The Light Acts on Each One Individually

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth, I AM ANIMANI, the Solar Being! 

I come here with my heart full of Light, and with me are many of my kind bringing Light, Evolution, and Consciousness to this planet. 

Many people desire a large-scale event that occurs simultaneously worldwide. They think that this is the only way to make something happen. The Light on the planet is as intense as it has ever been before. Therefore, we can say that this event, which will come to your planet with full force, is already happening. Why can’t you see it?

You only look at your immediate environment and not the rest of the planet. The world hasn’t changed, and everything remains the same. However, your perception may be off, as there are significant changes occurring. The planet is undergoing the ascension process, and you are individually experiencing the Light in your unique way. 

The planet is undergoing the ascension process, and you are individually experiencing the Light in your unique way. It’s not comparable to rain that drenches everyone equally. Each of you is receiving the Light in your own way as it flows along your journey. It would be pointless to try and bring a person with strong limiting beliefs, who doesn’t have faith in anything, into the conversation and try to enlighten her/him with extreme wisdom. What would occur?

She/he would become insane. The doubts and uncertainties would be too much to bear. So, those who are prepared absorb more while those who are unprepared absorb less. Remember, the light is intelligent, and above all, it illuminates without imposing.  Every individual absorbs what their consciousness and body can handle.

Don’t expect something remarkable that makes the news or gets much attention. We don’t want publicity. Our focus is on each individual and not on advertising. Therefore, we do everything without making a big deal about it. If we did, all the brothers and sisters in your heaven would have been present because they are already there and not coming. And why are they not acting?

Time is not yet right; people’s Consciences need to be ready. We know that everything has a time,  which is coming soon. We are taking the right approach by allowing the Light to act in its way and time in each person. Will some people feel nothing, change nothing, and evolve nothing? Unfortunately, yes. Many people are unwilling to change because of their attachment to their beliefs. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of other worlds and lives.

As a result, waiting for a miracle is futile. The maximum Light of Alcyon has been affecting every being on this planet for a significant period, but each individual can only absorb what they are capable of. There is no imposition. Those aware and awake feel the strong effects of the Light and its cleansing. 

Everyone is being purified, but not in the same way, as not all can bear the intensity. Each Higher Self is handling the Light’s impact individually. Don’t worry about expecting everyone to change their consciousness globally at once. This won’t happen.

Instead, over time, people’s consciousness will improve and become more advanced. This process will allow you to identify who is ready and who isn’t. And I guarantee you, there’s no use trying to convince those who refuse to improve. They know what to do because of the guidance of their Higher Self. You cannot impose your thoughts on them. Keep this in mind. 

So, examine your path and identify what needs attention. In doing this,  the cleansing process will speed up, allowing you to evolve and increase your vibration inside and out. You are currently experiencing this phase. As you cleanse internally, Gaia is doing the same. Keep this in mind.

There are no punishments. What you do has consequences and will affect the journey towards ascension on Gaia’s path. You’ll experience it intensely inside of you. This process happens simultaneously. You won’t just watch it on a screen or in a chair.

It’s up to you to surrender to your Higher Self. It knows better what to do at the right time with your journeys. We have said this many times here. You need to connect to the Higher Self because only then will you have the one who will lead you clearly along the path, showing you what to do. If you don’t surrender to it, you could lose your way, and then it will be too late to get back on track.

Translation by Helena do Lago Basile

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