Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth! I AM ANIMANI, the Solar Being!
I bring with me a lot of abundance. Abundance of love, light, peace, harmony, and joy for your hearts. When we are at this very moment, giving you a short message, it’s not just words, it’s not just guidance or instructions. We are emanating a lot of energy, at this moment, and those who connect with us from the heart receive this energy.
So when I say that I bring abundance, if you are connected to me right now by the heart, you will receive this wave of abundance. Believe it. We don’t pass on empty messages. We don’t just pass on words. It would be almost meaningless to us coming here and just talking, talking, talking. Our role has always been and always will be, to transmit good energies, transmitting good feelings, anything that vibrates Light.
Always see an immense Sun on the horizon; not the size of the Sun you see. It’s a huge sun. Create it the size of the Earth, so that the whole horizon is occupied by this Sun. No, this Sun doesn’t bring heat; this Sun brings Light, it brings Love and abundance because it illuminates, expands, and transforms. So always create this Sun on the horizon.
Imagine yourself in a large green field and sit in it. There is nothing around you but greenery and the sun that you have placed on the horizon. At that moment, think of everything you want, everything you want to achieve, everything you would like to experience. Never ask for the other, because we won’t answer. You are the one sitting there. So always ask for yourself.
Your request may include other people; that’s fine, but don’t mention them in your request. The request will always be for you. Believe me. We’ve made a lot happen. We have helped many of you. Now, not all requests can be granted. We believe you already know this because many are part of the lessons to be learned. And no, we don’t take lessons from anyone. So we don’t fulfill this kind of request either.
“Can I ask for material things?” You can. If you deserve it, you’ll get it, as long as it’s for your good and the good of the whole. Don’t put on feelings of superiority or arrogance. They must always be enlightened feelings. Will it bring you joy, happiness, and satisfaction, and will it indirectly bring the same to those around you? It’s a valid request. “But it’s a material good!”. No problem.
Your world is material. You live within the material. So asking for material things is not forbidden, you just need to be aware of what to ask for and how to ask for it. Ask for joy, ask for happiness; we can give them, but it’s up to you to multiply them, it’s up to you to do your part too, because otherwise what we give will end, it won’t be maintained, because you didn’t know how to maintain it. So there needs to be an agreement between us. We give and you keep.
It’s not about asking all the time, because there will be a time when we won’t be able to give any more for you to learn that you have to do your part. Don’t simply wait for us. So make your requests. Leave it to us to give them or not. We just hope that you get it and understand when you don’t receive it. The universe is abundant. The universe is not scarce. There is abundance and prosperity for everyone. You just need to adapt to this to receive. You need to believe that it is possible to receive, but you often need to do your part as well. And there we have an agreement.
We are now in agreement. Let yourself be carried away by your dreams. What you call a dream could come true, why not? So as you sit there in that green field, let your mind wander, dream like a child, be a child. Dream. Ask for things you think you could never have; you might be surprised. The only rule is: The requests are for you. That’s the only rule. Otherwise, ask for whatever you want, it’s up to you and us to decide whether you get it or not.
Translated by: Ivana Bueno