Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SERAPHIS BEY!
I come with the Light of my White Ray to overfill the whole physical body of each one of you, to overfill each living creature of this planet, and to overfill the surface of the planet itself.
The Light is intense. The transformations are taking place and the consciousnesses are expanding. What occurs when a consciousness expands? The vision changes and the understanding about each thing, each event, changes, but not all are able to understand what this change means.
At the moment, there is an evolution point on the Earth’s civilization. Many perceive that; that they cannot hold on to many things as they did some time ago anymore. But there are those who are not able to understand, and we are not here talking about intelligence, we are talking about heart.
There are the entirely dark beings that still are leaders on your planet. These very beings knew very well how to indoctrinate and train their human slaves on the planet, and these have propagated the whole context and all the ideas to those who vibrate in the same way. Therefore, many have learned to vibrate grief, violence, hate, and all the very low vibrational feelings, and they have done their work constantly and effectively.
The beings of this planet that have the Light in their hearts — as much as they still let themselves be involved by the shadows many times — are feeling the difference. They notice there is something in the air. They perceive that the hour of change has come, they just cannot understand what that change will be. This is where I say that they do not have that ability, because they were not souls trained to understand this whole process. They are souls born on this planet and they still have a long path ahead, until they reach evolution.
With this I am not saying that no Earth soul will evolve. There are those who surpass expectations. There are those who even overpass evolved souls, for they emanate so much Love, so much Light; and these will certainly evolve. But do not be mistaken about the great majority. There will be no time for them to understand the moment they are living.
Many have said many times that this is unfair, that Father/Mother God is not being fair, and that everyone should evolve. I may say the following: Father/Mother God never fails and It knows exactly each soul’s path. It knows exactly what the path of evolution is, where each soul has its moment, where each soul has its learning. Therefore, there is no injustice. Father/Mother God is not being bad with the Earth souls. Everything is just following the rhythm of the universe, the rhythm of evolution.
Evolved souls have arrived here a long time ago and remained here, with what purpose? Exactly to fill the necessary energy quantum for the planet to evolve, and so that they could lead and help in Gaia’s evolution process. Otherwise, this would not be the planet’s moment of evolution.
Thus this occurs in every planet that is designated at the moment of evolution. Evolved souls arrive, live on the planet for some time, raise the energy and make the planet evolve. And those Souls who are not ready go to new orbs that will undergo the same process; and as they evolve, there will come the moment in which they too will evolve; they will no longer be a part of the Third Dimension.
My brothers, evolved souls, do not hold on to anything. Do not suffer for anyone. No one is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everyone will be in the right place at the right time. Every soul has made a choice, even the Earth ones. What have they chosen? To evolve? No, they know they will not evolve. What they have chosen is how they will go away. Each soul has made a choice. Some want to run away soon. They do not want to go through anything, they do not even want to help in the process; because they can help, they have energy for that; they just are not yet suitable for evolution. Many are deciding to go away, they do not want to go through anything. Wills are accepted and respected.
Evolved souls have also made their choices: to go through the whole process in their own physical body or in spirit, in energy. And do not think that those souls who are disincarnating will be smiling in a large group of evolved souls without taking part in anything. I would say that these are two paths: that one which the evolved souls will go through for their own evolution in physical body and the path of those souls who have chosen to go through it as energy. These are two groups; both have their own functions.
Do not think that they will just be watching everything that will take place here on the planet, without doing anything. And I may even say that, the fact that they have chosen to go before the time will not ease their mission in any way, and that, depending on the process, it might even be more intense than that of those who remain on Earth. Therefore, no one will be spared. Everyone will go through his own evolution, each one of you.
What is needed is that you be within Unconditional Love, so that you learn to live each moment, each revelation, and each taken step, with Love only. Two feelings need to be out of everything: fear and judgment. Do not use these feelings, because they will hamper your process a lot. There has to be trust and faith in the path that your own soul has defined, that your own soul has chosen. If it has chosen to go through a few problems, it is because it knows that it needs to go through them.
Therefore, believe that if you will go through it in physical body, you will. Understand that. Nothing will be interrupted halfway through. When the process begins, whoever is present will be present until the end; you will not perish halfway through. Now, if fear invades you, if judgment begins to be part of your thoughts, your vibration will fall, and then we cannot say anything about what will occur. It might be that you may or may not evolve.
I am not here laying fear on you. I am setting what will be necessary for each soul who is here to evolve: confidence in Father/Mother God; confidence in the soul’s own choice; certainty that there is the capacity for your own evolution. What happens around, what happens to others, is around and concerns others, not you. Therefore, look only at your journey.
Let us say that there will be a narrow path to be thread; on the sides, a great cliff, but if you focus on that narrow path, if you look only at it, you will go through it without fear, full of confidence, because you know that that is the way. Therefore, you will only look at it. Now if for a moment you look away, you might lose balance. Do you understand?
Therefore, the moment — not only today, but at any moment from this day on, from now on — is for bearing in mind this narrow path at all times. Do not make it too thin, do not demand too much of yourselves. Build this path in your minds, but build it with a certain safety, so you can even lie down and rest on it. It is not by making your path as difficult as possible that you will be blessed with anything. May it be a thin but safe path; however, if at any time you look away, the path narrows. This is the great magic; because you did not trust, you preferred looking away.
Therefore, create the path safely, looking only at it. Put flowers, put animals, whatever you want; but may this only be the path, the sides do not matter. Everything is collapsing on the sides and you are there, walking easily, sometimes resting, but moving forward.
Therefore, this is the great message of the moment. And how to create this path? You do not need to create it in your minds. It already exists; it was created by your soul. Therefore, just walk. You will feel if at any time the path has become a little too dangerous; but if you keep only the Love, the equilibrium, and if you neither let yourself be involved by fear nor judgment, the path will always be safe. You will create this safe path.
Each step you take today is shaping the path. It already exists because your soul has created it. Now if it is a little larger or a little narrower, that derives from your actions, your thoughts, and your words. Therefore, build this path today; and the more you vibrate Love and confidence, the more it widens, and everything ahead of you will seem easy, peaceful, and safe.
When you vibrate fear or any other feeling different from Light, it narrows down. Remember this, it is a magical path. No, it will not vanish, because it is a path. Now the difficulty level for you to go through it is being defined now, at this moment, at each thought and action you take. How do you want to create this path, easy or extremely dangerous to be walked through? The choice is simple. You just need to learn to emanate unconditional Love only at each minute, leaving everything else behind; and I can assure you that your path will be easy and peaceful to cross over.
Translation by Joana Rodrigues