Solar Beings – We Are Taking Care of You With Love

Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM ANIMANI! The Solar Being!

I’ll be here today, ending, at the moment, my participation in this walk, bringing much Light and much Love to all of you. This stage of the walk is, apparently, light. When we shed, emanate, and vibrate Unconditional Love for you, your bodies don’t react with much joy. These are vibrations of extremely high frequency to break, dissolve, and destroy everything that still is impregnated in your cells.

Many might think that this stage became different and lost power and strength, but I might tell you that this is the most challenging stage because it does not depend on your will to see or not the shadows. We are directly acting on the points that still need to be worked on, and as we dissolve them, break them, they are transmuted and do not come out.

So, understand that those are not points that need to be treated later. We can say that those points were already looked at by you, understood, and can now be cleansed; this is the cleansing that is happening this week. Why the Stage of Consciousness? Because we know that on arriving at this stage, you are already aware of everything that you need to improve and address head-on. There isn’t anything else hidden. Everything is crystal clear; it’s impossible not to see.

Seeing is still tricky to many; it’s still difficult to accept their own mistakes. We’re not here making judgments, but those who can’t see anything — no matter how much they try — even block themselves because they do not want to see the truth. Is it difficult to understand that? We know it is. So, I’ll just say: make an effort to accept yourself and your soul; you are what you are. It’s not possible to erase what was done. It is possible to generate new deeds, which may be full of Light and Love. But there’s no way to change what was done; there’s no way to eliminate the actions. They need to be treated, understood, and discarded by understanding and wisdom.

So, when you refuse to see what needs to be seen, just look at yourselves and accept that you make mistakes, that you make mistakes. Put the ego aside, and you will begin to see. Of course, we’re not expecting you to be clairvoyants. But, the simple fact of accepting your souls and yourselves as you are, with all your journey of mistakes and adjustments, makes you capable of seeing what needs to be seen.

If you don’t see it, you don’t want to see it. You don’t think you’re ready to see, you don’t think you are a trespasser to see; you think you are already perfect, so there’s nothing to see. Of course, this will bother many, and they will repeat: “No, I’m not like that.” But I assert once again: those who are not able to see still need to appease the ego, place it definitely aside on their journeys, and do not allow it to shape their consciousness.

At the moment, much has already passed. There’s no way to repeat. So, just a warning is left for you to pay attention to your own egos in the next ones. Much will still come ahead. Nothing will end with this walk. Everything will be well dosed, so little by little, you can change.

Each feeling will be treated; each understanding will be learned. So, just set yourselves open to receive and learn. Those who set themselves apart from these points generate difficulties, failures, and non-seeing. It’s not easy to be open to seeing self-mistakes. We never said that it was, but you need to have this consciousness, that you need to accept that you make mistakes and have made mistakes. It doesn’t matter if you made mistakes due to illusion or lack of wisdom; it doesn’t matter. There’s no judgment here. What’s needed is the lesson, the consciousness of the mistake committed, so that it is not repeated again and learned.

That is the purpose. No one is here pointing the finger or judging any of you. We want you to learn from your own mistakes so that you do not commit them later on and so that you may evolve in that ascension road. There’s still time. Open your hearts. Accept what comes, and you will be able to see what needs to be seen.

We’re all here on your planet at the moment. Many Solar Beings are acting on the vibration of this planet, exactly provoking the consciousness expansion of the great mass of the planet, so that many reach the necessary point for the “Great Awakening.” Do your part. You can help in this process.

So, with each consciousness of each mistake committed, the lesson raises your vibration, accelerating this process on the Whole. You are all connected. Thus, when one rises, those around are pulled upwards. So follow your journeys. Rise up, learn with Love, and indeed, you will contribute to this “Great Awakening” on this beautiful planet.

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