Solar Being – Create your own Golden Sun

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM ANIMANI! The Solar Being

Lots of Light! Lots of Light! Lots of Light! That’s all I can say as I look at your planet. An intense, solid, and transforming Light is constantly coming to this planet. The Light is doing its part, pushing all the contamination to a single point. It is an act very similar to what you do in your homes; you sweep and gather, in one spot, the garbage formed by the sweeping. That is what is happening now. We can say one thing: in every place on the planet where there is a human being, the energy emanating from there is being analyzed. It is an energy of Light, still undefined because sometimes it emanates Light, sometimes just the opposite. Some are total from no Light.

The Light that comes unveils, shows, and displays the truth about each human being. It is not a judgment or an exhibition of the creature that is there. It reveals what that soul is, without stratagem, deception, or masks. Each one of you is being bathed in this Light. Throughout the ages, your souls have hidden much, hidden feelings, actions, and every kind of energy they could. What is the reason? It doesn’t matter anymore. So these energies are being brought out; they can no longer be stored. They must be dealt with and transmuted, so the soul reaches the degree of cleansing necessary for its ascension.

So, many of you are running into problems you thought you had solved long ago, and the issue has come back to burn your hands. Many of you need help figuring out what to do with them. There is only one way: look at the problem with Love, ask for help, and solve it. There is no other alternative. There is no other way, only this one. Please don’t be angry with the problems that appear because each one is a point of evolution, a point of cleansing and improvement. Look at the obstacles as small tests or significant trials, but that will allow you, by passing through them, to reach high grades in evolution. If you can’t pass through them, you stay in the same place and don’t advance; you stagnate at that point.

And then it is as if all issues come over simultaneously because you have stopped. Then other problems that would come later come along, and it feels like the whole world is against you. No, you are not the center of the world, don’t look at it that way because it is ego. You are just getting in touch with everything you must think about and solve. You will feel every minor infraction, every imbalance, and every feedback. You will be much more sensitive to what is good and not good. The Light does this; it shows clearly without a stitch of shadow, without a stitch of doubt.

I have taught you here, a while ago, to draw a big sun and put it in your windows to look at it constantly, many times. But, for many, it is difficult because those around them don’t understand, laugh, mock, or even create conflict. So today, I will do it differently; you must make this Sun in your mind. An immense Sun, not the size of the Sun you know, but a tremendous Sun, which is not yellow but golden. Because gold is the representation of abundance, and when I say the word abundance, I mean anything positive ever.

So imagine this great Golden Sun there on the horizon, shining brightly. But its rays do not reach your eyes; you can look at it constantly. And ask this Sun to bring abundant knowledge, enlightenment, and truth into every shadow in your path so that you can identify and destroy it. This Sun represents the Sun of Alcyon, whose Light is intense and powerful. So use this Sun and always ask to see the truth. Ask for the doubts to be cleared and for the obstacles to be easy to overcome. And be sure you will see the difference, and everything will begin to run within the Time of Light. What is the Time of Light? It is your time, but without obstacles, it is your time where everything happens right now. Because you have filled it with Light, you have filled it with Love, and the universe toasts it, making it happen.

Just one remark: Don’t ask anything for the other. This Sun is yours, and it’s individual. If you ask something for the other, it will not happen. Because the Sun is in your mind, it will act on you, not on the other. The moment is for everyone to follow their path, so do your part because by doing it, you are indirectly enlightening the other. Because you become an example, you become a watched person. Many will want to follow your attitude because they will see the results ahead.

So don’t forget, create this immense golden Sun and abuse this Light, for it will act physically. Also, ask that this Light illuminate your cells so that each one is strong enough to destroy everything that is not good in your body. All of this, said with faith, belief, and seriousness, will bring results. Believe this Light is powerful. Please don’t stop asking for help; I guarantee your path will become more enlightened.

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