Do this meditation lying down or seated, but remember, don’t sleep. If you fall asleep, you must repeat the meditation. Breathe deeply.
See yourself involved in a Yellow Light bubble.
Breathe in the yellow light and exhale everything you want out of your body.
Breathe in this Yellow Light once more and put out all the anguish, suffering, and pain.
Breathe in this Yellow Light and put out everything you want to get rid of in the path preventing you from evolving.
Now, I’m beside you if you are lying down or in front of you seated.
I place my hands on your hands, which should be palms up on your legs or in line with your body.
You will remain in this position for five minutes, receiving my energy so that you can get in touch with the souls you need to forgive or ask for forgiveness.
Remain in this process for five minutes.
Now you repeat after me:
“May my Higher Self connect to the Higher Self of each soul I have seen so that I may ask for forgiveness or forgive according to my walk. If I haven’t seen anyone, may my Higher Self provide my vision for the next time.”
You will just receive my energy of Wisdom and Light so that you can learn to walk your path without provoking new problems or new requests for forgiveness.
So you will remain five minutes longer receiving my energy.
I place my right hand over the crystal in your chest and transform the light it emanates into a Yellow Light, Golden Yellow.
You’re now filled with my Golden Yellow Light and will remain so until the next ray.
Take note of any insights you may have.
Observe your thoughts and interesting things that may come to mind during these 24 hours.
Write them down so you won’t forget. And remember: I’m always here to help you find the right solutions to your problems.
To come back to consciousness, take three deep breaths and gradually open your eyes, coming back to your world.