Solar Being – Observe the Imbalances in Your Bodies

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM ANIMANI! THE SOLAR BEING!

I bring with me Light, a lot of Light. And at this moment I fill the heart of each one of you who is listening to me with Love, with surrender, with this ball of Light.

My brothers, the Light is powerful; imagine that today, at this moment, a shower of blessings is falling on this planet. There are many Codes of Light and these codes are available to all, there are no restrictions, there are no judgments. They are falling and penetrating the physical bodies of everyone on Earth.

What do these Codes of Light bring? Mainly Love, mainly liberation, consciousness, truth. And what changes do these codes bring in you? The need to be true, the need to look at everything without criticism, without any kind of judgment. And when you act in a contrary way, your body feels it, your mind complains, there is a discomfort in your whole body, because what you just did is being contrary to what you are receiving.

Now let it be very clear: the more your heart has Love, the more your heart has Light, the more codes are absorbed. It is as if your heart were a magnet that attracts those codes that are coming, but not a magnet as you know it, a magnet that attracts energies of the same power. So the more you vibrate Love, the more you vibrate Light, the more codes you receive and are prepared more and more to act within the precepts of the Light.

Whatever is outside bothers you, brings internal disharmony, brings imbalance.

Pay attention to your bodies, don’t see everything you are feeling as an illness. If the doubt is too great, seek those who can remove it. But don’t regard everything your bodies show as illness. Your bodies are also changing and slowly adapting to all this light, changing into a crystalline body, and this change is not easy or simple for your carbon-based bodies.

The ethereal structures of your bodies are being modified, first to resonate with all this energy that is coming in, and lastly your physical body. Notice that when you are calm, peaceful, emanating Love and joy, your bodies seem to do the same. You are willing, you are feeling vigorous, balanced, with no disharmonic needs. Now, when you get off track, your body responds with imbalances, with needs that are no longer the ones you should actually be consuming.

So be aware, that every time you feel like ingesting something that you know is not good for this path, your body is in imbalance. It is seeking in these substances something that it doesn’t know, but believes it can rebalance itself with them. So be very careful, it is not that you are forbidden to ingest these substances, but be careful not to become a slave to them, not to create new habits, because your body is out of balance, it is looking for something that will bring balance to it, and that is all it knows.

Then he will tend to do it; slip, eat wrongly, act wrongly. So be very mindful of what you have the urge to eat, to ingest. Is it a real craving, something that happens sometimes, or is it something that you are repeating often? Something isolated doesn’t do much harm, now something constant starts to affect your own body. Because in its imbalance, when you try to balance yourself but ingest something that is not good, the imbalance increases and you will tend to eat more and more of what you should not.

So, a good solution: when you have those cravings to eat something that you know is not good, eat something alive, a fruit. A fruit is alive, even off the tree it is alive, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t rot, it just doesn’t get the energy from the place where it was grown anymore, but it still exists, it still lives. So eat living things, always have a fruit at hand. As a last resort, if you don’t like fruit at all, then drink water, fill your body with water, and I guarantee that balance will come and you will not cause any more imbalance.

Be aware of what is happening to your bodies.

Now, an important point is that many are having a hint of doubt. As I said that everyone is absorbing these Light Codes, the question is, who is not of the Light also absorbing? I would prefer to believe that you would already know that answer. The Light Codes are coming down to everyone, but they penetrate where the heart is enlightened. Where it’s not, it’s exactly the opposite: they hit and leave, they don’t penetrate because the energy there is incompatible with them.

Light codes, they are falling, as I said, there is no discrimination. Now to penetrate their bodies, depends on the heart, depends on the Light that is emanated by each heart, depends on the intensity of the Light that is emanated. If you emanate a lot of Light, you absorb many codes, if you emanate little Light, you absorb few codes. Everything is proportional, we can’t forget the choices, and every choice is always respected.

So pay attention to your bodies, pay attention to what you are vibrating, don’t unbalance yourselves even more by attending to the desires of your bodies, because they don’t know what they are asking for. Remember, your bodies are still in the Third Dimension and know pleasure, the pleasure of eating, certain things that are tasty to you but are not healthy, so be careful.

Watch your imbalances, watch how your bodies react. This is a way for you to be more absorbent of all these Light Codes. Because the more balanced the body, the more codes penetrate and the more transformation happens. And you become more and more, enlightened beings, powerful beings, ready to discern what is right and what is wrong. Make your choices, and reap the results.

Translated by: Letícia Balbino

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