Archangel Michael Live 13-11-24


I understand many of you were disappointed with the mail I brought you yesterday from the flowers. So, I will ask each of you which is better. To be inside this great circle, no matter where. Or to be outside it, as the vast majority of the planet is? The certainty of being in the next phase, I understand, would be the most important. It doesn’t matter if you still have a long or short way to go. What matters is that you’re ready for the next phase, that’s what’s important! But the reaction of each of you is interesting. It is very interesting! Some of you are delighted because you’ve discovered that you’re already ahead. Others were extremely disappointed because they thought they were ahead, but they were in the biggest battalion.

So, that’s what I’m saying, my brothers, the important thing is that you’re ready for the next stage, no matter where you are. There’s still a long way to go for each of you. And many of you aren’t quite there, many of you are very close to the center, you just need a few small adjustments, let’s put it that way. Now, one thing I’d like to remind you: there’s no point in repeating the meditation two, three, four, five, six times to see if it changes. It won’t! Unless you change your attitudes, unless you change the way you think. Then I will be able to say that you are entitled to change. Otherwise, everything will remain as it is. So, I would say this to you: don’t worry about where you are on the journey. Rather, worry about staying inside, about being inside this great circle! That has to be the concern, not where you are. Your main concern must be to stay within this great circle so that you can continue to be ready for the next phase. 

My brothers and sisters, we’ve been talking about the changes for a long time. They are not happening now. They’ve been happening for a long time and you weren’t aware of everything that was already being set up for this new time. Don’t try to guess! Don’t point the finger at A or B! You’ll hear a lot, you’ll read a lot and a lot of it will be meaningless. Not everything you read or hear will be true. There will be many ways to modify the truth so that it brings more doubt than certainty to your mind. So be very careful! Now is the time to be very careful about what you hear or what you read, because each one wants to be more sensationalist than the other. Everyone wants to attract more and more people to their ideas. There’s never been that here! I’ve said a few things, a few times, but I couldn’t determine anything. Only I can tell you that, with each passing day, you are becoming more and more prepared. Each of you is going through your wave of transformation, this wave of change. You don’t realize it, it seems that everything is as it was before, nothing has changed, but I can assure you that everything has changed! And if you do an internal search, you’ll see that a lot has changed in you. Many beliefs and ways of thinking no longer populate your mind. You are more balanced in everything you say and do, and that’s very good! It’s wonderful, I might add! So, my brothers, there is nothing to worry about at the moment. Live in the present moment, don’t worry about the future. Worry about the here and now! The concern has to be staying in this circle! I’ll say it again and again, because this has to be your concern now, there is no other! Forget the world outside! Forget about what happens outside your door! Concentrate on your homes! Concentrate on your environment! “Oh, but I’m lonely at home”. No problem, be lonely in your home. But don’t choose to be lonely in the middle of the street! I would say that each of you, at this time, need to make your homes your fortresses, you need to use the weapons you have, and you need to use everything you have to protect your homes.  It doesn’t matter if others don’t believe you. Do what needs to be done and keep your homes secure, with the doors closed to what’s outside. 

I understand that often those who enter bring visitors. Not very pleasant or desirable visitors, because they are very low-vibration visitors. So how do we prevent these visitors from entering? They come in because they’ve been called! And called how? The vibration of the person who brought them! Everything is vibration, my brothers! If you vibrate high, your house, your fortress, will be full of angels, it will be full of Beings of Light. Now, if someone vibrates low, the house will also be full of unwanted friends. And how do you keep them out? Kick out the people who brought them in? Of course not! So, I would say to you that you will need to redouble your efforts to keep your house clean. Ask for our help to clean the house! Ask the angels for help! Ask anyone for help! We can seal your house. We can! But there must be a request, and we will seal your house. Nothing will enter that is different from the Light, nothing! Just ask us! Do you see how easy it is? Do you realize how simple it is? You still have a lot of trouble calling us, and asking us for something, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’re always at your disposal to do whatever you ask of us, as long as it’s a request from the Light, of course! But we will be able to shield your home. 

My brothers, my brothers! You have received many gifts over time, many gifts. There have been so many that you’ve even forgotten what you got. So, the time has come for you to take a look back at everything you’ve won and start using everything you can to keep your homes vibrant and clean. Ask the Dragons for help. They’ll love it, throwing flames of fire into your homes, driving out those who aren’t welcome. No! Don’t worry, nothing will burn. It’s a fire that doesn’t burn, it just expels negative energy. You don’t need to call any being, any Dragon by name. Just call on the Dragons and ask for their help. My brothers let’s stop being ceremonious (as you say) in our dealings with each other. We all consider ourselves your brothers. This is how we always address you: brothers and sisters. Sananda and Maria address you differently because you see them that way. But the rest of us call you brothers. And what does one brother do for the other? Whatever they can! So, learn to call us! Learn to ask for our help! Learn to ask us to help you find the best path! There are so many possibilities opening up right now, and that’s why humanity is lost because it doesn’t know which path to take. They don’t have the same awareness that you already have. So, it’s very complicated for them, and they get desperate and totally out of control. But not you! I would say that I don’t allow any of you to get out of control, because if you do, I would say that you have forgotten everything you have learned. You’ve forgotten that we exist. So you must remember us at all times when cleaning your homes when shielding your homes, when shielding yourselves from the whole. You are in the middle and the middle is extremely dangerous at the moment.

So you need reinforcements, weapons of Light to use against everything you meet along the way. Find your weapons, all the ones you’ve earned, and there are many! And remember each one, so that you know which one to use at each moment. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed. Not letting yourself be hit. Knowing how to defend yourself. This is the moment! You didn’t get so many weapons to put them in a drawer. They are meant to be used right now! A crucial moment in the journey, where the attacks are intensifying, where this whole little Light egregore is desperately trying to find a path that doesn’t exist. It won’t find a way! So the attempt is to find a way through you. So now is the time to defend yourself! Total defense! But, as I have said, the weapons are of Light and the way to use a weapon of Light is with Love, not hate, not revolt, not anger, not revenge. The defense must be done with Love! “Ah, my Archangel, but then it’s getting complicated because I won’t know how to defend myself with Love!” So I’m going to tell you to try to learn because if every time you defend yourself, you act with anger, with hatred, with revolt, you’ll be equating yourself with the very energy you’re fighting. And then, instead of fighting it, you will amplify it, and increase its forces. So, yes, you have to act, and defend yourself, but with Love! You won’t get anywhere with hatred or anger. Is this a time for defense? Yes, this is a time for defense! But defense with Love, emanating Love and Light because the weapon is Light. No one here has a weapon in their hands that is not of the Light! So yes, they can be used, but with Love, because if you try to use a weapon of Light without Love, it won’t work because it wasn’t created to be used with low feelings. It was created to be used with feelings within the Light. 

So, start doing the exercise: Whatever obstacles, difficulties, and annoyances appear in front of you, look at them with Love and destroy them with the weapon of Light! But it is Love that will be there, reigning supreme! There’s no point in me trying to teach you how to do it. You will have the intuition, in the moment, exactly how to behave, how to do it. That’s what I expect from you! You’ve done your homework very well. You’ve come this far. Well done! So, continue with the lessons, continue studying, continue learning the lessons so that you can continue your journey to the central point. Leave the questioning, the anger, the hatred, the revolt, to those who aren’t ready for anything. They will vibrate too much and will get caught up in this mass that is arriving, because there will be no time to cleanse themselves, to place themselves within this great circle, with a few exceptions. So, my brothers, everyone takes care of themselves! Do your part! Don’t wait for someone else to do it so you can copy it! You need to learn to have your attitudes because it’s your attitudes that will or won’t take you forward. So what’s the point of imitating your classmate? What if your classmate is wrong? You’ll be following the same path as him, where you should be following the path of your heart, which is surely the right one. 

So, my brothers, there’s no need to worry about which flower won or lost. Be grateful that you’re ready for the next phase! This is what you need to learn. Be ready for the next phase and stay ready for it. It’s not about changing your vibration now, halfway through. It’s staying in it. Or improving it so that you can make leaps towards the center.

Yes, my brothers, in a while, a short while, we’ll be here talking about other things: what you’ll need to do, how you’ll do it, what help you’ll have. It will be a very interesting time when everyone will have to contribute. There won’t just be those groups that are most excited about doing something. Everyone will have to take part. Everyone! And then we’ll know exactly what’s going on in everyone’s heart. The next phase, I would say, is decisive, because it will effectively separate the wheat from the chaff. So, which side do you choose to be on? I imagine the wheat since you’re already here. So, keep at it! Get your weapons, be ready, be protected, and let’s move on! Let’s move forward with a lot of Light, with a lot of Love, knowing that the new phase will come soon! Yes, my brothers, your curiosity kills you, doesn’t it? Everyone is full of ideas, full of thoughts: “What will it be? What will it be like? When will it be?” It’s no use! There’s no point in this incessant search for answers. Live in the present moment! It’s what’s important, the present moment! You will know what it will be like in the future. Always be ready, at any moment. The changes are accelerating, everything is accelerating! So just believe that the path you’re on today may no longer exist tomorrow because everything is changing! So don’t want to go back! The goal now is just to look forward towards the center of this great circle. 

And stop this nonsense of wanting to do the meditation 100 times to see where you are. That won’t get you anywhere! Those who have seen, have seen! Those who haven’t seen may see! But I assure you that you will hardly ever change places, with very few exceptions! Hardly ever! So, worry about staying where you are, not being taken away. That’s the big challenge. Stay ready! Protected! Shrouded in Light! Ask for our help at all times! Don’t feel ashamed. Don’t think you’re bothering us and don’t think you’re undeserving! If you weren’t worthy, I wouldn’t have been here 7 years ago, talking to you! So learn that everything for us has a purpose. And everything I have planned is coming to fruition! So, take care! Have your weapons of Light at hand at all times! And be ready to destroy everything that gets in the way, but with Love, with lots of Love!

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