Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! WE ARE THE SOLAR BEINGS!
Mistakes happen, my brothers. But there is no problem in whatever is done from the heart. We are here to fulfil today. Anyone who has already started the process can do it again free of any problems, and tomorrow repeat what was published before.
The Light of Alcyon is entirely on the planet. All of us, the Solar Beings, are taking care to keep this Light at the highest level. So that we can counter all the energies that will be emanated in the coming days. Despite everything that has been said, fear nothing. Don’t feed fear. Don’t feed the criticism. Just stay away. Don’t connect. Pretend it’s not happening. This is the attitude you should have.
Many people enjoy being in the midst of people playing, literally playing; without consuming anything that takes away their conscience. Just being there with a happy, peaceful heart. I’m not going to say that it will be a moment of total safety, because the egregore is already formed, it’s already active. So if you join in, even with a pure heart, with a childlike heart, full of joy, you’re in the middle of that process that’s already happening. But if this is important to you, it’s essential that you take part, then be well protected. And at the end of the day, know how to cleanse yourself. Know how to emanate a lot of positive energy to combat whatever you attract.
No, unfortunately, I can’t tell you that you’ll leave the way you arrived. You’ll lose a lot of energy. In plain words, you’ll take a few steps backwards. But that’s your choice. So let each of you make the necessary choice that you must take at this time.
Be ready for anything. But keep your vibrations elevated. Don’t get into messes, arguments or moments of lack of control. Try to stay above all this vibration. That’s what will be important. And fill your hearts with Light. That’s all that’s needed. Of course, protections too; as you’ve been instructed to do.
So let’s move forward, we can’t stop time. We can’t stop it, we can’t change what has already been done on the planet. So let’s get on with it, and then we’ll see how everything is.
Today’s message from the Code of Light is as follows:
‘Light eliminates shadows.
Light illuminates the paths.
Light raises the vibration.
And Light always brings evolution.’
At the end of these sentences, say the following word (3x): Solatrium! Solatrium! Solatrium!
And open your hearts to receive the Light of the Central Sun. It’s coming intensely. So just receive it. And never forget to be grateful for it.
Translated by I Arantes