Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
My heart is filled with joy once again. I like it when I can come here and bring you more messages. So many people think that our news these days no longer brings hope. Instead, they are about fear of a complicated world full of problems. Sons and daughters, no change is easy, and no transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye. Every transition is challenging.
By bringing this concept into your world, you can see the changes you have already made or the ones you are preparing to complete. There is a happy and excited side to the change and to everything new that is to come. However, there are always butterflies in the stomach about what is to come. The news always brings a little apprehension and fear. So look at it as anything in your world that you want to change; the feeling is the same; there is the joy of the new, but there is the insecurity of something that you don’t know how it will come. So likewise, all the changes on the planet will occur in your lives.
We have said here everything will be different for everyone; the changes will be individual. Each of you will go through what is part of your learning, evolution, and what is necessary for your growth. Now, it’s useless to look at someone else: “Oh, there is a lot of suffering in such a place. But, ah, there is no suffering anywhere else.” There is each person’s journey, and each person will go through whatever they must.
Look at one lovely, neat, clean, flowery house, and you will think, “Everyone who lives there is happy, everyone is cheerful, and leads a good life.” And I ask you: Is it? What will life be like inside that house? Everyone may be 100% joyful, and it shows on the outside of the house. But I assure you that it is very likely, that it is not so. There is expected happiness, and there is possible joy. Still, everyone is going through their inner changes, and intimately they are suffering, sad, and worried. As a group, there is joy, but individually there is suffering.
So you can’t generalize, and you can’t look at anything from the outside. People are going through his transitions, elevations, sorrows, and disappointments on this planet. But surely, when going through each of these points, joy will come because evolution, overcoming, and growth bring joy and happiness. Overcoming an obstacle never brings sadness. On the contrary, it brings victory, comfort, and self-confidence.
So it is these feelings that you have to try to live: the overcoming, to prevail over an obstacle, showing yourself that you are capable, and that you have been wrong all this time, but that everything is right about it. There is no more judgment, no more criticizing yourself. Instead, there is a new look, a new way of thinking, and a new way of acting, leading to victory and overcoming.
So my sons and daughters, don’t look at the moment ahead with fear. Look at the present moment because it is the present moment that will define what you will live in the future. It is the present moment that will create your path ahead. So what to do in the present moment? Look with Love at yourself and correct your faults. Your mistakes have many origins, limiting beliefs, wrong learning, and wrong decisions. It doesn’t matter the source of the error. What matters is the awareness that it exists and needs to be corrected.
So walk in this direction: For every flaw and deviation you encounter, look at it with Love, find the right path, and follow it. If you need forgiveness, ask for it or give it and move on, this is how you will create a lighter tomorrow, very different from today. And the world around you won’t matter because you make your path, not your surroundings. The environment makes your path if you allow it. If you let the surroundings change your way of being, be sure you are in the wrong direction. So don’t blame the environment; it’s there, and you can give in to it if you want. You are powerful, and you can overcome your surroundings.
So, my sons and daughters, there is no need to be afraid of everything we say. We must look at our path and be sure that the route we walk today will have a consequence tomorrow. And the more evolved the way is today, the lighter, more flowery, and fragrant the path will be tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what the surroundings are. It counts the route you are creating today. At this moment, it will delineate what you will go through in the future.
The concern cannot be with tomorrow. Think about today and what you are feeling in the present. Is there something that needs improvement? Is there something that needs to be analyzed? Is there something that needs to be examined? So the moment is not tomorrow. The moment is now and today because you saw the problem today, not tomorrow. So the time to solve it and to think about it is today, not tomorrow. Think about it.
Don’t push for tomorrow the problem that appears today. If it occurred today, it is because it must be looked at today, not tomorrow. For you to change tomorrow is not by pushing forward the problems to be solved. Everything comes at the right time. If the situation came today, solve it today, not tomorrow.