Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM ANIMANE, A SOLAR BEING!
We have been watching your planet lately, and the only thing we see is Light, lots of Light! Your planet is fully enveloped in Alcyon’s Central Sunlight. And why is this Light not able to dissolve this great mass? What is Light? Light is the energy of very high power, capable of transforming and exposing everything with low vibration. It’s like a big lake, on the surface, apparently clean waters. Still, if you walk through the lake, it’s very shallow, and when you walk, all the dirt on the bottom rises to the surface. And that lake that seemed so clear to you now brings you a little worry. So this movement is being done by the Light; what was supposed to be crystalline and pure is being exposed as something that hides many things inside.
And more and more, all of this will be exposed. The Light is on the surface, but it cannot simply arrive and eliminate everything of low vibration without you learning the lessons from this energy. So, this is the last stage of cleaning the Light, of acting in the very bottom, of working in the depths of each heart, of each place, and best yet, of all points on the planet. It’s no use cleaning only the surface; you have to clean what’s covered up, what’s masked, what’s been hidden. So we must do more than just go in and eliminate this great mass. It still has to truly show itself as it is. It still has to be revealed precisely as it is.
So that humanity learns not to be deceived by false moralisms, by wrong ideas, not to be deceived by people who show themselves to be leaders beyond any doubt. Many will fall and crumble from their pedestals because each pedestal was built with lies, abuse, and violence. This is all being destroyed, and each one will fall in time. The great leaders of this planet who do not serve the Light will fall individually in their own time. We cannot simply cause a significant disorder on the planet, as this intensifies this great mass. So we need, and that’s what we are doing, we and all beings taking care of this process, clearing the bottom, bringing everything to the surface. There will be no more hiding, no more lying, and everything will be exposed.
Then, it will be up to each one, respecting free will, to make their choice. Believing what is shown and choosing a side, a path, or staying where you are, simply worshiping all the lies, all the farce that was applied. But for many, it brought many benefits. And many will not give it up. Do not understand that there is no Light on the planet; there is a lot. The planet is totally covered by Light. And it is precisely the Light that is causing this mass, that is there to show itself. For many, things are strange or out of control. We can even say bizarre, but all this is foreseen because these are the things that this mass is composed of. And this is all coming to the surface.
The final cleaning of the planet will be at the moment of everyone’s ascension, where no being will vibrate below the Fifth Dimension. So expect all this to be around for a while. The truths will come, and the lessons will also come. Learning and decisions; the choices will be there to be defined. There is no way to improve the situation; for the time being, there is a need to be aware of everything that exists on the planet. Only then will you be able to make the right choices according to each one. We are immense, and each one of us is doing our best.
It is as if your planet is a small ball in our hands, and we can act in large areas with our hands, causing all this hidden energy to come to the surface and to be exposed. We are all doing this. All the Beings of Light involved in this process are causing this; let everything come to Light. How each one will see what will come will be inherent to each one. We did not abandon you, nor do we have backs to the whole process. Quite the opposite. We are more active than ever, preparing every critical point on the planet for the great truths. Not these that you are aware of, but the significant facts of the history of this planet and everything that needs to come out. Because if things come halfway, they won’t be trustworthy.
So everything needs to happen simultaneously, so we can only give people time to disguise things. After that, there won’t be a way; they’ve already lost; control is now ours! So you will choose what to vibrate, what to believe, and what to live from then on. But never forget, there is always a chance for a new choice, never forget that! And for those who choose to live the path of Light, there are many beings around this planet. So you can select one or all to ask for help to change your way. And we will always be here with an open heart, helping each of you. So don’t worry about what’s around you because it will get worse and worse until everything is revealed and you can effectively discern what chaff from what wheat is.