Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
I am very grateful to be here once again, and I can say that I have some important matters to address today. I perceive in the hearts of many, doubt and even disbelief, in everything we have been saying over time. Do not imagine that I will justify anything here, nor will I go into detail about why yes or why not.
You have a limited view of what is happening out there. You see, you know what you receive, few are alive to what is happening…few. And I repeat: We will not justify ourselves. It is necessary for you to understand that we are not incarnated in anyone on the planet. We guide, we show the way, we show the truth, whoever wants to follow; you follow if you want to, you still have free will, nothing has changed. If you did not have free will, the planet would have ascended already. All of you would have perished and would have been born in the Fifth Dimension, already modified and fully aware of what the Fifth Dimension is.
Did that happen? No, and why didn’t it happen and won’t it happen? Because you still have free will and will only lose this property when you reach the Fifth Dimension. Until then, your souls continue to have it. So, we can do nothing! Decisions are human. Why do we allow it? Because you have free will. We tell you: Follow the green, illuminated path, with some obstacles, some thorns, but you will get there. But there’s another path, the path of power, of Glory, the path to show who’s in charge. And many choose that path. What can we do? Shake your heads so you think correctly? We can’t do that.
We don’t enter anyone’s mind except with words. We don’t manipulate your minds, we don’t put chips or implants in your minds. You do what you want; and about that, we can do nothing. We understand that all this situation creates great discouragement, creates immense fatigue from so much struggle, so much effort; as you would say “for nothing”. So, I’ll just say the following: Whoever made their choice to follow the path, I suggest you continue and remember that phrase: “The World Will Fall Apart and You Will Land on Your Feet”.
You feel the pain, you feel everything your brothers go through. Many can change the situation, the vast majority cannot, they just have to watch. So I will repeat once again: No one is in the wrong place, nor at the wrong time. Each one is where they have to be; each one made their soul choice; each one made their life choice; and at the right moment, they will receive the return of what they emanated. Nothing has changed. If you think we are here on the outside, watching everything but looking at the television, watching a beautiful movie, you really do not know us. But I repeat: We cannot invade your free will. The decisions made by humans are decisions made by humans, we can do nothing; just feel very sorry that everything we said and taught was not learned. That ‘s all.
Humanity may be choosing a very difficult path, increasingly difficult to get there; it may be. And are we going to be indifferent to all this? Are we going to “throw in the towel”, as you often say and give up everything? Of course not. New actions taken by humans require new actions to be taken by us. So realize that we walk according to the energy you emanate, we do nothing contrary. Now there is a limit to everything, there is an endpoint to everything. Do not forget that.
We are not watching everything from the stands and pointing fingers at those who are wrong; we are making other decisions. Now it is up to you to believe this or not, it is also the free will of each one of you. It’s the same as, one beautiful day all of you gather inside a beautiful meditation, inside a powerful portal and rise, rise a lot, and everyone becomes extremely energized and illuminated. And each one goes home after the meditation; that group disbanded, you returned to being one. Each with their own problems, each with their own life; and in everyday life, each one’s life is different from the others. And each one loses that energy over time, it does not remain if you do not remain.
So it’s not because you were enlightened by a great portal, that you became immune to life, to the surroundings, because you are still human; you still receive all kinds of contrary energies upon you. And that great Light received, is being contaminated, is being lost. That’s how it works. If you stayed at that point, in that place, all together, then I would tell you that you really would make a difference on the planet. But you didn’t stay there, you went back to your homes, and each one to their life. The energy spreads, dissolves, and you start the journey again every day. Each day is a new day to increase that quantum of energy or to decrease, depending on each one’s vibration.
And with that, do you influence the planet? Of course you do, at that moment, in that meditation, you raised the energy of the planet. As each of you returns to your homes, the energy starts to drop again. So you are in an eternal up and down; rare are those of you who keep the energy high… rare. Because you are within the system, you are within the eye of the storm. What can you do for the planet? For humanity? Continue raising your vibrations.
Don’t try to save the world. That is not the mission we have given you. We ask each one of you to vibrate high, because each one who vibrates high, raises the energy of the planet, but don’t think that you will be the saviors of the world; don’t think that only your energies will be able to bring the planet to some place. You change the timeline, you change it within a meditation; not outside of it. Outside of it, you can lower the energy and return to the planet to the previous line. You can fall, never rise.
So don’t wait and don’t feel guilty for not keeping the planet elevated. It’s not because of that, that each of you will now relax and start to fall, because your own journey will be harmed. So just look at your own journeys, forget about the world out there, continue your journeys; each one of you. Raise your vibrations, do it for yourselves, not for the planet, not for the Whole. Understand the phrase: “The world will fall apart out there and you will fall standing on your feet”. The world out there is collapsing and you need to keep the road, keep walking. Understood? What will happen further ahead, you don’t have to worry about. We see everything and know everything we have to do. Now if you no longer trust us… it’s also an option, free will is there for that.
So let each one of you make your choice: to believe, to trust, and to continue on the journey, looking inward, or simply to give up everything and accept the world as it is out there. The choice is yours. We ask for nothing, nor will we justify anything. Free will still exists on this planet, and we cannot interfere with it. We guide and show the right path, but if you choose to follow another path, it’s not our fault, it’s your choices. So, don’t forget the phrase: “The world outside may fall, but you will stand tall”; but if you trust, if you maintain your journey, you can get there. “But what about others?” Respect each one’s choice. Each one is making their own choice. “But many still don’t see the truth.” Indeed, many don’t see the truth. Do they really? Do many not see the truth? Or are you led to believe that the majority doesn’t see the truth?
The Light has already arrived with its maximum intensity, there’s nothing more to be hidden. You cannot know what goes on in the heart of the rest of the planet. You are greatly mistaken. The vast majority is already aware and knows exactly where they’re stepping, and each one is making their choice. So don’t think for others. The moment now is to think for oneself, to do your part for the Whole. And what is your part for the Whole? To elevate your vibration, to elevate your path, your journey. Others? Let each one make their choice. “The world will fall outside and you will stand tall,” if you trust and remain focused on your journeys. That is the great truth.
Don’t expect miracles. Don’t sit around waiting for our action. The action is yours, regardless of what happens outside. Always remember this phrase: “The world will fall outside and you will stand tall,” if you trust, believe, and focus on your journeys. That’s all I have to say, and I speak for all the others. We have nothing to justify, nothing to explain, nothing to say. If you doubt what we say, if you no longer believe in what we say, it’s your own choice, we can’t do anything. We won’t stay here explaining, justifying, showing, asking. Never. We know what we do, how we do it, and when we do it. You won’t teach us how to do anything.
So if you choose to believe, simply believe and move forward, good for you. Because you, each one of you, will be taking care of your journey, looking inward. “But am I being selfish and what about the rest of the planet?” I repeat: Each one is making their choice, it’s not your worrying about them that will make them change their minds, they won’t; and you’ll deviate from your journey. The moment now is for each one alone. If you want to call it a selfish moment, then it’s a selfish moment, where each one will have to think for oneself, for their journey. At most, think about those who depend on you; you’ll carry them along, but those who still can’t make their own decisions, it’s not about forcing anyone into anything.
So there’s not much more to say. Free will continues on the planet. And I’ll repeat this phrase all the time: “The world will fall outside and you will stand tall,” but if you believe and if you focus on what you’re doing for your journey. Forget about the others. Each one now will have to make their choice. The moment has come for each one to make their choice. It’s not a simple choice, it’s not an easy choice. You are choosing to stay on the planet, to go to the Fifth Dimension, or to leave. Do you realize it’s not an easy choice? Do you realize you can’t intervene in someone else’s choice? It’s up to them to decide, not you to decide for them.
So here we go, is it a selfish moment? Yes, but it’s your soul’s moment to choose what it wants: to Evolve or to stay where it is. Very well, it’s your soul who has to decide then, let it be a selfish moment. Stop thinking for others. Each one will have to sign a term with their choice and we’ll accept each one’s choice. There’s nothing we can do. Understand that. The current moment is a different moment in the lives of all of you on this planet. It’s not about deciding whether “tomorrow I’ll eat a banana or an apple.” It’s about deciding “I’ll stay on the planet and go to the Fifth Dimension or I want, choose, and decide to stay where I am, in the Third Dimension.” But it won’t be here on this planet.
So realize that you can’t choose for the rest? It’s an individual choice and of each soul, do you realize that? I’ll conclude this part by saying again: “The world will fall outside and you will stand tall,” if you believe and if you choose to go to the Fifth Dimension.
The other point I want to address: A great negative egregore has already begun on the planet. It’s a party that brings excess, brings all the violation of rules, everything that can really disarm you, really bring you down. So let each one also make their choice. “Is it worth it for me in a few days to throw away everything I’ve been cherishing, planting, preparing for, for just 4 days of total excess? Is it worth it?” But if that’s your choice, live those 4 days.
So I say to you the following: What to do and what not to do in this period? You can do any type of meditation, or energy reception that has a Being of Light involved. The moment now is different. Don’t compare it to what was said some time ago. I’m giving the guidelines for today, for this year, for this time. So any and all meditation guided by a Being of Light can be done. Any and all treatment guided by Beings of Light can be done. Isolated meditation, by yourself? Don’t do it.
In these 4 days, if you don’t choose excess, choose to keep your mind elevated. You can connect with whoever you want, you can ask for help, you can pray to whoever you want; but not meditation. Solitary meditation should not be done. “But I ground myself, I call the beings.” It doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t be done. Just call upon your masters, your guides, and your Angels. Because they are there with you, they are not out there wandering. So ask for the protection of all of them.
The day has dawned, ask your masters to create a barrier around you against any and all energy. Start feeling something strange? Call upon your masters, your guides, and your Angels and ask them to cleanse you. I hope I’ve been very clear, because you often hear things and keep asking exactly what you heard, to confirm if you understood. It’s quite interesting.
Regarding the Journey: The Journey remains and continues. Why? Who guides the journey? Saint Germain. So it continues, it doesn’t change, it isn’t altered. During this period, there won’t be any videos here either; likewise, we need to protect the channel. “Oh, but don’t you have the strength to protect her?” Of course, we do. It’s about respecting free will, she has that too. So, we won’t prevent her from living out any excess she wants, because we’ll be here. It’s her free will. So, we won’t interfere. She will follow the path like any of you. Now the journey continues. Understand this, the journey continues.
I think there’s nothing more to explain; it’s well explained. And make your choices. Do you want to continue on that road, heading towards the Fifth Dimension? Very well, spend these 4 days vibrating high, doing things that please you, being in nature, putting your feet on the ground. Wonderful! Live! Be happy! Without excess of any kind. Don’t throw away all the hard walking you’ve done; on the contrary, keep moving forward. I think… that’s what each of you wants right now. And I would say, that’s what each of you needs to do.
Translated by: Paula Prado