feeling you’re emanating right now when you tell me this? Anger, disappointment, questioning? So that’s where your learning begins. 

Don’t compare yourself to others. Each obstacle has its own size and needs. So don’t look at another soul’s obstacle; it belongs to them alone. And if your obstacle is identical to the other soul’s, it may be identical in form, but not in essence. Because the essence of each one of them is added to the feeling, the moment, the experience that your soul has lived and which is totally different from the other soul. 

You keep looking at the problems with anger and disappointment. “I’m on a path of ascension, I’m doing everything right, and why don’t the problems stop?” Look, I’m going to tell you that this moment is still a long way off, for each and every one of you? We’ve said it a few times here, but you don’t seem to want to hear it. You are cleaning up in this incarnation, at this moment, all the events caused by millennia and millennia and millennia.

Do you think they were few? Do you think you were saints? If you were saints, you wouldn’t be incarnate. So no, don’t look at one problem as another. Yes, it is one more. So I’d say look at it and say: “That’s one less I’ll have on my journey”. This is the right way. Every obstacle left behind is one less; it’s the certainty that you’re moving forward. 

So stop thinking that you’re eternal underdogs, that God the Father/Mother has forgotten you, that you don’t deserve what you’re going through. This is what I hear most: “I don’t deserve this”. So you’re saying that the laws of God the Father/Mother are wrong. That’s what you’re saying in this sentence. “I don’t deserve it”. Then the Law of Return, created by God the Father/Mother, is wrong. 

Everything you emanate comes back to you. Someday, at some point. So if something is coming back, it’s yours, not anyone else’s. You may also be receiving energies from other people, but in this case, you emanated against them; at some point, on some day. There’s no point in looking to the heavens and asking why? Or to say with category: “I don’t deserve this”. 

Why don’t you deserve it? Do you know what your soul has done, or do you refuse to believe that you have a soul; and that this soul has already lived a lot; has already hurt a lot; has already abused a lot; has already done a lot of harm to a lot of people. Oh, and above all, it has already done a lot of harm to itself. As long as you continue to believe that this is all a sweet invention that we’ve created in order to explain to you the problems that you don’t understand, you’ll continue to be like a wheel. It goes round and round; it goes round and round.

When you admit that your souls have a journey, and that everything is coming to the surface now, in this moment, to be cleaned up, there is no why, there is no “I don’t deserve this”. There is something to be experienced, to be dealt with, to be learned from. So worry about correcting it, resolving the obstacle, leaving it behind. Because as long as you keep going, “I don’t deserve this”, “Why am I going through this?”, the problem is still there. And I’m sorry to say: the more you deny it, the more it grows. 

That’s what happens. The more you deny a problem, the more it grows. Because you don’t want to see it, you don’t want to see it. Look at your own problems. Acknowledge your mistakes. Ask for our help. “How do I solve this? We’ll do our best, with love and dedication, to show you how you can get out of it. But you need to have a very open heart; you need to have a humble heart. And what is a humble heart? It’s not a heart that lowers itself. We’re not asking anyone here to lower themselves to us. It’s a heart that accepts that it has made mistakes; that’s a humble heart. And accepting that it has made a mistake, it asks for our help. And we will have the greatest Love in helping you. 

It’s no use, my sons and daughters, it’s no use complaining, thinking it’s unfair. The problem will only grow. Look at it with Love, accept that it is the result of some mistake, which you may never know what it was. And that’s exactly where we’re ready to help. Because since you don’t know what the mistake was, you often can’t resolve it. But if that humble heart asks us: “Help me to overcome this mistake, to overcome this obstacle with love and affection”, we will be there to help you, showing you the way, so that you can make the right decisions. 

Don’t think that we will remove any obstacles, because we won’t do that. But we will give you the Light so that you can find your way, because it is also part of your wisdom and growth to find your way. It’s as if you were on a dark path, where you couldn’t see ahead, and we gave you a lamp. Then everything lights up and you can see the way. And it will be your choice which way to go.

So, my sons and daughters, be humble hearts. Accept the mistakes that appear, the obstacles that appear, the problems that appear. Don’t you understand them? Ask for our help and we’ll show you clearly what they mean. And be sure, only in this way, with a humble heart, will you be able to free yourselves, one by one, from each obstacle.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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