Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, being here is a moment of great ecstasy and joy for me. To be able to bring my energy and all my Love into the heart of each one of you. Today I want to explain something that many hear constantly. According to what I say in my Letters, it is a process that needs to be clarified again.
Many are waiting for my return. And what would this return be? Would I incarnate today as a child, a baby? Then wait a few years to grow into an adult to guide people again? Or would I suddenly emerge from someone already living on your planet and start preaching to bring awareness again? Or would it be the incarnation of my soul in somebody that I would borrow to be able to have my words? So what would this return of mine be like?
Two thousand years ago, I tried to speak out and was not heard; on the contrary, I was killed and crucified because my words bothered the rulers. And what would it be like today? I would have a voice. They would let me speak against the powerful and raise the people against those who underestimate and enslave them. Would this be possible? At that time, I was already enlightened, yet they killed me. And today, what difference would there be? I would be enlightened again, but they would succeed in killing me again. They would silence my voice. So how would this return of mine be? What do you expect from my return?
Me simply descending from heaven and taking a radical attitude toward the people? Is this what you expect? Me instantly solving all your problems, forgiving all your sins at once, telling you slavery is over, no more rules, no more everything, you live only in Love. Would that work? Would you all hear my voice?
I wouldn’t be overwhelmed because I would be a Being of Light from heaven. But how would I make myself heard? My voice would be powerful, and the whole planet would see and listen to me. Would it be possible, in your mind, for me to appear to the planet uniquely, or would you think it would be a ploy by those on your planet? What do you expect of my return? What do you expect of what it would be like?
Sons and daughters, put your feet on the ground, put your minds in place, and stop being manipulated. If this didn’t work two thousand years ago, why should it work now? Where the dominion of evil is implanted on your planet. How would it work? Oh, but I would be a Being of Light, yes, but I would be a Being of Light like an authoritarian? Would I be a Being of Light forcing everyone to follow my words? Would I be a Being of Light who would kill all who were contrary to my voice? Is this what you expect? Is this the way you want my return?
Stop fooling yourselves, and stop wanting to solve problems so quickly. We have been saying here for a long time: Evil enters for those who open the door. You have opened the door to evil, power, greed, and vices, for temporary pleasure, for many reasons. So you want me to come back and, with a magic wand, touch your head, remove all that, and make you perfect. And what would that be? Forgiveness or manipulation?
Yes, because it would be easy for you to lose all this just by the touch of my wand. I would be a witch who would remove all the evil thoughts and feelings from your hearts, and it’s all right. What you have done will be forgotten. Is that how you think? So I would touch your mind and all the bad and wrong you’ve done, and all would be forgiven. And tomorrow, would you not repeat the same mistakes? Why? Because you didn’t learn, I took everything out of your mind, but you continued to have your mind.
Because if you became someone perfect, I would have done something strange to you and brainwashed your mind; and I am a Being of Light. I am not that kind of being. So why do you want me back? To get rid of everything quickly, why would I forgive your sins? Sins? There is no such thing as sin. There are bad steps, wrong paths, bad choices, and decisions. And they all have a result and a consequence, and you need to live with these consequences. You need to be aware of what has been done. Forgiveness and asking for forgiveness eliminate every single one of them.
So why do you want me back? So that you can have an easy life and don’t have to work anymore because everything will come easily to you? And who will plant for you to eat, who will make things for you to have comfort? This world doesn’t exist. Everyone works for All, with a light load and Love, doing what they like for the sake of All. Not standing around doing nothing, waiting for everyone to come and flatter you. So why do you want me back?
To eliminate wars and violence? But who causes wars and violence? You, with your mean thoughts towards your brothers, with your discrimination, with your hatred, with your power. You create all this, not us. So you want me to do what? Come to the planet and put an end to all weapons. Yeah, that would be very interesting, and I guarantee you that you would kill yourselves with your bare hands. Because the hatred, discrimination, separation, and domination would continue. You would be able to build new weapons because man has already made so much.
So what good would my return do? Make a perfect planet with only Angels on its surface? No, that is not what Father/Mother God wants. So, stop this nonsense about my return. People come back when they leave, and I never left; I have always been here on this planet, in everyone’s heart. So how am I coming back? I left your heart, and I am coming back? He who has me in his heart has me in his heart all this time and doesn’t wait for my return. He who leaves comes back, and I didn’t go.
So don’t wait for the miracle day when you will eliminate all you have done wrong because I will come and forgive all your sins. I did not die on the cross to redeem anyone’s sin. That was a little story created to justify my death. You would have become Angels, wouldn’t you? But, unfortunately, the world went the same way, so how could I redeem your sins?
So let’s stop the illusion. Let’s stop the deception. “Oh, I’m waiting for Christ’s return to forgive all I’ve done.” Comfortable, isn’t it? Easy, isn’t it? So peaceful, isn’t it? You don’t need to look at anything you’ve done wrong because I will come and forgive everything. That’s what they want you to believe, but it won’t happen.
So right now, I tell you: look inside yourself and see your faults. Not in judgment or anger, but if you want to evolve, you have to look at them. Be aware of every mistake, ask forgiveness from those you hurt, and forgive those who hurt you. Is it easy? No, it is not. But you wait for my return to solve all this, so you don’t have to do anything, so you don’t have to get rid of your own addictions, of your weaknesses, because I will take them all away. No?
No, I won’t. You will have to escape from them by yourself. Believing that you can, in yourself, not look outside for the solution to your problems because it is inside you, not outside. Not running away from your problems through addictions because they don’t solve them; they only bring you some more. So what’s the point of my returning to make your life easier?
No, there will be no coming back. There will be a New Time. Each one will begin to evolve, conscious of their acts, each act against the planet, against a brother, against yourself. It is this consciousness that makes you evolve; it is this consciousness that will make you ready for the New World. There is also the choice: “No, I don’t want to do any of this. I’d rather keep waiting for your return.” So as you often say, wait it out because it won’t happen.
If you are waiting for my return, I am not inside you because if I was, you wouldn’t say that. But, on the other hand, those who believe that I am there within find me easily within themselves and manage to overcome every barrier and obstacle. Those who believe in me do it because I help. So, they understand that I am within them. But if you want to wait for my return, that is your choice. I just tell you that you will have many centuries and centuries to wait because it will not happen, and you will not evolve.
Which path do you choose? Do you accept that I am in there and act as such? Or do you continue with this delusional quest, believing that I will come back to solve all the problems of the planet and yours? Which do you choose? Remember, the decision is yours alone; you have free will. So it won’t be me making a choice. It won’t be any Being of Light making a choice because it belongs to only one person, yourself.