Solar Being – Receive the Light Codes with Love

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ANIMANI! The Solar Being!

I bring with me many rays, much energy, much Light. I don’t come alone, I come with many others, all from the same origin: the Sun of Alcyon. We bring you the Light, Codes of Light that each one of you is receiving right now…your bodies are absorbing. Each Code of Light that your bodies absorb is an expansion of a cell, an organ, a bone, a mind, your entire body. Your cells are also evolving, they are aware of putting out everything that is different from the divine order. 

Many of you will appear to be sick and will appear to be sicker than usual. Don’t look at it this way. Everything is coming out to be expelled and every imbalance has a way out. So don’t get attached to many imbalances that you feel. Drink lots of water, water is and will always be the best medicine. It is clear that many times, your bodies are unbalanced in such a way that the use of medicines from your world is necessary. If so, do it. Don’t let your bodies get worse just because you don’t want to medicate them. You are still in the Third Dimension and your bodies are… you could say, in total confusion, and many times just the will and belief of your minds and hearts to believe that you can heal yourself will not be enough for that. Medicines will be needed. 

But before taking them, always be careful to place them close to your heart; Light emanates from the heart and this Light envelops that medicine, removing from it everything that was prepared to harm you, leaving only the beneficial part. Do this, even for your children; use your hearts not theirs. Surround the medicine in Light and you can give it at will. 

Understand that all the imbalance that is being presented on your planet is not real. Everything is part of a great theater, so that everyone believes that the Light does nothing, so that everyone believes that the Light is not being able to control evil. I repeat: This is great theater! Do problems exist? They do, but not in the proportion that they are presented. 

Those who show up complaining about the problem or stating that the problem exists, are those who are manipulated by the shadows, to speak… to give their testimony. So when you feel your hearts tightening, when you feel that belief is swaying, remember: The Light Has Already Won! And everything is being accompanied by the Light. 

Those who vibrate along with the shadows, allow themselves to be enveloped by them. So if you vibrate Light, you will attract Light. And even the shadows that insist on taking you out of balance because they are around you, you will always be stronger than them, when you look at them and return just Light, not irritation, not annoyance, just Light. 

So each one of you already knows what to do, has already learned what must be done. Always believe: “The Light Codes are illuminating me”. Because they are coming down with intensity on all of you. And it’s always worth remembering: that exactly because I don’t know how to deal with so much Light, so much imbalance is happening. But when people start to realize that the more they emanate Love, all this will change and the imbalances will disappear.

This is part of awakening, part of expanding consciousness. Imagine that you are under a heavy rain; in some spots the rain just wets, in some spots it wreaks havoc. Why? Because there, it needs to be cleaned…there, it needs to be stirred to remove some energy that is stagnant. Even if you ask me: “At the cost of many lives?” I answer you: Each one was exactly where he should be! 

So, find yourselves flooded with a shower of Light Codes. And the more you receive this rain with joy and with Love, the more and more you will push away any kind of imbalance. 

Translated by: Paula Prado

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