Solar Being – The Process is in Progress

I am not here today by myself. There is a large team of solar beings next to me. At this very moment, we are all emanating much Love and Light to the people of this planet. Your planet is covered by the Light of the Central Sun of Alcyon. The frequencies become stronger and stronger. So what is the point for each of us to emanate more energy?

Your planet is vast, and it needs to be purified and ascended. So all the energy from Alcyon is absorbed by it, for your own ascension process, for cleaning your oceans. Not the cleaning you are used to, but the kind that purges all the negativity you have thrown in these places; the cleaning of soil and air.

Indeed, the Alcyon’s Light is powerful and has reached every inhabitant of this planet so far. What is bigger, though? Compared to you, your planet is immeasurable. It is enormous, so all the Light that arrives passes through each one of you and penetrates the surface of your planet, enveloping the Earth’s crust in a big ball of bright Light.

When we release our energy onto the planet, it doesn’t penetrate it because it stays on the surface. Instead, it forms another layer of Light inside the larger but lower layer because you’re not that tall. Then it is as if a great wave of energy encircles the whole surface of the planet, embracing every human being. Thus, we must perform this work.

We are Beings of much Light, mighty, and we don’t need to be thousands or millions to cause this action on your surface. Each of us can cover a big chunk of the Earth’s surface of your planet. Remember, you are not in the oceans, but only on the surface, and you are not everywhere. So yes, we can attack every inhabited spot on this planet with Light. Not only us but there are also many teams from many places in the universe who are here for the same purpose.

Why don’t you feel the effects of this Light? I could say that it exists, that each one of you is being modified and awakened in your own way. There is not one kind of awakening, all at the same level. Some are faster awakening, and others take longer. All that depends on the habits and customs of each being on this planet. The more contaminated the body and the heart, the more complicated the awakening. Because that being does not let go of the pleasures and the transitory things that the Third Dimension offers.

Many feel the transformation and don’t understand why they start thinking differently. Why this feeling of warmth? They feel the goodness and love illimited that almost does not fit inside their chests. They wonder why they are feeling this. They don’t understand and don’t mention it because they are afraid of other people’s opinions, of being called crazy. They may even get some unpleasant reactions from those around them.

So, many beings live this process in a very isolated way, sad, I would say, because they would really like to shout to the whole world how happy they feel, with so much love in their hearts. But they keep quiet. They cancel each other out of fear of what might happen. We have talked a lot about the “Great Awakening .”This “Great Awakening” will be the consciousness of everyone, of all this process. Those who today are overwhelmed, sad, and afraid to speak will be able to run and say it loud, freely, without being called crazy. Since everyone will know, the people will know that the Light has arrived on the planet and that there is no more place for lies, enslavement, and manipulation.

On that day, all this will end because the Truth will come out. However, don’t expect everything to come out all at once. If this happens, it wouldn’t be good for the planet. It would be chaos in everyone’s hearts. So let things come out gradually so that people get used to the idea and understand what we are showing. This way, there is not a wave of revolt and attempts to silence our voice violently and abruptly.

Everything is happening gradually. This is the way found by your Masters, by those leading this whole process, so that there are no violent or disastrous reactions in your minds. Love is the driving force of this process. Every action is tested several times on the timeline to have the least possible reactions. It is exhausting work of careful planning, but with the help of the Light coming to this planet, it is being done successfully.

Every move so far has been a victory, a necessary step, and the result has been the way we planned. So everything is being done already. Don’t expect it all to come at once. The changes are already taking place. You don’t know about it because the manipulation doesn’t allow the news to flow, but it is already happening. Some leaders of your planet are no longer who they were. They are already our representatives. You just don’t know it. But you will, soon enough.

Many people will be surprised, become outraged, and say, “Oh, I knew it.” In their hearts, they will feel that this is not a Being of Light but one of the representatives of those who have manipulated the human race here. Gradually these representatives will be replaced without noise, war, and anyone noticing. When we reach the end, there will be no reaction because all the replacements will have occurred without any revenge against a single inhabitant of this planet.

No one knows who has been replaced and is no longer a representative. Remember, those on your surface are not the souls of those who came here. They are puppets and manipulated souls because the great souls are gone. There are very few left here who originate from those people who came here. The rest still suffer the influence and the manipulation. So they cannot look at the other and notice if they have been switched or not.

The originals are the only ones to have this ability, and they are very well observed and led to what we want. So your planet is almost free. Only the human mind will need to be changed. Minds used to the habits and delights will understand that they were not for their good. Although those who wish to continue in this way will leave the planet.

All of these things I have said will not happen overnight. It will be a long process. The cleaning of the planet will not occur quickly. I speak about one of its inhabitants, who do not want to follow the path of Light. The cleansing of those who manipulated is being done and will be over very soon. There will be no more of their representatives in here. All of them will have been removed by that time.

In this way, just trust the work of the Light. Nothing appears, and nothing happens, as they say, because you do not want to see it. If you wish for the Truth, just open your heart and ask: “Show me the Truth of what is happening! And be sure that it will come to you.

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