Seraphis Bey – Cover Yourself With My White Light

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SERAPHIS BEY!

Being here again is a source of great joy. We all have been repeating this constantly; for many, it may seem tedious, repetitive even. Yet, the joy and satisfaction that each of us feels in being able to be here, passing on teaching, and bringing our energy are so great. It goes beyond any feeling you may have about repetitions. Don’t stop protecting yourself; always be in balance. Observe what is around you, what energy is coming to you, how often, and what kind of energy is coming to you. Do you live in harmony, or are you constantly urged to become unbalanced? Are you healthy, or are you constantly sick? Do you have joy in your heart, or are you constantly sad and upset?

Observe what your behavior has been lately. The answers to these questions are essential because you can be aware of what is happening around you from them. Many will answer that they have the sensation they need to eliminate feelings as if they were robots. That’s not what we want; we don’t want you to become cold, calculating, and unfeeling. We want you to know how to transmute all these feelings that come to you. Many times you may think that the Whole is acting contrary to you. Those around you seem to enjoy teasing you, irritating you, and bothering you.

So I would like you to understand one point: You are what you emanated a long time ago. You are what you emanated today. You will be what you are emanating now. So, every energy that comes against you and bothers you is the result of the same energy you released long ago. No matter when, no matter how it’s just coming back. So what is your role right now? Receive it with Love, breathing profoundly and transmuting that energy into Love and Light. Only in this way will you definitely be eliminating this energy. You may shut up, but inside, you are upset because you want to give an answer, put your point of view, or start a discussion. This energy multiplies and returns to you again so that you act correctly.

So this is the result of everything you’ve done. Your Environment isn’t getting off balance to attack you. Or are you emanating it to the Environment? I believe the answer to this question is irrelevant because the big lesson to be learned here is: First, don’t emanate bad feelings for anyone or a situation. When you feel like saying something negative about anyone or anything, don’t speak up and immediately transmute what you are feeling into Love and Light. If you speak, immediately afterward, send energy to transmute into Love and Light.

This is how you stop feeding the big negative egregore. It’s not shutting up or brooding over anger alone; that’s useless. It’s not staying silent, putting up with everything as you say so as not to upset the other. And what are you doing to yourself? Swallowing all this anger and feeling that you can’t let out? What will happen to your body? What will happen to your mind? After a long time, the day will come when you will no longer control yourself because you will be full of negative energy. So the step is not to absorb and be silent but to receive that energy and transmute it into Love and Light. Take that feeling, wrap it in a violet bubble, and transmute it into Love and Light.

If you think you can’t, call Saint Germain, and he will help you. And in this way, you will no longer accumulate that energy in your bodies, in your minds. That came and didn’t hit you because you transmuted into Love and Light and increased the illuminated egregore of the planet. So learn; it is not by being silent that you solve the problem because you absorb it. Instead, transmute any feeling you feel into Love and Light. This will create a habit, and the moment will come when everything they say, immediately you will already be transmuting in Love and Light. As a result, you will become more balanced, more enlightened, and less filled with negative energies.

Learning is not filling yourself with negative energy to avoid throwing it on the other. This is not how you solve the problem because it will come back and become more intense. Instead, you need to transmute everything into Love and Light. Contribute to the enlightened egregore of the planet, not the negative. There is an intention in the Whole to unbalance you through all that is there. Just look at it, place it inside a bubble of Violet Light and transmute it into Love and Light. And throw it to the universe and be sure, in this way, you will be increasing the lit egregore and not bringing more problems to your bodies.

And keep putting the glass of water next to the bed before bed. And ask Seraphis Bey! Fill this water with your White Ray energy! And I will. And if you need my help to achieve this balance of thought and action, call and ask Master Seraphis Bey! Cover me with your White Ray and balance me! And immediately, I will.

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