Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Planet Earth! I AM SERAPHIS BEY!
We begin another Journey of Forgiveness with you, another lap. We have reached the equilibrium point in the round. We are delighted with the results you deliver, doing it with Love, surrender, and confidence. It is all happening, and many souls are freeing themselves. You have no idea how wonderful this process with you has been. I hope you have understood the importance of this journey in terms of the Whole.
It is not only you who are being taken care of but all the other souls who were connected to you somehow. And this elevates the frequency of Love on the planet very much. We are still in the third round. There will be many more rounds. You will notice that with each step and round, things will become a little more challenging to be solved. Our intention is exactly that, to help you dissolve anything. Everything you still accumulate in there from past lives no longer makes sense to be kept or lived for many souls.
We wish you all to reach the end of this journey. Do not lose courage for any reason. Always remain confident, believing in what you are doing. And, definitely, when you reach the last round, you will see a big difference. Time is moving fast. Gaia is moving on a more accelerated timeline, so everything is closer to happening. The preparation of the planet for the Great Awakening is going fast.
All the galactic brothers, beings of light, and the high consciousnesses of the Universe are at work right now on this planet. It will not take long; it will begin very soon. But, first, the ribbon will be cut, for the opening, of the Great Awakening of Humanity. And then, you will have a lot of work to do. You will have good and bad times, but it is all about what you believe and attach to what is happening.
Your paths will be defined by the energies you connect with. You will have a wonderful path if you connect with the beneficial and positive energy. If not, you will blend in with the great mass. But we sincerely hope that with this journey and all we have done for you, you will know which path to take.
Stay where you are, even if the people around you insist on melting into the mass. Don’t try to change or impose anything on anyone. They will have their moment and enlightenment for the consciousness of the entire planet. There is nothing you can teach now. Everyone will learn in his own time and manner. You’ll just be in a large box, watching the parade downstairs.
Whoever wants to climb into your boxes to have a moment of wisdom will be welcomed by you; that is, it will not be for you to come down and teach anyone anything. Instead, everyone will be drawn to you at the right time, at the time when their hearts demand an answer. They will know that those upstairs, in the boxes, have been there and will definitely have the ability to help them. And then, of course, or perhaps not, this new brother will be part of the great mass that will rise in his own time, but he will begin this journey that you once did.
Be ready. Stay in the box and don’t mix with the masses. The present time on your planet is a time of much turmoil, causing separations and disputes; a time of many wrongs and fake things that show up to involve you. Know how to stay apart from it all. This is not the time for you to be involved with anything that happens in your world.
Believe me, you will not make any decisions; the decisions have already been made. Therefore, do not participate in anything or take sides with anyone. The masses will fight, and in the middle of that fight, Love will be born for those with a pure heart; those will disperse from the great Mass and come to you. Those who do not feel Love and remain involved in the great mud that humanity will become will stay there and leave the planet at the right time.
Then it will be up to you to make your own decision. We hope that you, who are already on a long and not easy path, will not mingle with the masses. Stay away, on the outside, just watching, without involvement. Don’t get involved, don’t comment, don’t argue, and don’t take sides with anyone. The decisions are already made; you will not be the ones to make any decision.
Believe me, “The Big Day” is very near. So stay in the boxes, separated from the masses and the mainstream media. Stay in balance as much as you can, and you will continue to raise the vibration of Love on the planet daily. This vibration is getting intenser because of the Love you receive from the Universe’s Beings. And nothing, nothing, nothing will stop the evolution of this fantastic planet.