Uriel – Prosperity

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM URIEL!

Being here today, taking part in this Ascension Journey, is something very important in your journey. And why is that? Because I bring something that is essential to your lives: prosperity.

Every soul in the universe is born with its own share of prosperity. This share can be used anywhere in the universe. It is a currency that is worth anywhere. This share is made up of energy, because God the Father/Mother never wanted his children to be destitute, to experience poverty or hardship. This all comes as a result of your journey. It is not the will of God the Father/Mother.

So everyone has their own share of prosperity and it’s not small; it’s big. So I’ll give the human race as an example. You received this quota a long time ago in the Fifth Dimension. When consciousness fell, this quota was kept, some of it and some of it was released to you. But why was it kept? Because God the Father/Mother knew what was going to happen. If you had all this quota, today you would have nothing left. You would be at zero. So part of it was saved so that each of you could have what you have today in the future.

No, I’m not talking about physical energy. It’s an energy. So don’t try to understand where it is in your life today. It isn’t. It’s stored away. “ Oh, but that’s unfair, I need it so much, and it’s stored away”. Don’t judge, because it’s quite likely that you’d have nothing today. But you do. And very soon, all of you will receive this share that has been stored up for a long time, so that you can organize your lives and learn exactly how to use every energy of prosperity that is brought to you.

Many of you complain that your lives are not prosperous, that you live in difficulty. Yes, the vast majority of you bring all this with you, from existences of the soul, from causing a lot of pain, from stealing, from leaving people hungry, from collecting taxes, from collecting what brought you wealth. So today they are suffering what they caused. What he once inflicted on someone else.

There’s no point in thinking it’s unfair. There’s no point in thinking that God the Father/Mother has forgotten you. There are lessons to be learned. Many learn, but the vast majority don’t. The vast majority only complain. The vast majority only blaspheme. They are unable to understand that there is a lesson to be learned there. And the more they complain, the more they curse, the more prosperity goes down the drain. They’ll never be able to get out of the quagmire they’ve put themselves in.

Now there are those who understand and do everything they can to change. They do everything they can to conquer new paths. And then prosperity comes. No, I’m not talking about wealth here, I’m talking about prosperity. We’re not going to go into the merits of what many people think is wrong with being rich. It depends on how this wealth was achieved. There are extremely wealthy people on the planet, but they have huge hearts; in fact, nobody knows they’re rich. Because they put themselves forward as everyone else, without difference.

Yes, these people exist. So one thing has nothing to do with the other. You can be rich, yes, and the more you do for others, the more your prosperity increases. So they are rich people who become richer and richer. But they remain simple and humble. Of course, there are those who get rich through suffering, hunger and wars. Just like in the past. They will have their share too, but their share in return for all that they are doing.

And everyone, in fact, who has financial problems, will receive their share, so that they can get out of this situation that they can’t get out of. But that’s because it’s been saved; no, because there’s been a saving on their part.

Yes, my brothers, everything is very different from what you think. There is a financial imbalance on the planet, and it’s very serious. But all that is about to end. There will be no more of that. There will be no more debts, because they have all been contracted through systems, which are not very reliable, precisely to throw each of you deeper and deeper into the pit.

Then the debts will end. But don’t get into that little story, “Oh, if the debt is going to end, then I’m going to do a lot of debt”. Be careful with your decisions. The debts will end, but for those who deserve it. For those who have actually tried to get out of this situation. Not everyone will win.

Understand. We’re not favoring those who do nothing. We have to think about those who really need it; it’s different. Don’t think you’re clever, thinking you’re going to get a lot at the expense of others, who will get nothing. Don’t think you’re clever. We’re not joking here. It will be a fair and extremely complex thing to do. And whoever gets their fair share will get it.

“ Oh, but when will that be?” Soon. That’s all I can say. But I’ll say it again: Don’t do anything counting on it, because whoever does so will receive nothing. Continue living your lives as you do today, in balance, in the ways you know. Because everything is being accounted for, so that when the time comes, everything will happen in a fair and organized way.

Now, it’s important to expect prosperity to be something of the heart; something to be sought at every moment. Complaining, complaining, complaining will lead to nothing. There must be new choices. There must be. New aspirations, so that there can be evolution. And it is certainly evolution that attracts prosperity.

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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