I like this excitement, this desire for the next meeting to be tomorrow! But let’s take it easy, everything is in its own time! Of course, I already know where the next meeting will be and we’ll do everything we can to make it as good as the last one and the ones before it! The important thing, my brothers, is not just the meeting, the important thing is what we can get out of it! And you can be sure that a lot of energy was taken from this meeting and it did a lot of good for the planet Earth! Gaia needs a lot of love, a lot of light and there we managed to get everyone to emanate their light and help the planet! Well done!
Today I don’t want to do a scolding session, but unfortunately, my brothers, we have to talk! There’s no way around it, we have to talk! I’m going to say it again, I don’t even need to tell you when I’m going to say it again:
The things we present must be done from the heart, don’t do them for the sake of doing them! Don’t do it because someone else is doing it! You are not the other person! “Oh, but I don’t want to do it! Ah, but I’m going to do it because Archangel Michael told me to!” Did I? Did I say anything?
Did I say at any point: “You are obliged to do it”? Did I say that? Then let’s stop putting my name on the supposed understandings you have! I have never forced any of you to do anything! So I’ll say it again: do it if your heart asks you to! “Oh, I’m tired of so much! Oh, I’m tired of so many journeys! Oh, I’m tired of so much cleaning!” Good! Then don’t watch any more! Continue on your way! No one is forcing you! Now I’m going to tell you something: going to the Fifth Dimension is not as easy as you might think! It’s not something I’m going to put my finger on and half a dozen will be on the other side, no! We’ll do nothing, none of us! Learn that!
Understand that and believe it! We won’t take anyone!
It’s up to you, each of you, to take your stance, and your path to get there! Now, don’t put it the way you do, “that we make you do it”, “that we do this”, or “that we do that”! Let’s stop it!
Assume: “I don’t want to do it!” Good! Don’t do it and everything’s fine!
Now those who do… remember your school days, when you got a good grade, you’d go straight to the next year and those who got a lower grade would have to take an exam. So, I’d say this: those who are doing it will pass straight, now those who don’t want to do it, will have to take the exam! Can you understand that? But nobody has to study! If you don’t want to study, repeat the year! Isn’t that how it is in your world? “Oh, I don’t want to study anymore!” Okay! Either you leave school or you don’t finish the year, you do it again! It’s everyone’s choice! But don’t tell us that we do this, we do that, we force you to do this, we force you to do that, we don’t force you to do anything!
And then, I’m going to mention another point, which I’ve also mentioned here countless times: some people don’t like technology, they have an aversion to it, they think it’s all wrong, they think it’s absurd, they think a lot of things! But where are you living? On the Moon? On Mars? Where are you living? On this planet! And this planet has technology! And technology is available to everyone, there is no distinction. What exists is: “I want to learn”, “I want to be part of it”, or “I want to understand it”. Or no, “I don’t want to know anything”, “no, I don’t want to learn that”, or “No, I’d rather stay where I am”.
There are two poles, one that accepts evolving, accepts learning, accepts being on the inside, and doesn’t need to be an expert on the subject. However, they agree to learn to manage on their own, to not depend on their children, friends, husbands, or other people to do anything, because they like to learn, to be independent. Then I ask: is this wrong? No, it’s not wrong! Because you’re learning to be you, without depending on others! Without thinking that the other person must do everything for you! Because you’ve made a choice, you’ve chosen that you don’t want to learn, you’ve chosen that you don’t want to do, you’ve chosen that you’re going to shrug: “Whoever wants to do it for me!” So I’m going to tell you: you’re going to be left behind! No, I’m going to make one thing clear here: it’s not that whoever knows the most technology will go to the Fifth Dimension, it has nothing to do with either of them. I’m just saying that to accept learning, to seek understanding, is to evolve! Yes, it is to evolve!
When you evolve your minds, you take a step forward on your soul’s journey! It doesn’t matter if the Fifth Dimension is knocking on your door or not, you are evolving your souls, with learning, with knowledge. Now you sit, lie in a hammock, drink juice and all the time ask: “So-and-so does this for me? So-and-so buys this for me? So-and-so fills this in for me?” But you’re in the hammock drinking juice! And no, don’t give me that little story: “Oh, but I don’t know how to do it!” Let’s stop it! Let’s stop it! Because tomorrow, when you can’t ask the other person for help, what are you going to do? I’ve already said it here once: you’re going to go out screaming in the middle of the street, asking for help! Because you won’t have any means of communication for a long time. What are you going to do? Kill yourself? Destroy yourself? Because you won’t know what to do? Because there’s no one to ask? Or are you going to go knocking on your neighbors’ doors, asking them what they’re doing? You don’t seem to want to understand! And every time it’s the same! I say: “Don’t ask!” One minute, someone asks a question! It’s amazing! What is it? I keep wondering what life is like for you! Because if you deny everything, you don’t want to know, you don’t want to understand, you don’t want to learn, how do you live? Because the world is there, demanding more and more! Everything has technology! How do you live? I ask myself that question!
So, I would say to you, making Lanto’s words my own today, in a very perfect way: “Whoever is not ready, is not ready for anything!” Understand that! And it’s not because you don’t know the technology, it’s because you don’t want to learn! Not wanting to learn is generic, it’s not just technology! It’s not wanting to learn anything! It’s not wanting to get involved with anything! It’s wanting to ask for help with anything! Understand that! You’re complacent! You lie in a hammock and drink juice all the time because someone will make it for you! There’s more! Some get angry when others don’t help! Interesting, very interesting! So the other person is obliged to help you? Why is that? Is he your slave? Does he work for you? So he’s obliged to help you? No, no one is obliged to do anything! Find your answer
Understand, when I speak here, that this accommodation is bad for you in every way! Because you depend on each other for everything! “Oh, but I don’t know! I can’t do it!” Very well! Then assume that you don’t want to learn! “I can’t” is that old ego story about not admitting that you don’t want to! When you don’t want something, the first thing you say is: “Oh, I can’t!” Well, that’s it! “Oh, poor thing can’t do it!” Or doesn’t want to do it? I say: she doesn’t want to do it! Then she gives the famous ego excuse: “I can’t do it!” Well done! Keep walking like that! Now, I say and I’ll repeat what Lanto said today: “Don’t make the journey! Don’t do it, because you won’t get anything!”.
My brothers, you don’t understand when I say that everything has a purpose, everything has a reason! And this journey is ready for those who are on its level! Those who are not, don’t do it! Try to learn and then do it! “Ah, but what do I have to learn?” I don’t know! It’s up to everyone! There’s no way I can keep quiet! There’s no way I won’t come here and say all this! Because I talk, talk, talk and everything remains the same! It’s amazing! You don’t learn! Everything is written, everything is said, everything is recorded, but you don’t listen, you don’t read! Why is that? Because it’s easier to ask someone else! Ah, it’s so comfortable to lie in a hammock and drink juice! “Ah, so-and-so, explain it to me, how is it?” Isn’t that right?! That’s it! Because you don’t even want to take the trouble to listen, to read! No! You have to ask someone else! “There’s a lot of people over there, someone’s going to answer me!” And then I say to those who answer: you’re not helping these people at all, because while you’re helping, they’re still on the net, drinking juice! They can’t free themselves from this habit of depending on others!
So, I’ll close by saying this: this journey is a seemingly easy one, but it’s very powerful! It’s 24 hours of receiving a code of light! And you’ll be receiving these codes for how long? Oh, I’d say for a long time! It won’t just be the Ascended Masters, it will be many Beings who will come here, bringing light codes! You will be receiving these codes for more than a month! Now anyone who isn’t prepared won’t be able to take it, isn’t that how you say it? They won’t! Because the day will come when the body will scream: “I can’t take it anymore!” And you’ll have to leave! Now why will the body say it can’t take it anymore? Because you’re not ready for this journey! And don’t feel inferior for not being ready!
My brothers, each of you follows a different path! Each of you follows what we guide you in your way! Some enjoy it 100%, others go far, very far, and then when a deep journey comes, they can’t bear it because they haven’t gone through it properly as they should have. Learn to look at everything with your heart! Learn to know yourself! “No, I’m not ready for this!” And that’s okay! Continue on your way, you may be able to make the journey. But I guarantee that many will stop halfway because they’re not ready! They’re fooling themselves! It has been said!
Another interesting thing! You’re very curious about what’s going to happen, what’s not going to happen, when it’s going to happen, and how it’s going to happen. And then I ask you a question:
Why are you so curious?
I’m going to tell you something, when it happens most of you will say: “I didn’t want it to happen!” It seems to me that every one of you still thinks that angels will come down from heaven, take you by the arm, and take you straight to the Fifth Dimension. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Wow, it would be wonderful for us too, it would be less work! But unfortunately, it won’t be like that! You won’t have a lifeline to get you out of the eye of the hurricane. Many will be in the eye, many will be in the hurricane, in the symbolic sense of the word, don’t put things in my mouth!
So why do you want to know?
Look around you! Look at your planet! Stop looking at your navel! Don’t think that place A or place B is more important than the other, because it’s not! For us, the whole planet is equally important! Every city, every state, every country, every neighborhood is equally important to us! So we’re not worried about A or B, we’re looking at the whole planet!
So, while you’re looking at your navel, things are happening outside. So why the rush? Why the anxiety?
I assure you, my brothers, that the process will not be simple! They won’t be pretty! They won’t be joyful! Because change will require a lot of alteration, it will require your unconditional love.
Are you ready to love unconditionally?
Hum! I don’t see anyone here ready, not even the one who’s talking! She knows that! She still has a lot to learn, just like all of you! So why so anxious? Why willing to know what it’s going to be like or what it’s not going to be like? I’ve already told you: that each soul’s journey will take them where it has to!
You can be in a beautiful, peaceful, protected, safe place today and be led to a place where everything is falling apart! Why?
Because it’s part of your journey! Because it’s part of the lessons you have to learn, so why be anxious? Why willing to know? Everyone will be led to go through what they need to go through!
And why?
To cleanse the soul! So that the soul can be practically clean when it is close to going to the Fifth Dimension. That’s the purpose! So everyone here will have their little problems! Everyone here will not go unpunished to the Fifth Dimension! There’s a lot to be done, I’ll use the word “paid” to make it easier to understand, you still have a lot to pay! Don’t think you’re good and wonderful, because you’re not! There’s still a lot of dust to be swallowed along the way!
So why being anxious?
Everyone will receive their quota or quotas in due course! And everyone will be where they need to be, to get through whatever needs to be done! So why be anxious? Why want to know what it will be like?
What you need to know is that we are not standing still! We’re not in the hammock drinking juice! We’re working hard, tirelessly! Because we don’t have day and night, we don’t sleep! We are energies, pure light! We’re not human bodies, so we don’t sleep! We work tirelessly so that everything happens without affecting you so much! But things are happening! But you don’t want to see, you just want to look at your navel!
So, I’d say something to you, which I’ve already said here several times, for us… we look at the countries because you humans have defined them that way, and each country is governed by a person in charge. So, in these cases, we have to look at the countries because many heads will turn, and many heads will fall. Beings of light will place themselves as the new leaders of the countries, it doesn’t happen overnight! But within each country, we don’t see anything different from one to the next, they’re all the same! So the concern isn’t with this country or another, it’s with everyone! So stop trying to draw our attention to place A or place B, there’s no such thing for us! Everyone has the same importance!
You keep complaining about the places that are chosen for the meetings. Some think it’s absurd that your place has never been chosen! Then I ask you: how many votes have there been? How many? As far as I can remember, we’ve only had four places and why do you think yours is more important than someone else’s? I don’t see it that way! I’m being as democratic as possible! At the moment, the November venue has been changed, not by my will, but by the contingencies of the planet itself. So I need to understand that it can’t be where I chose. But stop this nonsense: “Oh, when is it going to be here? When is it going to be there?” It will be however it has to be!
I’m not looking at the place, I’m looking at the energy! Wherever the energy needs to be spread, understand that!
I’m not holding a map in my hands and choosing: “Oh, this one is pretty! Oh, this one is ugly! Oh no, this one I don’t want!” I don’t do that! I’m simply seeing where the energy needs to be spread!
Get it now?!
I don’t choose for this or that reason, I choose where it’s needed! So the place you want it to be may never be! Now you understand that there needs to be a study of the energy of the place, not as you are imagining!
So let’s stop being so picky! Let’s stop all this nonsense!
Now, my brothers, is the time to raise your thinking more and more! It’s time to raise your ideas, and your decisions more and more! Because if you stay elevated, the whole planet wins!
Don’t get into this nonsense that “Oh, I’m one, so there’s no point in me doing anything because I’m one!” You are all one! What you do reverberates around you! So if you do something good, you’re reverberating it around you. It may be that someone around you feels your energy and replicates it, why not? You don’t know! So let’s stop saying that “I’m worthless on my own!” Each one of you is a bomb of power, of being able to emanate light, of being able to emanate love to everyone around you!
So let’s stop wasting time wondering where, when, how, and why. Waste your time emanating light! Emanating love to the planet, to your brothers and sisters who are suffering! Stop talking nonsense! You talk a lot of nonsense, it’s amazing!
So let’s look at everyone’s journey! Try to elevate yourself! Try to become an evolved human being, an independent human being! But above all, a human being who knows how to connect with us, because this is another point that is pointless to talk about. Then comes that old phrase again:
“I can’t do it!” Interesting, very interesting! It’s the easiest phrase to say when you don’t want something!
So keep it up! It’s all right! Let everyone make their own decisions! But try to evolve in every way, in your habits, in your quirks.
From time to time I watch you and see so many manias you have, so many! Try to get rid of them! Try to get rid of your addictions! So instead of asking someone else for help, look at yourself and cure your addiction!
That’s important!
The Fifth Dimension has no addictions, so how are you getting there?
Think! Think hard about every word I’m saying!
Look at yourselves, what do you need to improve?
It’s not a mistake to admit that you’re wrong, to admit that you can improve, to admit that you need to improve – on the contrary, this is called awareness! The awareness of knowing the path that needs to be taken! To admit this, for some, is death, impossible! “Because I don’t make mistakes! I’m always right!” Ego down to the last hair! It’s all ego and nothing else! It’s a good path, that takes you further and further away from the Fifth Dimension, but it’s a path! That’s for sure!
So let’s stop being anxious!
Let’s stop asking silly questions!
Because everything will happen at the right time, at the time that’s best for you!
If you want sensationalism? Look on other channels, many talk dates, talk times, talk everything, I want to see them get it right! But they do! So look elsewhere! You won’t find it here! And I’m not going to be here explaining A, B, C, what I’m doing or not doing!
I’ll say it again: instead of worrying about the world, worry about your walks, turn your attention to them! Look at what’s in front of you! Look at what you are welcoming! Because today’s harvest is quick, you plant today and reap tomorrow! So look at what you’re harvesting! Change your perspective! Change the way you live! Change the way you face challenges! Only then will you find evolution!
It’s called evolution! So go for it!
And understand: there’s nothing more to teach you, now is the time for action! And that’s what we’re doing! If you’re not satisfied, look for other channels! Others say a lot of things every day! No problem! All you have to do here is work, work on yourself! Learning happened a long time ago! Those who have learned have learned! Those who haven’t learned, search! There’s plenty here, haven’t you found it? Look elsewhere! No problem! Now, here you’ll only have work, change, and evolution! Nothing different from that! Don’t wait for us to start explaining everything to you again, there’s nothing more to explain! Are you curious? Look elsewhere, you won’t find it here either! And why is that? I must answer why because this is not good for you!
I’ll say it again and I’ll say it a thousand times: this is a time for everyone to be concerned about their journey, not about what’s happening outside! Not what will happen! Look at your journey and get ready! That’s what each of you needs to do, to prepare, to be ready for the Fifth Dimension! Because at any moment something could happen! At any moment the wheat and the chaff could be separated! Which side would you be on? Of course, everyone here will answer that they would be on the side of the wheat. But I’m going to tell you that many here are going to be in the wheat because they’re fooling themselves, they think they’re ready.
And I say it again: nobody here is ready yet! So let’s lower our egos! Let’s put our ego aside and take on our journey! Look at it with love, dedication, and desire! And do what you can, if it doesn’t work out in the end, at least you tried! But I assure you, I’ve already said it and I’ll say it again:
Many will get there because they WANT to, not because they’re ready! The path to there is not that easy! But we won’t be so demanding with those who have given their blood to evolve! Unfortunately, some of them slip up, they struggle to get out of their seats, but they have an immense will, and that will be taken into account! We’re not being so demanding! Now we need to be willing! It takes involvement! You have to want to do the right thing! You can try and fall, try and fall, try and fall, one day you’ll try and stand up! But you tried, you never gave up! That’s what’s important!
So, my brothers, now is the time to look forward to the journey, to nothing else!
Let’s stop the nonsense!
Let’s stop making pointless comments! Let’s respect each other!
There are some here who have to say, “I need to talk!”
So you spread the word everywhere, and you put your doubts everywhere you can because you have to talk! The other person has to help, so you’re not satisfied when you can’t talk and you spread the word elsewhere. It gets in the way of those who are there studying, who are focused on a subject, and then someone who wants to talk comes along and posts something that has nothing to do with it.
Do you realize how you still haven’t learned to respect others?
You only think about yourselves! “I’m in doubt, so I’m going to shoot everywhere until someone answers me!” Interesting! Your point of view is very interesting!
Now, I’ll just say one thing: for every action, there’s always a reaction! So do you realize how much there is still to evolve? There’s still so much to learn.
So use your time to learn about yourself! To learn how to improve yourself! Forget about others! Forget the rest of the world! Look at your journey, it’s what’s important right now! Because whatever you have to go through, whether you know it or not, you’ll go through, there’s no way! So wait for the right moment! Everything will come to you, whether you run away or not, everything will come to you! So why worry? Look at your walks!
This is a very important moment for everyone to look at their journey!
Many still don’t understand why I did the camp, the summer camp. So I’m going to tell you this: I want joy! I don’t want pain! I don’t want to suffer! I want joy! I want to show you that your joy doesn’t affect those who suffer because if they feel that way, offended by your joy… oh! Then his journey is way behind schedule because he should have learned by now, that if he’s not happy at the moment, it’s part of his journey!
So, yes, I want joy! And there will be much more to come so that you can be children again.
I want pure hearts!
I want happy hearts!
“Ah, but the world outside is falling apart and you want joy?” I do! I want joy! Because those who are in the world that is collapsing are there because they are part of the journey! Can you understand that? I am not insensitive and we have done everything we can to help everyone on the PLANET who is struggling. We don’t abandon anyone! And when it’s time for that person to leave, there is a legion of angels waiting to treat them, to take them in. So we’re not what you think!
But I do want joy! Do I want this group to be happy? Yes!
Now, if you think what I’m doing is wrong, it’s simple: don’t take part! Stay out! Am I forcing you? No, I’m not! Then stay out! Because those who are enjoying the game will enjoy it even more! You have no idea what you’re doing! You will in the future! Just keep following the rules! And there will be much more to come!
So, to love unconditionally is to love yourself first! It doesn’t matter if the world outside falls, if you’re okay you’ll stand up! And this won’t be your mistake, it will be the fruit of your journey! Now those who fall, it will be the fruit of their journey!
Think about it!