I have some things to say to you, but this is not the time. So pay close attention to what I’m going to do: the portal is tomorrow. Of course, I know this, and so do you. It’s just that she and I work in partnership, there’s nothing here that I force her to do. In the same way, when she asks me for something, it’s obvious that if it’s good for everyone, I’ll do it. Tomorrow she’ll be on a course, so she can’t have the live tomorrow. So what will it be like? Pay attention so you don’t keep asking! I’m going to start life with a time shift for tomorrow. So anyone who doesn’t do it today will do it tomorrow as normal. Anyone who wants to do it again tomorrow, do it normally. And then tomorrow you’ll do the time shift. “Ah, but I’ll be doing it on the day of the portal.” Yes! “But the meditation was generated the day before, not on the day of the portal.” So, in any situation, make the time shift! So I’m going to start our meeting with the meditation, then we can talk. We have some very important things to say. But I don’t want to break this energy that is being put in place right now.
So we’ll start with meditation! I hope that whoever arrives in the middle will just take part wherever they are and do it again tomorrow, no problem!
So, the time shift will be as follows: “My Archangel Michael, may you shift me to December 12, 2024, at any time, so that I can take part in this meditation.” So that’s the shift. Whoever takes part today doesn’t necessarily have to do it again tomorrow, but if you want you can, just make the time shift!
So, at this point, I want each of you to sit comfortably with your feet on the ground. Whatever height you are, whatever floor you’re on, feet on the ground, at the base of your houses or apartments, or anywhere else. Let’s take a few deep breaths. Now, from the heart of each one of you, a connection will descend through the base chakra, penetrating the soil of Gaia. I’ll say it again: no matter what floor you’re on, this connection penetrates the planet and goes to the heart of the planet, the great shining crystal that is Gaia’s heart. Gaia, at this moment, perceives every connection to her and returns it along the same path. Her strength, the Light, Gaia’s energy! So, right now you are being bathed in Gaia’s energy. Feel this energy.
Well done! Now that you are all enlightened, bathed in Gaia’s energy, I move each of you to our meeting place, that beautiful green field. And you will be barefoot, feeling the fresh grass on the soles of your feet. Stay aligned as always! The sun is shining on the horizon, but not the sun you know, an immense, extremely golden sun. Now, I ask each of you to mentally create a path from your position to this Sun, until your path disappears over the horizon. Don’t worry if there is someone ahead, the path will be created through whoever is ahead, and whoever is ahead will have nothing to do with this path. So, at this point, close your eyes on that green field and look intently at the golden sun and the path you have created. Don’t put anything in the way just yet. It’s a clean path, a clean road, preferably dirt. Don’t put anything in the way! Be directly connected to the planet. Well done! Then each of you will go your own way. It’s like I said, whoever is in front of you, think of it as a hologram, nothing will influence your journey.
Then start walking, each one on their path, towards the golden Sun. When I say “stop”, you will stop walking. Stop! At this point on the path, something will appear in front of you. Each of you will see what will appear in front of you. And how will you see it? An idea will come to mind. Whatever comes to mind is what will be there. Well done! Take this object, if it has a lid, open the lid. If it doesn’t, just put the object in your hands and let it give you a message. Those who open the lid will likewise receive a message when they open the lid. Don’t worry about keeping track of what will be said, there will be many sentences. So right now, just be grateful for what you’ve received! And take two more steps and stop! Right now there is an energy ahead, just feel it. This energy is an embrace from Sananda! Be grateful for this moment! This energy dissipates. Take two more steps and stop! Another energy will appear. Don’t try to distinguish who it is because they are not showing themselves, they will just be energy. So feel the energy now. And feel Mary’s embrace! Be grateful for this moment! Take two more steps and stop. Another energy will emerge. Feel the energy! At this moment, place your hands facing upward and feel El Morya’s hands touching each one of you. Close your hands in prayer and be grateful for this moment! The energy dissipates. Take two more steps and stop. Again, place your hands palm up in front of you. And feel Lanto’s energy, placing his hands on the hands of each of you. Close your hands in prayer and be grateful for this moment! The energy dissipates. Take two more steps and stop. Open your hands again, palms up. And feel Rowena’s energy, placing her hands on each other’s hands. Place your hands in the form of a prayer and be grateful for this moment! The energy fades. Take two more steps and stop! Open your hands again, palms up. And receive the energy of Seraphis Bay, placing his hands on your hands. Close your hands in prayer and be grateful for this moment! The energy dissipates. Take two more steps and stop. Open your hands with your palms up. And feel Hilarion’s energy, placing his hands on your hands. Close your hands and prayer forms and be grateful for this moment! The energy drains away! Take two more steps and stop! Open your hands with your palms up. And receive Master Nada’s energy by placing her hands on your hands. Close your hands in prayer and be grateful for this moment! The energy disappears. Take two steps and stop. Open your hands again. And receive Saint Germain’s energy by placing his hands on your hands! Close your hands in prayer and be grateful for this moment! Take two steps and stop. Open your hands again. At this moment, I am in the middle, Gabriel and Raphael beside me, Uriel and Metatron after them. We won’t place our hands, but we will envelop each of you in our fivefold energy. You can close your hands and place them in the form of a prayer, and be grateful for this moment! Our energy dissipates. And you take two more steps and stop! At this moment, the golden Sun seems to be in front of you, you can almost touch it, it’s so immense. A Solar Being is approaching, enveloping each of you in its energy. Open your hands. Close your hands in prayer and be grateful for this moment! Take two more steps and stop.
Now each of you will sit on the floor, legs crossed. Open your hands and let each of them rest on your knees. A portal will open in front of you for each of you. This portal means the end of this cycle and the beginning of another! It means leaving behind everything you’ve experienced so far and being ready for what lies ahead! Nothing will come out of this portal. But right now, I want each of you to say the following: “May this portal in front of me be the beginning of a new cycle. And may I have the strength, light, love, and faith to walk any path; may the stones that appear, I know how to remove them. But above all, may I continue on my path of evolution! And may I let go of everything that prevents me from being on this path?” Close your hands in prayer. And at that moment the portal disappears. This time it won’t be an energy, those with clairvoyance will see a huge dragon standing in the way of each of you. It’s lying on its legs and its head occupies the entire path. I’m not going to force you at the moment, but whoever wants to, can mentally imagine themselves touching the dragon. Many still have reservations, and fears, which I hope will end one day, because they are none of the above. And feel the energy of this immense being. Even if you don’t touch it, it will be exchanging its energy with each one of you. Receive this energy wholeheartedly! For he will be a great companion in the battles to come, to strengthen you and make you strong, extremely strong, to overcome any situation. Be grateful for this moment!
Now, as if by magic, each of you returns to that green field, standing in profile as you were before. You can put your hands down. May the energy that each of you has absorbed today, here, at this moment, fulfill its role in you, each of which has had a purpose and a function. You may have dreams and visions, and you may have strange situations to experience. Don’t worry about anything! Go with the flow! Because everything that comes up will be important later on. So just look at everything with love and live every moment! No, you won’t have trouble sleeping, despite all the energy. Why not? Because each energy will work in its own time, not all at once. So each Master, each Being who has deposited their energy in you, has created a connection and at the right moment, their energy will act. If you are constantly observing, you will notice each of the energies at work. So, they’re not all there at once today, so you’ll be able to sleep easily. Each one will act in its own time!
At this moment, I am taking each of you back to your homes. And I hope your hearts are radiant, festive, and grateful for everything you have received. I would say that many would like to receive what you have received today. But, by choice, they don’t. So be aware of and grateful for everything you have received, and everything that will be taken care of and treated in each of you, by each of the energies that have been here. They only expect nothing! Because no being expects anything! We are unconditional Love, so we don’t expect a return, we do it because it’s important, because it’s our role before God the Father/Mother. So let everyone know whether or not to be grateful for what they have received. Nothing is obligatory! Gratitude for everyone who has participated here today and who has allowed themselves to experience this moment!
Just a reminder: if you repeat the meditation tomorrow, you won’t receive any more energy than you already have. It’s as if you reset everything and receive it all again, there will be no accumulation. So there’s no point in doing the meditation two, three, four, or five times because the energy will always be the same. You’ve started, everything is reset and you start from there. Remember: tomorrow is the great apex of the Portal, but we’re already at it, so there’s no difference. Let everyone know what will be done. Write it down so you don’t forget! Because these will be very important moments in each of your journeys, I guarantee it! This concludes the meditation! And as I said: anyone can repeat it, as long as they make the time shift. Well done! I’m going to give her some time to drink some water!
Well, now let’s talk! The serious moment has passed. So now I have some messages! Many people have received different news about the study of the letters of Christ. Heads and minds are full of question marks! “What’s going on?” And I answer: nothing. It’s just that the journey is over! I’ve already said it here and I’ll say it again: you’ve had time to study, mature, understand, live each teaching, and absorb it; once you’ve done all that, it’s over! What more do you want? So now is the final test, the time when you’ll understand what you’ve learned and what you haven’t learned. It’s as simple as that! So there’s no need to be surprised or to imagine a million things because your head is spinning. I’ll just tell you one thing: this cycle is coming to an end, and in this case (what you call) this year is coming to an end. And I have to say this: next year will be very different! Right now we’re only talking about the groups of Christ cards that will be blocked, so that you can focus, each one (not the group, each one) can focus on their learning. Well done! So, no more questions!
The other groups are still open, no problem! I’ll just say it again: next year will be very different! I’ll just say this: be ready! Let’s say that that gentle river, the float going smoothly, a little wave here, a little wave there, is over! Now there will be strong, intense rapids! Because it will be the definitive moment of either you clean everything up or nothing is done! So whoever has made it this far, I don’t think they’re going to abandon the boat, or rather, the buoy! You’ll still be holding on to the buoy, but moving forward! And that’s what I want! Strength, courage, and determination to get through everything that’s to come. And I repeat: a lot is going to change! You have to get used to it (or rather, I’m going to change the verb), you have to get used to having our guidance all the time. What we had to teach you, we taught you a long time ago, in many different ways. So it’s up to you now to apply everything you’ve learned. No, we won’t abandon you! The channels won’t end. The videos won’t end. But everything will be different. We’ll have different approaches. And as I said, the rapids will be intense! Anyone who can’t handle it will be stuck in the middle, so be ready! That’s the first message. So, to sum up: the city groups of the LACAM project, which study the letters of Christ, are closed! No one is coming in, no one is going out and no one is commenting on anything. You’ll be taking a vacation from each other because it’s time for everyone to study alone! Don’t insist on studying together, it’s everyone’s journey, you can’t always have a crutch by your side. Are you an adult or a child? I feel like I’m seeing a bunch of kids here who need mom and dad to do their homework. I don’t think so, do you? But (there’s always the but…) everyone makes their own choice! Every choice has a result! So make your choice, no problem!
Thinking about next year, which will be an intense year, I can’t explain here what will happen, or what won’t happen, you’ll live through it. Each thing in its own time. So thinking about next year, once again, I’ve clogged it up with things! Yes, because things come into my mind and it’s left over for her. So she’s doing her best to do what I’ve asked, but she’s not a machine. So, of course, she hasn’t managed to finish yet. But everything will be ready by Friday. And what have I planned? Well done! You will receive (Oh, it won’t be free and I’ll tell you about that in a moment!), so I’m going to change the verb too: it won’t be received. Those who buy will receive. So, come on! You’ll have (better) access to six sound mandalas. Hmm, that’s new! Never before! No, never before. And what will these mandalas be like? These mandalas are intended to prepare you for everything that is to come. Bring strength, protection, joy, Love, and everything you need to feel ready and courageous. And each mandala will be activated by a piece of music! How interesting! We’re changing things, my brothers! All the details of how it will be, how you should do it, will be written down. And you’ll be able to hang these mandalas around the house, use them whenever you want, whenever you feel the need! So, wait a bit. Attention: wait a bit. Because it’s still ending! Each mandala has a code of Light, and the codes that were passed on were not at all simple. But she will be able to finish by Friday. They will then be available for purchase on Friday.
So now I’m going to say to those who commented on the previous mandala, “Why don’t we do it for free?” Then I’ll answer: because I don’t want to! And why don’t I want to? Am I bad? Am I upset? No. Neither! I’ll tell you this: you’ve already learned how to have prosperity in N ways. It has already been said here, in many situations, that if you want something badly enough, the Universe will find a way to get it for you. So every time you say: “Why isn’t it free? Because I can’t buy it.” You lose! The Universe that was thinking of giving it to you no longer does! Why is that? Because you don’t know how to be grateful for other people’s work! This isn’t a joke where she sits here, makes something, and gives it away. From time to time we do this, but we do it because I’m the one who guides her. So, from time to time, we hand out mandalas, but not always.
Let me explain something to you that many people here still have doubts about. The energy of money is a two-way street, not a one-way street! Come on, what’s a circle? I asked her to make a circle. Well done! It begins and ends, that’s the energy of money. You exchange, in other words, you give something and you get something back from the other person. In the case of your partnership, you buy and receive the product, so the energy has circulated. Why did it circulate? Because you gave her the energy of the money and she gave you the product. Do you understand? If she comes here all the time and just donates, donates, donates, what will happen to her prosperity energy? It’s over! Because she only gives, she doesn’t exchange, she gives. Giving is good in certain situations, but not in these. So, yes, we can give from time to time. But not all the time! And don’t want things to happen this way, because everything is an exchange. Many here still have this limiting belief, “Oh, I don’t charge because it’s energy!” You didn’t do anything, did you? You didn’t spend your time there using the energy, did you? You’re already in the Fifth Dimension, you live with Light, you pay your bills with Light, and you eat Light, don’t you? Because that’s what I understand! If you only give, you get nothing back! So, only Light… you must be eating and living only with Light. Or living with someone else paying the bills. Is that good? I say no! So each of you has to learn to give and receive. And along the way, there’s the energy of money. You’re not in the time of bartering, that used to happen a long time ago. Today there is an energy that has to be exchanged between you, which is the energy of money. So, every time you exchange this energy, what does it do? It circulates! And as it circulates, prosperity comes! So don’t expect everything to be handed to you. Believe! Ask in faith! “Universe, I want to have this, but I can’t today. Can you help me?” Oops! The Universe will find a way! Now it’s not about wanting it, or commenting “Why isn’t it free?” It’s not, because it doesn’t have to be! Let that be very clear! So, I hope you’ve understood!
And to top it off, come on, I’m not so bad myself, am I? So, for those of you who can’t afford to buy, don’t know how to ask the Universe, or don’t want to do anything, that’s fine. You received 30 codes of Light for free. Not 1, not 2, not 3, 30! And you still complain that you don’t get anything for free? Interesting, very interesting! So, for those of you who don’t want to ask the Universe, who are always blaspheming that you can’t afford anything, take the 30 codes of Light and do one every day. Look at the code, one each day, and repeat it the following month, all over again. There’s your solution! You won’t be disadvantaged, let’s put it this way: “Once again I’m not going to make it. What will it be like?” So there’s your solution! Take the 30 codes and look at them once a day! Put them in front of you and look at them all the time, because the energy will come to you. Is that good? I think it is, right? Another interesting point is the value of each thing. You don’t know what it’s like to develop what she develops. It takes preparation, patience, and intelligence to know how to do it! And I’m here all the time: “Put the thing over there! Don’t take this one out! No, I don’t like this! Change the color!” Yes, because I’m here all the time, standing over her, making her do it. So, is it cheap? Is it simple? No, it’s not! So know how to be grateful for other people’s work! Know how to be grateful for what you receive, no matter how much it’s worth! Can’t afford it? The solution is already there. Keep the 30 codes of Light and you’ll be just as prepared. In different ways, of course. But you will have the protection of the 30 beings who are there. These are different objectives, totally different, but they are there for anyone who wants them.
So, my brothers, I would say to every one of you: be grateful for everything! Some of you have already listed all the gifts you’ve received over time! There have been many! So be grateful! Just be grateful! Think of the rest of the planet who have never earned or had access to anything you’ve had! And count all the nonsense you buy every day. How much would all those presents you got be worth? How much? Think about it! And stop complaining! Because this is no longer the attitude of someone who wants to go to the Fifth Dimension! It only slows you down, that’s all! So, I hope everything has been made very clear! And be patient! It’s not tomorrow, it’s Friday that you’ll be ready, for sale! Is that clear? I hope so!
This year is coming to an end! There will be no more meetings, me alone, this year! I will be together with Sananda soon (you will know when), when we will finalize all the activities of the channels this year. And remember that the following month you will both be on vacation! Do you understand? Both she and the other brother will be on vacation! No, nobody’s going away, and if they do, it’ll be great! But I mean a vacation from the channels. There will be no videos! And this time there won’t be any videos, not even repeats! You need to start getting used to what’s new next year, and this is the first of them! You have a lot of old stuff to read and study, there’s no shortage of material! So that’s it!
May each of you continue on your way! Live intensely every moment of every energy you receive! Don’t waste it! And I guarantee that at the end of the day, you’ll be ready, really ready, for the world outside to collapse and for you to shrug your shoulders and land on your feet! I guarantee it!