Dear brothers of planet Earth! I am SERAPHIS BEY!
I bring with me a large crystalline white crystal in my hands. And this crystal emits Light, emits Love to each of you who are here at this moment. I will place an identical crystal in the heart of each one of you so that it continues to emit Light and Love for a good while. No, this crystal does not belong to you; it will dissipate over time. So, enjoy all the emanation of Light and Love that it will bring. Let it touch your hearts and bring to each of you the certainty and awareness of victory.
My dear brothers and sisters. We can say that you are on a tightrope, trying to balance on the best path forward. But, do not see it as a high tightrope, where if you fall, it would be highly dangerous; no, it is a low tightrope, the ground is close, you are just trying to balance in the events.
Strange and extreme events will happen many more times, and it is part of this whole process for you to continue looking at them with much Love and much Light in your hearts. Of course, we cannot affirm that everything happening on your planet is a result of Light; the shadows are at maximum potency. They have gathered the little strength they still have to cause some problems.
It is a fact that some humans on the planet hold very dangerous reactions, and it is these reactions that we are taking control of. We can no longer allow them to harm humanity. But there are lessons, and some of them you will have to go through because they will be the result of your choices.
It’s impressive how choices are always geared towards self-benefit. Few times do you make choices that you can share between yourselves and the Whole. They are always choices that are beneficial to only one or a few. So, these choices bring lessons, and many on this planet will still go through severe lessons, the result of their own choices, the choices of their rulers, the choices of the places where they live, the choices of where they want to work.
Each one made a choice, and the lessons are coming back, showing whether the choices were correct or not. If the choices were correct, the path ahead is illuminated, but if they were not, obstacles and lessons are coming. It’s no use, at any moment, closing your heart. Revolt is useless; just crying is not enough; it is necessary to understand, it is necessary to comprehend why each lesson is happening.
And this is only found, this answer is only found, through much Love in the heart. The heart must be overflowing with Love for the real reason of that lesson to appear in your hearts, and you can definitively close them. It’s not enough just to cry, it’s not enough to pray; it is necessary to understand and learn.
Many of you will still see on the planet. The planet is not distinguishing ‘A’ from ‘B’; everyone will be affected, in one way or another. Some more gently, others more strongly. But everyone will have to learn their own lessons; everyone will go through what is necessary for evolution. So, open your hearts, because every time you have anger or revolt for something, it multiplies rapidly, and the lesson that initially arrived small becomes immense because you multiplied it yourself.
So, when you perceive anger, revolt, or any other low-vibration feeling towards something, stop immediately. Fill your hearts with Love, Light, and mentally surround that situation with this new energy; and you will see how everything, as if by magic, will begin to resolve itself, and you will perfectly understand what happened there.
Always be ready, my brothers and sisters. The heart must always be overflowing with Light and Love, to receive whatever comes, to receive Light and to receive shadows, for you will also receive shadows. The shadows are there, around, beside, attached. So it is necessary to keep the heart, more than ever, bursting, overflowing with Love and Light, so that you can, through all this overflowed Love, eliminate the shadows, eliminate doubts, eliminate evil.
Evil is not fought with weapons. Evil is fought with Love and Light. A black heart is not fought with a weapon; it is fought by giving it a bath of Love and Light. And it is up to the one receiving this Light to make a new choice, to find a new path, or not. In this case, there is nothing more you can do, but rest assured, you planted a seed, placed something in the heart of that one who had no Love, who either doesn’t know or has forgotten over time, and this seed will sprout or not; it will depend on whether there is still an opportunity for that brother to convert. If he definitely does not convert, all right, you did your part. And I guarantee you that nothing was in vain.
Never emanating Love and Light will be in vain, because each spark that emanates Light and Love to others, surely, only increases your own emanation. Believe in this.
Translated by: Paula Prado