Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
It is with great joy that I see that the walk was quite exciting and evolutionary for many, even those who think that they went through the walk and accomplished nothing; look inside and understand how much was learned, how much was understood. The results may not be as you expected but be sure that there is always a result. There’s always something to be learned, seen, and something to be changed.
Be sure that all who made the walk, whatever the result, and participated daily, changed. Be it changes on the physical or mental level, that might still go unnoticed. Still, indeed, a change on the spiritual level has taken place.
Imagine that you walked through a long tunnel, which looked rather illuminated sometimes or not so much, but you went through that tunnel. So, do not think you went in and came out the same. In this tunnel, there was a frequency; there was a whole evolutionary frequency. So those who believe that went in and came out the same way are much mistaken. Each of you received this energy, each one in their own way, each with a different intensity, but everyone did.
The mere fact of going through the walk, which I am here representing as a tunnel, brought about changes in your bodies and souls. So, believe me, don’t see it as a road without direction or a road that did not work out. The ego remains high, exactly saying: “Nothing happened. Nothing changed.”; for it wants to continue taking the lead. So, making you believe that nothing happened is a way to give up, of taking its strength.
So, do not listen to your egos. You certainly changed, didn’t you notice? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that your souls definitely received what they needed to receive, and you have no control over that. Your souls were treated. In this tunnel, each soul was treated, and each soul was cured, regardless of your will. Now, the mind says that it has not seen, not felt; it doesn’t matter. The soul was treated, and the soul evolved. What we wanted has happened.
Your human minds are responsible for detaching from the ego so you can proceed along with your souls. For as long as you are bound to the ego, saying: “I didn’t succeed, I didn’t see, I didn’t feel,”… the soul is moving forward, and you are lagging behind. “But is that possible?” Yes, of course, it is. Your soul might evolve while you might not. You are only a human consciousness; you are the clothing of your soul. So, if your soul wants to go, it will go. Seek to understand what I am saying.
Let go of the ego for you to walk along with your souls; let go of everything that prevents you from walking along with them. I might say that there resides the fear of changing, the fear of leaving the comfort zone, the fear of the unknown, what might come, the fear of everything, fear imposed by the ego. If the ego starts to lose its strength, it complains. It doesn’t want to lose power; it wants to continue manipulating you until the end. Showing you that all is nonsense and you never see anything, feel anything and engage in anything. And if you believe it, that’s what’s going to happen. However, your soul keeps moving, and you are lagging behind.
Ascension is double; it is an ascension of body and soul. Do you want to go with your souls? Then find a way to assuage the ego and shut the ego’s mouth. Stop being afraid of what’s coming. What’s coming is necessary for your journey, nothing more and nothing less. If the one by your side only tells you: “Oh, I am doing fine, I’m not going through any suffering!” and you are going through pure suffering, do not accept that and ask, ”Why don’t others suffer and I do?”; that’s the ego. You think you’re being harmed and believe you are inferior to others. Why?
Is your soul identical to the souls of others? Do you know what the others will go through later on? No, you only compare yourself. If others are succeeding, why don’t I succeed? Ego. You don’t want to fall behind anyone else. So I tell you, if you are not advancing, you still have a long road ahead to succeed. Tomorrow, those who are doing well might not; it depends on what they reach and what they need to overcome. The greater the height, the greater the challenges.
So, stop looking at the journeys of others. Instead, be concerned about your own journeys. Look at yourselves, forget that others see, feel, and listen. Those are the perfect ones who engage in everything and know everything. Very well, it’s their souls and what they will still go through later on is not your problem. It’s their soul’s problem.
So, forget the others, stop comparing yourselves. “Oh, you have seen, but I haven’t!” And what’s the problem not seeing? You’re not ready to see it yet. Put your egos aside; otherwise, you certainly won’t go along with your souls; for you are attaching to petty feelings, inability, and inferiority. And I tell you, you neither are nor have that. You see yourselves small. You do not believe in your own powers because you do not believe you are capable.
And the sentence most repeated by everyone: “I can’t do it!” Very well, keep on repeating this, and I tell you that at each minute, it becomes easier and easier for your soul to go away while you stay behind. Stop condemning yourselves; stop diminishing yourselves. Yes, you are capable, yes, you are powerful, yes, you can do it. Trust, and you will succeed. As long as you listen to the ego, asking yourself: “Why does he succeed and I don’t?” you won’t move forward, for you are more concerned with his journey than with your own. That’s the ego.
Start to look at your path and forget the ways of others. If others have seen, felt, good for them at the moment. You are on another journey, on another stage, so accept where you are. Stop wanting to be at the same level as everyone else. Each soul is a soul, so each is at a point of that journey. Stop looking away. Take care of your own journeys. Thus, you will reach the point where your souls already are.
Have you forgotten what we have said? We would take care of your souls and that they have been taken care of. Vibrationally, your souls are already well beyond the vibration of your bodies, of your minds. So, find a way to reach the point where your souls are. Surrender, just surrender and stop complaining, stop claiming that you can do nothing, see nothing, feel nothing. The sentence must be: “I can do it. I am on the journey. I will be able to engage in what is within my reach!” Right, that’s it. Stop putting yourself down all the time.
I will repeat: your souls are going, and those who do not definitely let go of the ego and stop comparing themselves to others won’t go with their souls. Understand as you like. There’s no way to be delicate with words. You don’t work well with sweet words. You need to get those shocks from time to time to wake up. So, wake up. The moment has come to wake up your minds, for your souls have already woken up.
Find a way to evolve your minds. Forget the others; forget what the others tell you. Not always what the others tell you is accurate, not always. Many say things to show off. Think about that. And you think you’re inferior based on lies. Take care of your own journeys; forget the journeys of others.
So today, we will start a new stage. This stage will be for your minds, to help you reach the point where your souls are. It will be a simple stage. There’s no meditation; it’s a simple stage. I honestly hope that you will do it with your heart. It avails you nothing to repeat the words paying lip service. It doesn’t work; it has to be with a lot of heart.
So, each day you will repeat what I will leave here, as many times as you like. There’s no problem in repeating the one from the previous day. There’s no problem. These are not decrees; these are words with energy. Each time you repeat these words, you will have my power together with them. They are not decrees. They may be repeated as many times as you like until the next walk begins.
So, you will repeat the following:
“The journey is light.
Transformation is light.
Growth is light.
My soul is light.
And my mind is seeking lightness!”
Only that. Repeat that as many times as you like. Memorize it, but I insist once again: repeat with the heart. Paying lip service will not work. Each time you utter these words with your heart, I will be by your side, leveraging what is spoken. Believe in what you are saying. And once again, I appeal: forget your egos and stop comparing yourselves to others. Indeed, that’s not the way.