Archangel Michael – Help Meditation for the Ascension of Gaia 14 – 09 – 2023

Note :Read the content of the meditation and listen to the original meditation, because that’s where the energy of the Being of Light is.

So I invite everyone now to sit down comfortably and put their feet on the ground. The ground you’re standing on doesn’t have to be Gaia’s earthen floor. Breathe a few times deeply. At this moment  I am in front of you, Sananda is on your right and Mary is on your left.

Behind you is a large dragon with its wings spread out, covering your entire back rear. Now, at this moment, bring the image of the planet to your mind on this beautiful blue planet. See it spinning. Bring this image in front of you. Place the planet between your hands.

You will now touch the planet. Imagine the element of water. As you know the water elemental dragons present themselves and they circulate around the planet, bringing the equilibrium, the equilibrium of emotions, the equilibrium of reactions, the equilibrium of all processes.

See the little dragons circling the planet up and down, to one side and the other, cleaning what can be cleaned on the planet .Now the water elementals come and go The air elemental  dragons .

They make the same movement, flapping their wings vigorously, extinguishing all the foci of fire, turning over the places, expanding the energies, moving the energies and bringing balance to the wind and air. The elemental dragons of elemental dragons are now gone. The elemental dragons of the Earth are circling the planet, bringing equilibrium to the tectonic plates, bringing equilibrium to the depths of the planet .The interior levels of the planet.

At this moment, all the intraterrestrial brothers and sisters are helping with this equilibrium, emanating Love and Light into the interior of the planet.

Now the dragons of the Earth are leaving and the elemental dragons of fire are arriving and circulate the planet, transmuting, transforming the energies that need to be transmuted, reducing the load of negative energy to be stirred up.

The fire elemental dragons bring the energy that moves, that changes, that transforms.

And now they are leaving. The four elements will act on the planet, helping Gaia to become a little lighter and not have to be so strong to do what needs to be done. Now, from the center of your chest comes a great beam of pink Light that covers the whole planet, enveloping every brother and sister in Love and Light. Feel the energy of your brothers.

Emanate, emanate  much Love.  

Now this beam is beginning to diminish and Gaia is grateful to each of you for so much Love and so much help. Look at the planet now, between your hands. It shines. It shines so brightly that you no longer see the  blue.

This is how each of you does your part Donate your energy and help the planet and your brothers and sisters at this moment. We are one. We are all around you reinforcing everything that has been emanated and leaving you with all our energy and love.

Now we have moved away from the planet, it is no longer in your hands, but it is in your heart.

Remember that you are a piece of Gaia. Now it’s time for you to give back for everything she has given you, for your entire existence as a soul.

Be grateful. At this moment, we leave you once again with all our energy. And this dragon that has been placed on your back from now on will always be there. Each one has chosen one of you. It is the companion and the protector. Be grateful for this gift and know how to use it with love and respect.

Take another deep breath and open your eyes.

Translation by Virginia Leite

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