Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM URIEL!
It is with great joy that I can be here today, conveying this message to all. This subject has been discussed; it has been addressed, but many don’t understand it yet: Abundance. The association of abundance to the energy of money is…I would say, very small in relation to what this word means.
Abundance is having plenty of everything. It is having everything without limits. But not to squander, not to show off, not to diminish anyone. Abundance is something that is available to all in the universe; everyone has the right to it. It’s just the path to get to it that differs for each one of you.
And what causes this difference? The journey of the soul; the lessons to be learned; the mistakes committed throughout the journey; how you behave in relation to everything. Therefore, understand that there are many variables, of which the sum gives the right to each one’s unlimited and inexhaustible portion or makes it hard to receive this great gift.
Many don’t understand that the primary word in your lives, in your paths is: Equilibrium. Equilibrium is to always keep the balance with the pointer at zero value, neither positive nor negative, pending to no side. And what are these two sides, the positive and the negative? We can say that, indeed, good and not-so-good actions? Yes, Love-vibrating feelings and non-vibrating feelings? Yes.
Therefore, it is a good path when you reach equilibrium. “Oh! But mustn’t we always be on the positive side?” — So, let’s resume. To be in equilibrium is to open the way to abundance. It is to see the road to be followed. If you are in disequilibrium, but a negative disequilibrium, — that is to say, you don’t vibrate within the Light, you don’t vibrate 100% Light feelings — this path vanishes. It becomes almost imperceptible and the abundance doesn’t come. Then, you begin to enter equilibrium and you begin to see the path.
And the abundance begins to arrive, gradually, still a bit frightened. Yes, (let’s put a feeling, as if abundance still had a little doubt, whether it should come or not). What will be the next step? Improve the equilibrium or get off equilibrium? Therefore, it comes yet a little cautious, but it comes. Now, if you begin to vibrate high, if you begin to always have thoughts within the Light, and attitudes within the Light, abundance releases and frees itself.
Because it knows that there is an enlightened path and it can arrive without fear, without caution. Then, many might tell me: “But we have the balance pointer. If I step out to the positive side, I also get off equilibrium.” — This is a different balance. The disequilibrium in the balance is when you go to the negative side. Now, there is an important issue to be pointed out. Indeed, you can also get off equilibrium on the positive side.
When you begin to receive all this abundance and you don’t know how to use it properly, you become arrogant — a being who reckons himself superior to others, and who begins to despise anyone who doesn’t have the same abundance as he does — then, you get off equilibrium and this abundance will also vanish one day. The result of all your actions will come. Therefore, understand that everything is very tenuous.
That the lines that separate equilibrium from disequilibrium are very tenuous. At any time you might cross these lines. Therefore, what is the lesson in all that? It is to always vibrate Light, to vibrate feelings that are within the Light, to speak words that are within the Light, and to act within the Light. Then, there’s nothing to worry about, because you’ll always be in equilibrium. To be in equilibrium is to be on the path of Light.
It is to be on that path that will lead you to your evolution. So is abundance. Complaining that it doesn’t come, complaining about being unlucky, and complaining about how hard life is, puts even more stones on that path and it becomes more and more difficult to be seen, for you to reach abundance. It is to trust. Trust that when you begin to act within the precepts of Light, abundance comes automatically.
The answers come automatically. The enlightened paths come automatically and, with them, abundance comes. Be ready. Do not underestimate yourselves. Do not think of yourselves as inferior; do not think of yourselves as incapable. Anyone is capable of reaching this path. It is available to all, but each one has to know how to reach it, and when reaching it, each one needs to know how to walk it. I know that many here are questioning me, saying:
“Oh! But there are many who earn a lot and earn more and more! And they remain on the wrong path and are earning more and more!” — Do not judge them. The bend will come; the harvest will come. There’s nothing done in this universe that doesn’t have an effect. Everything has an effect and, one day, the harvest will come. You usually don’t understand the time it takes to come. It varies from soul to soul, from journey to journey.
Do not forget: The higher you rise, the greater the fall. — Isn’t this what you say? Therefore, do not judge those who are on this path. The effect will come. The harvest will come at the right time. Do not measure your lives by the lives of others. Begin to look at your own paths. Forget the paths that others are following.
Make your choice. Choose the way to walk on this path and you’ll reach abundance. Stop thinking that the universe doesn’t look at you. Abundance is available to all; you only need to learn how to reach it. And how to reach it? I have already explained it here. Each one who chooses to follow the right path, with the right choices; little by little moves closer to this path, until abundance happens…
Full, wonderful, intense. Do not judge anything; do not think of yourselves as incapable. If abundance doesn’t come, it’s because you’re following some wrong path. Accept that. There’s no punishment; there’s nothing preventing any being of the universe from reaching abundance. What there is are the thoughts, the words, and the actions. These indeed have power and extremely high powers, and it is these that prevent you from reaching abundance.
It’s just that. Is it simple? Is it easy? To us, it is, to you, not so much, because you do not believe. You don’t accept that you might be worthy; you don’t accept that it is there, at a touch from your hands. And then, you begin to believe that it isn’t worth it to change and that it isn’t worth it to follow any path, because it’ll never come. It turns out that change isn’t easy in you. You need to want to change. You need to want to follow a new way of life.
Then, yes, you’ll be ready to receive all that. Do not expect it to fall from the sky; do not expect miracles. That’s not how the Light acts. It’s not that you simply do nothing and think that you’ll win fortunes in a near future. It isn’t like that. Everything will be according to the journey; everything will be according to what you vibrate. Then, yes, you’ll be ready to receive all the abundance of the universe, all the abundance of your world.
Therefore, begin to change now. Do not expect miracles. Your actions determine your future. So look at them with Love, determination, willingness, belief, and confidence that each step taken towards the Light is another step taken towards abundance.

Tradução de Joana Rodrigues