Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Planet Earth! I AM SERAPIS BEY!
Once again, I have come to be with you on this Journey of Forgiveness. As I said before, we have reached the point of equilibrium, the fourth round. In this round, the rupture of many connections you have made at other times will help many souls to leave. Many souls who participated in these pacts, agreements, or contracts are just waiting for this rupture from you to go. These are souls that once served the non-light or still serve to this day. They are being dealt with. All connections they made with souls on this planet, incarnate or not, are being terminated.
In your case, it is a slightly different rupture because as you are on the Journey of Forgiveness, all the consequences generated from these pacts, agreements, and contracts are also dissolved. So it is an essential and very complex process, but one we are managing to accomplish. And you are freeing yourself from many energies that have accumulated in your souls unnecessarily because they were pacts and contracts that existed in those times but not today. Yet, still, the energy kept reverberating up to the present day.
So when you ask for this rupture, the whole process is extinguished, and these energies are cleansed; they cleanse you and all those involved in the same process. But, unfortunately, those souls that have connections with the souls that freed themselves from you no longer have the energy or association with that soul. Since they don’t know the activity of forgiveness yet or don’t intensely exercise Love, the energies still reverberate in their bodies and Souls. But this is also a process being dealt with, just not at speed we deal with you.
The rest of the planet, those we call the unawakened, are receiving Light from the Central Sun. It is a highly potent and mighty Light that gradually burns away all those processes that should have been finished but were not. It is made at a slightly slower speed because these people do not understand what is happening in their world. If we went at the pace we do with you, they would have outbursts of seeing and feeling so many things and processes that they could go crazy. They would not be ready to understand what is happening to them.
So everything must be done very calmly and slowly. Hence, those people free themselves from everything without getting out of balance. All is being dealt with. The souls that belonged or still belong to non-light that had connections with any soul on this planet are breaking those connections. They are being taken out now. They no longer remain in this planet’s aura and are already being forwarded to orbs, where they will continue their path of evolution. Some, not so much. Some are brought before the courts of Divine Law, and you cannot know what has happened to them yet.
So this whole process that you are doing, be assured, it doesn’t just cleanse you. It’s not a selfish process but a vast process. When a soul is brought to us, all connections it has with other souls are ruptured. Each is treated as we explained. So realize that you are helping not only yourselves but the entire planet. Even if the speed of the other brothers is slow, it reverberates back to them and to the planet’s energy. Every little piece of these broken and dissolved connections is negative energy transformed into Love and Light.
The Violet Flame of Saint Germain is responsible for all this transformation. So it stops being a point of emanation of low vibration energy and becomes more energy full of Love and Light. Then it will transform, little by little, your whole planet. So don’t get discouraged, don’t give up. You are there at the front of the walk. All of you who choose to follow this path with Love and determination are taking leaps in your journey. They are no longer steps; they are leaps. It is as if you become so light that a simple urge to go forward makes you skip a good chunk of the path.
This is not a reason for you to fill up on ego, nor is it a reason to think you are better than anyone else. That’s the way it is. If you do your part and lift yourself up, it speeds up. Any feeling of superiority or self-importance about it throws you back there again. There is no superiority here; there are paths, there are choices. Every choice, well made, is a leap forward on the journey. Every misplaced feeling is a return that is also as powerful as in the walk.
So keep yourselves in balance. Always imagine that you are helping yourself and the planet as a whole every day you do this procedure. So everything is being planned and very well done by all of us. The work is intense; it is not easy, but we have help from all the galactic brothers. Because every soul on this planet has already had its story drawn, we know what connections each soul has. Then we can act directly on the right spot, the most needed at that moment.
And as we have already said, the next few rounds will be the most important ones; they will be the ones where Unconditional Love will have to prevail. They will not be easy walks; they will be challenging walks! But don’t lose hope and don’t lose faith. If you have come this far, you can get through them. And never, ever forget: We are by your side. Did it get hard? Did it get heavy? Don’t be afraid to call us as often as necessary so that we can help you break through whatever is standing in the way of that leap. And be assured, we will do this with great joy. Because with every jump you make, the planet jumps a little bit too.