Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
There will not be a time when I will not be grateful to be here. My heart always fills with joy every time I can come here, pass on my teachings, bring you to reason or rather, bring you to consciousness, to love… to Light. My dear brothers and sisters, be strong, be ready, at any moment seek balance, seek love. May it not yet be unconditional love, but simply love. Love in every act, in every thought, in every action, in every word spoken.
Imagine a large scale placed in front of you, and wherever you go, it goes with you. Observe its behavior. By convention, let’s say that the right side of the scale will accumulate all the positive things you thought, said, did. And the left side, all the opposite. Understand, this scale is not ours, we are not the ones there, it is not God the Father/Mother, it is not a judge, no prosecutor accusing you. Let’s say this scale is your own Higher Self, showing you everything you accumulate during the day.
Many times you do not realize what you say, what you do, what you think. And without realizing it at the end of the day, you have the left plate completely full and the right one almost empty. But you think that on that day you did well. Let’s say that on that day you only ate healthy things, you drank plenty of water, you walked on the beach, all the behavior of a person who is seeking ascension; that is, physically speaking, your plate is wonderful. But you spoke ill of others, you thought nonsense, you criticized, you judged, you mistreated a brother, and many other points that seemed unnoticed to you, but at the end of the day made your left plate quite full.
Now, having this scale, seeing it all the time is a choice; I would say it is a great tool.
We have been teaching you over time, small tools that can help you in your daily life, and this is another one. This tool will be implanted in your mind, if you want, if you choose to observe every point of your journey. But I tell you the following: It is not easy; because observing every mistake, every point out of alignment with the path of ascension, is not so simple. I would say that this path is not easy. It takes courage, it takes a lot of willpower, to keep seeing how far you are from that line.
But this process has to be done without judgment, this is the other difficult point. It’s not every time you see the left plate weigh, you think: “I messed up again! Am I not capable?” That’s not the idea. This magic scale aims to make you realize what is imperceptible to you today, what you do, how you say things, automatically and do not realize the power of what you are doing. Because it’s so easy, so simple, so repetitive, that you no longer judge whether it’s right or wrong, you just do.
So the main objective of this scale is not to show you how wrong, how far away, you are on the path of ascension, on the contrary, this scale is your Higher Self; it is showing you where you need to improve. It’s not an accusation, it’s not pointing fingers, it’s not judgment, it’s just a way for you to be warned of something that you imperceptibly did not realize, and ended up weighing on the wrong side.
Everything is a choice, and at this point in the journey, choices become increasingly difficult. Seeing your own flaws becomes increasingly pressing and urgent. Because only by eliminating such points, can you climb steps in vibrational frequency. For every movement, thought, or word that accumulates on the left side of the scale, you lose vibration. So if you stop repeating everything that fills the left plate, the vibration remains; and on the contrary, it may even increase. But this is a choice.
“No, no, I don’t have the ability to keep looking at my mistakes every second.” Very right. If you don’t think you’re ready to admit that you need to change a lot of things. Choose not to receive this tool. Now if you choose to have this tool as an aid to your own journey, without judgment, I tell you that you will be making the right decision.
No, don’t understand that those who don’t want it are making the wrong decision; it’s just a matter of choice. And whoever chooses is doing the right thing. Now if you don’t choose, you’re not doing the wrong thing, you’re just making a choice. It’s different. Doing the wrong thing would be to increase that plate on the scale. But that won’t happen if you choose not to use it. Nothing will be deducted from your frequency if you choose not to accept the scale. Now if you choose to accept it, then yes, the process starts as a process that is taking you closer to that road of ascension.
And one important thing, you can and will have the chance to give up the scale; it will not be imposed on you. I wouldn’t say it’s a gift from me, it’s a gift from the universe, it’s a gift from God the Father/Mother. So to accept the scale, just say:
My God the Father/Mother, my Higher Self, I accept with heart the scale that will measure my entire journey.”
Just that. This sentence is imbued with powerful energy, and it will create the scale in front of you. Don’t ask me how you will see it, don’t ask me how you will know, this will be inherent to each one. Some will see it, some will simply know, others will feel it, it doesn’t matter; the scale will be there and it will show itself in some way.
“I don’t want the scale anymore. This process annoyed me, made me sad, upset, I don’t want it anymore.” Simply say:
“Thank you my God the Father/Mother, for giving me the opportunity to use the magic scale, but at this moment I am returning the gift.”
There, it will leave your path. And I insist again, without any harm to you. “OH, I’m returning the gift.” No, if it were a gift, the scale would be there in front of you, because you don’t ask if the person wants to receive a gift, you just give it. And we’re not giving anything. It will be your choice to have this scale. Just as in your world you buy things you don’t like and return them. Just that. This will not bring any harm to you if you return it. The only point to consider is that you will not have the real awareness of where you need to improve. Just that.
The journey is getting harder and harder. The struggles will become increasingly intense; and don’t understand struggles as physical struggles, they are your struggles against yourselves, to change all this burden that you have learned to carry and have so much difficulty in changing. It will become increasingly difficult. The journey will become increasingly arduous. The choice to make it lighter is yours. How? Letting go, looking at everything through unconditional love, bringing forgiveness at every moment, seeing others as mirrors of yourself, because the other is a soul just like you, no matter the physical clothing he wears.
Learn to walk in an elevated manner, and you will notice that along the road, pieces will be left behind, because you will detach, unlearn, release, change, and become increasingly elevated humans. What do you choose? To continue the journey carrying a burden, which seems heavier every day, or do you choose to learn to let go of all this along the way? Make your choice.
Translated by: Paula Prado