The Forgiveness Journey – Saint Germain – Sixth Round – Meditation 7
Do this meditation while sitting or lying down. No matter what position you choose, the important thing is to stay awake. If you fall asleep, repeat this meditation.
Let’s begin by breathing a couple of times.
Breathe normally but deeply.
I’ll place you inside a large bubble of Violet Light as you breathe.
This bubble will be fed until the beginning of the next round.
Yes, it will last for six days. It’s a magical bubble that feeds, and I want to keep you in this state of Joy and Happiness that you’ll finish this round.
So now, I’m placing my right hand on your chest and my left on your Crown Chakra, and that crystal on your chest changes color and shape; it’s now a totally perfect ball.
See it spinning inside your chest like a Sun emanating rays of Violet Light.
This crystal will help this bubble remain beautiful, perfect, and full of Violet Light all the while.
Now breathe into this Violet Light.
Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, mentally say: “Pain.”
Inhale once more and now exhale suffering.
Inhale in once more and now exhale anguish.
Inhale once more, then exhale uncertainty.
Now you are complete, balanced, and happy.
Repeat after me:
I ask my Higher Self to eliminate all energetic connections from the generation before my ancestors in my present generation.
Let our souls stand united only by the feeling of Unconditional Love, moving together towards the Fifth Dimension.
Now you’ll remain in this bubble for ten minutes.
Watch the crystal on your chest; it spins and emits violet light. As I said, it’s a magic light. It will stay with you for six days. You must live as though you were in the Fifth Dimension, for every counter feeling and negative emotion you might experience eliminates a little bit of this bubble.
The crystal won’t stop emanating Violet Light. Still, if you just emanate negative feelings, all the Light it vibrates will be consumed, and that bubble will cease to exist.
This is, therefore, an excellent exercise.
Stay as vibrant and positive as possible in your life.
Of course, I know you won’t get 100%. Still, your intent and awareness of the negative feelings keep the bubble from dissipating. For if it’s from the heart, the bubble will realize that you grasped you were aware of the feelings you shouldn’t have emanated.
Start doing this exercise. It will be vital for what comes next.
Have faith and trust.
You have come this far, and you are already very victorious.
I look forward to round seven, where we will complete this process.
Be ready.
Be ready.
Be ready.
Be with all my Love and my energy.
And don’t forget, if it’s difficult, call me, and I’ll definitely help you out a bit so your bubble doesn’t dissipate.
Breathe slowly and gradually return to your awareness.
Stay with all my energy in your heart.
There is no prayer in this meditation.