Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ADAMA!
I like to be able to be here once in a while, bringing to all of you the memory of our love and care.
We are all working more than ever in this final phase of the process. At the moment, it is necessary to sustain the planet, to sustain the Light. Therefore, everyone is helping. Everyone is working so that the final processes occur, always being mindful of you.
Destruction can neither be thoughtless nor irresponsible because they retaliate to each action of ours. Therefore, we must do everything very, very quietly and with much planning. But we have achieved many victories. We can even say that all of our actions have been successful, especially those coming from inside the planet. For the energy we, who dwell inside the planet, emanate has been of the utmost importance to prevent them from hiding in the depths of the planet again.
There are no more of their internal bases. Now, they only rely on this planet’s weapons, and this is the most sensible point because their intention is not good at all. We need to be ready at all times, and we are to prevent them from doing any foolishness against you.
Rest assured that we have neither come here to tell tales nor to talk about our glories because we have no ego. We are here to tell you to keep believing because the complete liberation is very close.
There is no comparison to when we started. We are definitely in the stage. It is now time to remove the leaders who still hold power on this planet. But we must be very cautious because it is not enough to remove only one, for thousands of subordinates below him are ready to take action in case the leader is attacked.
So, we need to suppress from top to bottom and bottom up so they cannot act. And this is the movement of the moment: completely withdraw the strength of those leaders and lackeys who are manipulated all the time.
Emanate Light. Be Light. Emanate any energy you can for the planet. Gaia is suffering but will support all that because so she must. She keeps journeying toward the Fifth Dimension, and it is now your place to take care of the planet. Look at the planet with love and respect. Look at the animals with respect. Look at your brothers with respect.
Your minds must change; your goals must change so that you can build this New World. There is still much to do. We will have much, much work to do, even after the cleansing. Indeed, the consciousness and the truths that will come up will be helpful because we will be able to bring much technology from the outside, but you will be the ones who will act.
The great majority of those who are around the planet today will return home. You will take care of this planet, and each of you will be assisting your own redemption, your own route to evolution. Each modification, each action, will bring an evolution point. You will be the ones to lead this planet to the Fifth Dimension.
Therefore, start now to do your part. Act; act as you can. Help your brothers, but without ego, without showing off, without thinking you are important or superior. Each of you is what you are—the Stellar Soul you are or not. But, at the moment, you continue to be all equal. To Father/Mother God, there is no difference.
So, do not fill yourselves with pride. Do not fill yourselves with arrogance because you think you are better than those who have not yet awakened. Your mission is much more difficult than theirs. They still have a long road ahead, and you are at the end of a cycle in which you may or may not evolve. It will depend on each one’s choices.
So, do not think you are superior because you are not. You are what you are: Stellar Souls, and because of that, you have the missions you do. Therefore, it is your place to fulfill the role you remained on the planet to meet, as we are fulfilling ours.
We have kept the Fifth Dimension inside this planet for thousands of years, and we are doing our part again—bringing all this energy to the surface, bringing our love and our dedication, and very, very soon, we will be able to move peacefully around you, knowing we will not be attacked. That future is close, very close. This planet will be galactic. Many beings will move around here. Many beings will cohabit on the planet with you.
So, be grateful—very grateful to each of them for having fought for the liberation of this planet and for being ready now, once again, for this new stage of helping you evolve, of helping you be aware of the planet itself where you live. And this will be necessary, totally necessary, for the Fifth Dimension.