Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SERAPHIS BEY!
I bring with me today the joy of being able to be here once again, and in addition to this joy, I bring my White Ray, the ray of balance, the ray of strength, the ray of Light. My brothers and sisters, the journey is difficult. Imagine how many ages, how many lives, how many attitudes, thoughts, and words have been made and emanated in the wrong way. Consciousness happens with evolution. But it’s important that you don’t judge yourselves, that you don’t have any kind of contrary feeling against your souls.
Firstly, you weren’t there, you didn’t feel the heat of survival, the heat of magic, the dark ages. Many here went through this time and it was a time of very little light because the darkness there needed to implant itself on the planet, it needed to implant pain, suffering, and evil in human hearts.
How would you have lived back then? Hiding in a cave? Impossible because the air was pure darkness. There was no way to hide. There was, however, a way out: belief, faith, in something greater, in a God who possibly existed, but who was asleep at the time, for allowing so much evil.
From then on, the world evolved. Enlightened souls have increased on the planet to bring balance between good and evil. And you have adapted to this whole process, step by step, incarnation by incarnation. So how can we judge what your souls have done?
Many of you don’t accept that you have to pay the debts of what your souls did back then. But the great fact is that at this moment there is a difference from other incarnations, there is a process of ascension taking place. If it weren’t for that, you’d be living your lives normally, and you’d still be making mistakes, but everything would be fine; you’d be disincarnated and in the next incarnation, you’d try to put things right again. As it has been up to now.
The thing is, the ascension process is there. It’s no longer knocking on your door, it’s inside your house. So there’s no getting away from it because it’s in the air, it’s in the light you see, it’s in the water you drink, it’s in everything you touch. There’s no escaping this process.
So it’s as if you’ve been making debts over time, and now they’re being collected, all at once. Now what’s interesting, what’s very important, is that you can afford to pay. They are not unpayable debts, except for a few. But those with a heart of Light will be able to pay them off. I do believe it’s not easy because I’ve been through it all.
You don’t have to tell me this. I have ascended, I have lived on Earth, and I know exactly what this process is. And I tell you, it is possible, I did it, and many others have done it. Don’t think that only we Ascended Masters have made it. There are many other beings who have ascended too, only their missions are not on this planet, they are on others.
So don’t think it’s just us who have ascended. There were a large number of beings who have ascended over time.You only know us because we presented ourselves for the mission on this planet because we lived here.
So my brothers and sisters, don’t be discouraged. Don’t wilt. Keep walking, making your internal changes, your changes in behavior, your changes in thinking, and your words. Believe me, it’s possible. Do the surroundings help? No, it doesn’t and it never will, because the environment is still made up of that dark force created back then.
But today, we can say that the number of enlightened beings on this planet is very large and far greater than those beings who arrived here to preach evil. You just need to polish your hearts and polish your minds, and by doing this, taking each step one at a time, you will succeed, because in your hearts there is Light, and in your hearts, there is love for God the Father/Mother, there is love for Sananda, there is love for Mary, there is love for “n” other saints and beings that you worship.
Whoever believes in Beings of Light has a heart of Light. So believe me, today you are in the majority. Evil is losing on this planet. Many have already left. We are making a great siege so that only the leaders remain, those who have imposed all this suffering on the planet. And I assure you, you will be surprised by the people you will see.
But it’s not a case of judgment. It’s not a case of hatred or revolt. They followed the path they chose, and they feel no remorse for it and are aware that they will pay for everything they have done on this planet, for all the destruction they have caused, for all the harm they have done to humanity. None will go unpunished. All will be judged by the Universal Laws.
So my brothers and sisters, what do you fear? Losing ephemeral pleasures, losing all that you have today in material terms? I assure you that you will have so many things that are much more beautiful and more important than what you have here right now. Don’t cling to anything, because everything was created based on non-Light.
Destroying the vegetation and takes away the balance. Nothing can be taken with you. Nothing. Because everything vibrates the Third Dimension and everything vibrates evil within it, unfortunately. Look at your houses, where they were built? Yes, you would have to have a place to live, I completely agree, but not with the imbalance that has been created. You could have kept the planet as green as it once was.
So, my brothers and sisters, let go of everything. Nothing belongs to you. You won’t take anything from this dimension, nothing. So I ask you a question: If you were to disincarnate today, would you take anything with you? You would only take what your soul has lived, you would take your experiences, your mistakes, and your successes. So why are you trying to take something from here to the Fifth Dimension that you think is yours?
Nothing belongs to you. Nothing. So you will take nothing. Understand that. Stop buying. Stop buying, and stop building things as if they were eternal because they won’t be. Live with the minimum. Detach yesterday so that you don’t suffer tomorrow. Nothing belongs to you. Nothing.
You’re living in an environment created on the planet, but it’s not yours, it’s not part of your journey, it’s not part of your soul, it’s not your soul’s asset. Your soul’s possessions are your actions, your thoughts, and your words. This belongs to your soul. And this is exactly what is being charged for today during the ascension process.
So, my brothers and sisters, preparation is not just about internal change, preparation is much more than that. It means starting to live in a totally different way, without waste, without greed, and without exaggeration. Be balanced in everything you do. No more, no less. Be balanced, and try as far as possible to bring what you have left to those who have nothing. Be balanced in everything you do. No more, no less. Be balanced, and try as far as possible to bring what you have left to those who have nothing.
This is the thought that has to happen. This is the thought that must be lived out very soon. Are you ready for this, for equality, for not underestimating anyone, for not diminishing anyone, for understanding that everyone is equal before God the Father/Mother? Are you ready for that? To look at any brother or sister, whether on this planet or not, and simply see there a Divine Spark, a brother or sister. Are you ready for that?
But answer truthfully. There’s no point in responding without feeling. Be truthful. Seek to improve. Accept that you still have a lot to learn, because only then will you continue on this journey, trying to improve more and more, and if you do this with commitment and with a lot of light and love, you will get there.