Seraphis Bey – Journey of Forgiveness – Round 1

With great joy and a radiant heart, I once again participate in a path with you. With each walk through the 7 Rays, there is a transformation, an elevation of your souls. No one goes without a transformation, without a change. Never state, “Nothing happened; I saw nothing; I thought nothing; I received nothing; nothing happened.” Transformation happens. The fact of seeing, feeling, hearing, or whatever, is just a necessity for your mind to believe that something has happened. The walk is with your souls, not your minds. Your souls are being taken care of.

So when you put yourself into meditation, we talk to your souls, not you. So we must do the whole ritual so that you stop for a moment and allow your souls to present themselves to us. At that moment, your consciousness is focused on meditation; and that is what we need. So the fact that you don’t see don’t hear, don’t feel, or understand doesn’t change what is being done to your souls. It has already been said here: Remember for what? Remembering for what? To relive that scene for what? To recreate the energy that was dissolved?

So I would say that those who don’t see, don’t feel, or don’t hear are, in fact, being gifted because they won’t even know what was covered. Those aware of what is being dealt with must see it, and why do they need to see, feel, or hear? Because there is a lesson there, something that repeats itself in the present life. So observe what you have gone through and experienced during meditation.

Suppose you go through the meditation and don’t remember what happened afterward. In that case, it is because it was not a lesson to be learned today. It was forgotten on purpose so that your mind no longer connects with that lesson; it has already been learned. If you remember, even without wanting to remember, then understand that there is a lesson there. There is something to be lived in the present life.

So don’t make a point of remembering, don’t want to see, don’t want to hear, or feel, because it is a sign that the lesson has been learned. Start acting correctly in your present life without remembering what you did during meditation. The purpose here is not to treat minds. It is to treat souls. We are doing this, cleansing your souls of acts contrary to the Light committed during your journey.

Be very attentive to what you are doing. Take this walk with much love with commitment. It has already been said, but it is worth remembering: You failed one day. You have to start again from the beginning. Why? Each day our energy surrounds you until the following meditation, approximately 24 hours; a little more, maybe a little less. But it is as if that energy is just changing color with each meditation. If you fail one day, that energy dissipates, and nothing is created again. So you will have to start again from the Blue Ray.

It is as if you were given an outfit on the Blue Ray. The next day that outfit changes color to yellow, pink, and so on. If you fail one day, that clothing disappears. The energy of the following master will not connect with you. It will not give the necessary treatment to the soul during the day. Or do you think that what is done in meditation is done at that point, and that’s it? No, everything continues for a while until the following meditation. How many incarnations have you had, from that point of the problem until today? Clearing this journey is not easy, and it is not simple.

So you need to always be in that outfit because it is that outfit that effectively does the treatment. So you failed one day. You have to start over from the Blue Ray. You have no other way to continue. So if you want to get ahead of it, you can do several meditations in one day, but be aware that everything will be dealt with together. So it may be that their bodies can’t absorb that much energy all at once.

So what is the solution? It is to not let yourself fail, to not fail at any point. Do it daily. It doesn’t matter the time. What matters is that it is within 24 hours of each other. So make a habit of always doing it more or less in the same hour, a little more, a little less. And then that turn, that walk on the 7 Rays will be complete, and this phase will be defined by finishing on the Violet Ray.

We are not just walking here. You are making a turn in the 7 Rays, where it starts in the blue and ends in the violet, and the subsequent one restarts in blue. So it is a loop. You are in a circle, where you leave from one point and end up at the same point to start a new walk, a new round.

So commitment is significant. You have to commit to yourself to do the right thing. There is no commitment to us. Understand this, the commitment is to your souls. It is to help your souls make strides on that walk, on that road to ascension.

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