To all the brothers and sisters of this beautiful blue planet! I AM URIEL!
I come here to bring you hope, balance, the certainty of a better future. Equality will rule on this planet. There will be no more hunger, no more misery, there will not be more pain, there will not be inferior or superior. Everybody will be equal. Everybody will have the right to everything. All of you will have access to everything.
Each one of you needs deep inside, to look at the other, not as the one that usurps what is yours, not as that one who takes from you and takes it for himself, not as the one who impedes you to have something. Anyone who is in front of you is a God The Mother /Father’s son, exactly as you are. It’s not up to each one of you to judge what the other deserves or no longer deserves, because in this moment, you put yourself on a pedestal, sensing that you deserve everything, no matter what is in your soul’s walk, and the other does not deserve anything, in your eyes.
Your planet will change. It will change in the concept, in the form, in the way each one of you have access to the things. Of course we don’t expect, and we know that it won’t be, an easy and peaceful transition. The unbalance will rule for a long time, because those who never had access to anything will lose themselves in the midst of so much abundance. They will not know how to control themselves. They will not know how to live as polite beings, as you say. This will bring a lot of disharmony, a lot of anger, a lot of discord.
So, I say to each one of you. You are in a desert, parched, starved, and suddenly, you see in front of you a huge oasis, with a lot of fruits, a lot of water. What would you do? Would you be extremely polite and take water calmly, would take only one fruit, because you are extremely polite, or would you let your body get fed up until it can’t get more with all those things? You will need to have a lot of common sense, for you to not have any kind of judgment. They will be fed up for a long time, until that first moment ends and they feel satiated and the balance returns to rule their bodies, their lives. So, who are you to tell them to be restrained, to have the supposed education that you hold so dear?
So, let’s see the other side. Those who always command this planet, only filling their pockets, accumulating more and more richness to the detriment of hunger and misery of the planet, will lose everything. Not only because to be only what they are, but to continue to perpetuate the same movement of their ancestors, not changing a comma. How will they accept all this? Easily, meekly, with no complaints? Who will be more desperate, who Always lived in arrogance, in the soberb, or that one who had never done anything and suddenly found it? Who will be more unbalanced?
If we could divide among groups, I would say there are only two groups: those ones who had never anything, are in a an extreme of a tip end, those ones who always had everything are in the other tip end, and those who are nearer from the center, are those ones who never cared about possess anything, they are the ones who cared only with the living, with the care to the other. The material goods were never a concern to those people.
So, there are not three groups. There are only two whereas those groups are closer to the center, the balance is going to happen. The further away from the center, the more unbalanced. In which group are you? Do you consider yourselves too much deservers of everything you built until today, and I agree, if it was built with sweat, with labor, with love, you did it to deserve. Now, everything that was done in a non-legal way, what will happen? There is no judgment from us. We will not be stamping which side you are, neither we will be putting each one of you on one side or the other. You will be at the spot, product of your walks. Only this.
So, those who have the deserve, will get closer and more in the center of the balance spot, no matter with the material goods. There is something that you still did not understand. Anything is from anybody. This is a concept that was brought from the sovereigns of their planet. They possess the property. Now, does somebody take something when they lose their physical clothing? So, nothing is yours, if it was, you would take with you, it is property. Your soul takes Only what it lived, what it provoked, what it received. What is material good, stays. It stays for the descendant; it stays for the others. And with this argument, those powerful ones felt entitled to dominate all the planet, no matter if the other tip was someone who got hungry.
Don’t judge everybody on the same weight. If you were born in a hostile environment, where there is no job, there is not what to eat, that one who is living there is guilty of anything? Or is it a lesson of your own soul to pass for all that? And as a consequence, it is a lesson in solidarity to the other brothers and sisters. The huge objective should be all in the same level. If there is someone in hunger, it doesn’t matter the reason for that hunger, I will give what to eat.
It doesn’t matter if he was poor because he lost everything in a poorly planned action, it doesn’t matter, it was part of his walk to come so deep, and because of it you judge him and won’t help him? “No, he needs to learn!” so, go hungry for something that has to be learned? God The Mother/Father did not create the human being to go hungry. Of course that somebody’s walks take to this, but it is up to the others to give what to eat to that brother/sister. If he/she will be grateful or not, it is not up to you to judge him/her. It is up to you only to show solidarity. Only this.
There is a fragile spot on your planet: the money energy. And that’s it which will make all the change, that’s it which will bring a New World, because everything is based on this energy that was misused for a long time, but soon, all of this will end up and a new financial system will finish the inequalities. Each one will receive the merit of the journey and each one will lose that was a product of your walk. There will be no collusion, agreements, scams… this is over. And there is no use trying to hide, no use trying to take precautions, because everything will change.
Are you ready for this change? Are you ready to live in a world where equality will reign? Are you ready to live in a world where you will not be superior to anybody, in any aspect? Because everybody will have the right to everything. Are you ready to sit at the table with those who today you call unequal? Are you ready? Let your egos by side and stop concerning what you will lose, because this also reverberates.
What is the feeling that is being put in this change? Joy, for knowing that nobody else on the planet will go hungry, or the concern of what will be lost? And there is another point, the greed of what will be gained? How do you put yourselves in this process? Which way do you understand equality?
Each one will have the product of the walk of your soul, not from this life, from the soul. And it can be, for sure, surprising for many.
Translated by: Ivana Bueno