Sirianos – We are all brothers

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM REMO, the SIRIAN!

“I have been around for a long time. Although my home is not here, I do visit planet Earth from time to time. I have family on Earth, so our hearts on Sirius are all focused on this planet. We engage in daily meditations and send light to everyone who is incarnated here on the planet.”

As you may have realized, each race takes care of its own. So we look after the Sirian souls incarnated here. And each race is looking after those who are part of its community. We are delighted to be part of this whole process.

“To be part of the ascension of a planet is a very important mission. It’s a mission of pure, unconditional love. It’s a mission of giving of oneself, of being away from home. It means facing battles, enduring threats, and often experiencing actual suffering. But it’s all worth it because witnessing a planet ascend, and in your case, seeing a race ascend along with the planet, is truly wonderful.”

It will be a truly fantastic spectacle. It will be a spectacle watched by the whole universe. But mainly watched by God the Father/Mother. Because it was his heart that created this planet. Who created the whole process that has taken place here. It was God the Father/Mother who determined the Wheel of Samsara. Yes, it was he who determined free will on this planet.

An experiment? No, I wouldn’t call it that. I would call them possibilities, which God the Father/Mother makes in the universe so that He can see how far His creations can go. No, He’s not disappointed in the human race. After all, you have survived this far. You didn’t go extinct. You didn’t kill each other. You survived. And there are billions of you on the surface of the planet.

“You are victorious. Even though the darkness often seems to be in control, you manage to survive. It comes at the cost of a lot of suffering and pain, but you manage. And there you are, alive on the planet. The planet may be a little bruised, for sure. But it’s still there, still surviving.”

God the Father/Mother is extremely pleased with everything he wanted to demonstrate to the rest of the universe. This will serve as a model and result for the entire universe. What is happening on this planet, and what has already occurred, will be replicated in millions and millions of gatherings throughout the universe. This will demonstrate cause and effect and the potential outcomes of free will.

“But you are victorious and you are at the gates of ascension. Every race that is part of this entire context is gathered around your planet right now. They are sending light and unconditional love from their own galaxies to all the seeds incarnated here.”

“And victory has already occurred. You’ve already won. What’s left are the details – important details, yes, but they are still just details, because the light is already present on the planet. The light has already embedded itself on the planet, and it is now reaching the furthest depths of the surface that it can reach. It’s already reaching the center of the planet, the heart of Gaia.”

And when this happens, the whole process will begin. And then every starseed will be ready for its missions. And every human on Earth will know exactly their story

We, Syrians, have created this Code of Light, which we leave with you. It is a Code of Friendship and pure Love. We want you to believe that we are all brothers and sisters. Despite our different appearances, we share the same essence: we are all children of God, the Father/Mother. In this way, we will always be united in the universe.

Translated by Simarea Marques

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